Sandy Hook

Why was the security feed released from columbine but not Sandy hook?

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Because Columbine actually happened.

What good would it do a bunch of elementary school aged kids got murdered sorry you don't get to fap to it you fucking loser.


Hello NCS.

Look up Port Arthur massacre. Same kinda shit, 20ish years earlier. If you cant be bothered to look it up i have some interdasting links.

Are you serious? I can't believe people still believe in this conspiracy bullshit.

One of my acquaintances has family in Newtown, some of their children knew the victims. People died. Get over it.

Proves it actually happened.

No, they didn't, kike.

Well they released the footage of a bunch of high schoolers being killed

Your jewish overlords probably did.

>Implying Israeli death squads didn't do Sandy Hook.

Fuck off shill.

There aren't any security cameras in elementary schools

Let me guess, either you live in newtown, or someone you know extremely well does?

This poster is lying. Call him an Uruguayan shill.

And heres number one! Every fucking thread. If you arent memeing, fucking kill yourself.


I can confirm this. Some of my relatives are from Connecticut, don't know why this is even being questioned.

Because truth doesnt fear investigation faggot.

>gay of light

holy shit youre a faggot

There it is, the 25 second memorized response.

>we refuse to show 1 dead child from sandyhook, you're sick for wanting to see that
>hey look at this dead syrian boy who washed up on shore

You fucking assholes. I was one of the kids who died that day and you're basically shitting all over my grave

Get a life conspiracy retards

Why does it matter anyway?
Do you think the government needs to sway the public to take guns away? They would just do it.
Sure, Connecticut gun laws got super tight but not nationally.
Ironically, AR 15 sales went through the roof in the weeks following.

sounds legit


As a sandy hook victim, I detest this thread.

>They would just do it

Even with 80+% of the US agreeing to ban guns, it would literally be the end of the US as we know it. Fuck it Trucks, knives, bats, gasoline, acetone and peroxide, you cant ban danger.

They learned that they couldnt reuse the same actors if they release the security tape.

Yeah I actually had an aunt living near there, and her kid had a couple friends at that school.
Of course it fucking happened you morons. You can't fake a fucking school shooting.


I bet you believe in global warming too. Faggot.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the shillin?

I'm not saying it would work lol.
I personally think if our military was told to disarm the public they'd be like "fuck that" and start a coup.
Civilians bearing arms is in the Constitution, something all military members are sworn to protect. It would be an unlawful order, which doesn't have to be followed even if by executive order.


What are your thoughts on this?

You see this fuckin shit?
Fuck these pricks.

I delivered Chinese food to some of the mourning families. You truly are a tormented soul if you won't allow these families to grieve and pursue their public speaking careers in peace.

The cafeteria footage was never officially released.

Someone on the inside ripped it to a VHS tape and anonymously mailed it to NBC.

Every single SH thread these cunts pop up.

I'll move on. I just hung around to let you all know that my final thoughts were, "Ban all guns!"

>kids got murdered
then how was the one girl actor in a photo with obama a month later?

There's not much to see on it anyway. Would have been better if one of the bombs had actually worked.

Because people actually died at Columbine, while Sandy Hoax was just a drill, or a staged event for propaganda purposes, to get the sheeple all exited and foment an anti-gun mood among the populace and get people to hate guns.

Bullshit post ID with proof of Connecticut residency

I wish they'd at least show pictures of the dead shooter, if it wasn't a hoax.
Let me take off my tinfoil hat for once, let my scalp breathe.

We have tortured souls, while the "families of the victims" are laughing their asses off??

Looks like Robby Parker is laughing his ass off all the way to the bank as the highest paid crisis actor until Mrs "LIEnonen"

you fucking losers I'm a Mormon in Connecticut and I went to some of the kids funerals. You trolls need to focus on regaining some of your credibility

probably the same reason they didn't show Osama's corpse; they "don't want to upset people" lulz

>Osama's corpse
Oh please

No. You don't need any proof. Just believe in government. What God--oops, I mean government, what government says becomes truth goyim.

The shilling is strong tonight.

Oddly enough they had a song with San Bernardino in the title.

Yeah OK Robby Parker, you can stop laughing now the cameras are off.

If Adam Lanza didn't exist why do I have a video of him playing Dance Dance Revolution?

>post ID's

OLD pasta

i dont get whats so wtf about those pictures that are circled plz help

>6 gorillion dollars have been deposited into your account

>some of my relatives are from Connecticut
>they were there
>they witnessed the event take place
>they knew adam lanza, know he did it

He had some sick skillz desu.

My wife's son died in Sandy Hook. You should be ashamed.

