


I mean, is it basically over at this point? I don't think a candidate has ever been this far behind and come back to win in 3 months time.

I guess at least there's still the debates. I feel like Hillary could basically dodge the debates entirely and still probably win.

>jew york

Yea, I'm braiding my pubes into a rope which I will then use to make a noose to hang myself right now desu lad.

>mfw i get to shitpost on Sup Forums triggering trumpcucks for years to come

It's over Prime

>New Zealand

>implying pol won't be deleted

>being gay

Fuck what you the bitch say?

Bush Sr and Reagan

The weak should fear the strong.

Nigga fuck you I get to be king of Sup Forums now

All Trump had to do after the convention was to focus attacks on Hillary alone and stay on his economic / trade / military message

god fuck

hug me

so what if he loses New York? That's already a solid blue state anyway. How is Hillary doing in Arkansas?

>newfags cant into quantitative interdimensional chess


>NY state will vote democrat

stop the fucking presses

1. He's already up 2 points from yesterday
2. OPs is for New York, which he had a

dude's a fucking retard tobehonestfamila

Hopefully Don avoids the debates. I can see him saying something like gas the kikes race war now at one of them. Honestly wouldn't surprise me at this point.

You mean to tell me the best that hillary can do in New York is muster up a pathetic 51%? That's it? With how much we've been told trump is Satan and Hitler you'd think she'd be doing like 70% for trumps supposed 30%.

>double the number of democraps compared to republicans in jew york
>only down by 17 points

>New York
That's a traditionally red state, isn't it CTR?

been following trump since november,i pretty much just tuned out of Sup Forums after the RNC

too depressing to watch him just fuck his shit up for no reason

even le dilbert man said it, all he had to do was not act like a retard and he'd win, just repeat the same things over and over and act cool, Jobs, focus on defeating terror, show clintons corruption.

but no he just had to fuck it up, attack the dead muzzie soldier that everyone wouldve forgotten about 3 days later,, jesus christ

he's obviously better than CLinton, I don't care how much retarded shit he says, but he's just ruining it for himself

it can be in play if trump plays his cards right

> attack the dead muzzie soldier
he did no such thing

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Wew. I'm amazed she only has 51% after all this shilling.

If he hadn't attacked khan he would be a cuck and he would lose mine and all of Sup Forumss support

>tfw you cant know who's who

clinton losing 5 points when including 3rd party candidates

>new york
No fucking shit dumbass
>using a Sup Forums picture
Fuck outta here

Theres (probably..) a valid argument for claiming, he would cause less damage / create less BS / get better ratings if he were a Sup Forums operated, majority vote wins robot.

Which, of itself, is a fairly fucking radical statement on the state of politics today. Sup Forums hivemind would (probably..) be a better POTUS than either of the candidates, The End cannot be far away.