Is isis the modern day nazi party ?

Is isis the modern day nazi party ?

Yeah, same ideals.
I see no reason why Sup Forums dislike Islam more than "hehehe le Mudslime xddd"

I think you might be on to something op

Isis will be to the future what vikings are to the present.



They litterally want to kill everyone.

Think about it.

lol fucking naziz

Maybe schlomo, maybe

Yes ISIS is also the good guys just like the Nazis were.

No ISIS are modern day privateers of the Elites


nobody said you were allowed past the wall hombre, get back over there.

His flag is in mexico you literal nigger

You're implying ISIS has style. If they had Hugo Boss as their designer, then I might be inclined to agree.

Most ME ethnicities are Caucasian too so they're even the darker end of the white spectrum, but they are white. They're basically slightly darker (if that even) Greeks or Italians.


I'm a Muslim and I don't support ISIS.

Because I'm not a shitskin from the middle east. If they kept to themselves I wouldn't give a shit.

Also don't go and start blaming a layman for the decisions made by the kike controlled US gov

That damb kebab is holding something worth more than his neighbhourhood. Where did he even find 8mm kurz

They have never raised a finger against Israel, so no.

Arabic culture is garbage, and pisslam is the most oppressive system ever devised.

lol Middle East is Asian

Who cares if some are technically white to a degree? This whole discussion about Muslims has never been about race no matter how many times the liberals try to push the "racism" slant.

The problem lies entirely in their culture and religion, it is destructive and hateful. Advanced societies cannot exist with Islam unless the fundamentalists are wiped out and the religion becomes entirely neutered.

No. That would literally be Erdogan and his cronies. There has been a considerable connection between ISIS and his government, however.