Seriously stop. My niece was shot by Lanza and we still have trouble getting over it. You're asking the US government to disrespect the memories of dead children. Do you realize how sick and twisted in the mind you are? You need to have some decency and stop trying to desecrate the memories of those sweet innocents.


Here's the interview with Katey Foley/Alex Israel and James Foley/Elliot Rodgers as they try to stop from laughing the whole interview with Katey False Flag Couric.

>How is your family trying to cope with the pain???

>Why are you laughing and smirking???

(She didn't actually ask that second question)

Perhaps you can shed some light as to why children were not taken to the near by hospital? By what authority did police or paramedics pronounce them dead at the scene?

>My wife's son died in Sandy Hook
>My niece was shot by Lanza and we still have trouble getting over it

lel. and that's how you control the narrative folks.

mmmmmmmmmm innocent sweets.


uck off

because it didn't happen....

"you fucking losers I'm a Mormon in Connecticut and I went to some of the kids funerals. You trolls need to focus on regaining some of your credibility"

in every fucking thread. one of these niggers sometimes more than one.

Sup Forums is really is really littletown CT

i will dump some info

> (I can confirm my own story)

10/10 b8, m8.

of course, this is about the same level of competence I would expect out of our half-nog bumblefuck president's false-flag ops.

it wasn't sandy hook

do you enjoy your job?
maybe i am talking to a bot im pretty sure i saw that exact line before

but would obama ever consider this to push his agenda? think about it. innocent little kids killed with guns in their safe little town.


cover up for elite pedos again more than likely

They are playing the meme idiot.

It did happen. Nobody here went to any of their funerals no shit, that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

The meme where you say you were there and it makes people mad is funny, one day people will say 9/11 never happened. I actually have argued kids on here over that.

Can't believe no one has posted pic related yet...


i rejected it at first too

I died in sandy hook I was a student there at the time. Please forget about this incident

here is the footage thing

There isn't any security footage to release anyway. The school's cameras were the type that did not record and store footage, and only broadcasted the entrance of the school to the office so they could identify visitors. There were no cameras in the classrooms.

The best "footage" you could hope for would be from a nearby third party perhaps capturing his car en route to the school.

i want off this wild ride.


Those are just similar looking people what the fuck are you talking about? Why would they need to fake some nut job killing kids? Nothing's come of it

I know us Four Chambers love the epic trolling and lolz but we should really know when to stop. Those children were brutally murdered and you want to use their photos for epic, gore threads which is disrespectful. Have some humility. Jeez. I hope those freaking tapes never get released so losers like you don't use them for your trollings.

they wanted to do a gun grab, fuck commies though
gun grab = civil war

you can shut down the shills by asking

show me any any evidence at all that it actually happened.

/r/ing footage or audio recording inside the library
If none exists then its no different than the sandy hook shootings
Theres no footage of Cho inside the classrooms either

>still not proof

Because the footage from columbine was "leaked " and it was a big deal. I'm an oldfag and I remember being obsessed with the case because it happened when I was like 12 and first became aware of school bullying.

I will totally believe conspiracies about WHY sandy hook happened, but so many things have been leaked or were never "officially" released but became common knowledge because of things like members of the military telling their wives and kids that the idea that the government could hire a few hundred people to be the parents, witnesses, etc and also people to be the past photos/videos of murdered kids without anyone coming forward or accidentally getting found at the local bowling alley 10 days after they were supposed to be dead or some other dumbass thing is laughable.

And the government has admitted to doing some really fucked up shit like MKUltra, Operation Midnight Cowboy, the Tuskegee experiment, Prism, accidentally on purpose firebombing civilian targets from Dresden to Kabul. If they think they need some people to be martyrs you had better believe they would not draw the line at murdering them.

Lanza meme is the funniest photoshop stereotype of what politicians think a white latchkey kid gone nuts looks like
It was a massive false flag fail
More people were concerned with the Red Sox score

Everyone wants Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
If you can name what movie I'm quoting without Googling the quote then props to you.


Bullshit. There was a video of a teacher kicking some four or five year old kid who was in a doorway, a few months ago


oof, this is tough, you're putting me in a real uncomfortable place here...

To be fair, no one died in the columbine FOOTAGE. People did die, but it was in the library, not the cafeteria. All you can see on the security footage is people running, the trenchcoat boyz wandering aimlessly, and some bombs going off.

Hint: the movie was made in 1995.

OK Just show us the crime scene photos of the mass carnage and bloodshed inside the building with the mangled corpses of the 22 child and adult victims.

Just show us that, then we'll know it was all true and we're idiots for every doubting you.