Defend this, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
hitler did nothing wrong
A candidate is not responsible for the actions of people who endorse them.
By that logic, every Dem from the 1920s and beyond should be hold responsible for the KKK
How did Jews takeover the 'Nazi party'.
>Defend this, Sup Forums
Obvious false flag. If he really thought Trump presents an opportunity for his movement he wouldn't have hurt Trump's chances by associating nazism with him, which is an obvious PR disaster.
He was paid off by the Clinton foundation.
Jesus Christ, this man is not suitable for the role of President. He is a fanatic and a racist pig, and belongs in jail.
(((American Nazi Party)))
Controlled opposition. If they were real they'd just shut up.
defend what ?
(((Jason Silverstein)))
Nice past there, bud.
Still voting Trump.
The Jews, especially Israeli Jews are in-bed with Trump. It's only a few outlying libshit kikes that hate him. Trump is so pro-Israel it hurts, and actually it really does hurt his rep on Sup Forums with all the Stormtards here.
Oy VEY!! I always knew Trump was a secret racist homophobe antiseemite member of the kkk nazi party!
What exactly is going on here?
What are we defending?
So Democrats payed an old guy to stand in front of some flags and zieg heil and talk about Trump. Hardly seems like news
Also, I should add that Israel is thinking about offering to build and/or run Trump's American border walls. They get lucrative business with the US and in turn we can treat Mexicans and Canacucks like Israel treats Palestinians.
Holy fuck! Are you stupid? This is Sup Forums you dumb fuck.
We have a chairman? Am I supposed to give him money or something
i didnt know america had an actual nazi party
We like Nazis.
it's been dead since August 25th 1967.
The KKK endorsed Trump this year.
I'm so confused at this point. Why is this all so retarded.
>Sup Forums wants to deny nazis love Trump despite being nazi sympathizers
>nazis in real life support Trump, and people immediately think it's a false flag
>both Sup Forums and nazi supporters support Trump despite his constant Israeli/Jew knob polishing and liberal positions
Why is everyone retarded?
pol dont deny that nazis love trump. they might deny its relevent though
because openly supporting trump when youre in the nazi party is so obviously stupid that people think they must be a false flag
They support trump because their world doesnt revolve around the jews believe it or not
trump created a boom for the alt-right, white nationalism, race realism etc. Whites are slowly beginning to play the identity politics games and a lot worry about the demographic changes. That's what he meant by trump might have created a movement. Not Trump and his policies.
the funny part is i dont even think trump meant to do that
thats funny because the american nazi party folded years ago
FPBP desu familia
But seriously, I wish this outrageously racist fucks would just shut the fuck up and let the Emperor win. They are hurting him just by existing, talking about him is just not fucking helping, I'd be fine with all of them doing their redneck circlejerk on the 10th of November or whatever
Which is funny because if anything, Trump is uprooting the "new right" movement just to have it divided and smashed irreparably. Sometimes it's hard not to believe he's not a manchurian candidate for Clinton when he's having such a destructive effect on the party.
If he loses in November, which he is on course to do, the right will not recover for a long time.
just autists role playing
>If he loses in November, which he is on course to do, the right will not recover for a long time.
im not so sure about that. we're living in strange times. We'll see.
>Defend this, Sup Forums.
I see you evading that type of shit when it comes to Hillary you penniless shill.
Is this like the KKK leader who "endorsed" Trump, the media asked Trump and he rejected his endorsement and then it turns out that the KKK guy never endorsed Trump ?
i mean the part where the right will not recover for a long time not the ''trump will lose'' part
>Sup Forums is one person.
It's not Sup Forums that is retarded. It probably you, for not lurking long enough. Either way, many of us, from all walks of life, whether they be lolbertards, democucks, republicucks, bible thumpers, some black Sup Forumslocks (yes they exist), heathens, Jews, and the list goes on, seem to be opposed to Hillary.
I have seen some of the most rediculous leftists, get jaded by this election, some are (including family and friends) are writing in Bernie, or even voting Stein.
The only people actually excited about Clinton, seems to be the media. And their shills. Hillary is so horrible she is bringing people normally so opposed to each-other together in mutual disgust. Also, these coincidences and leaks aren't doing Hillary any favors. Trump rallys are packed, and you can even see minorities attending.
Clinton has a hard time exceeding a thousand people at her rallies. Some think of Trump as that anti-establishment candidate, others think he is "real", others still think he is an orange orangutan-shaped wrench to be thrown into the machine, to gum it up for 4 years while the parties get their shit together.
>Implying any of these racist organizations are anything but FBI honeypots.
They're entirely populated by cops, Any non cop that joins gets arrested.
No they didn't. David Duke did but he hasn't been in the KKK since the 70s. Will Quigg is an actual Grand Dragon and has endorsed Hillary.
no need to defend it, he's voicing his opinion, personally i look forward to the resurgence of the ANP
hmm really makes u think
Suyhada is an informant, and a shill.
>It probably you
>Sup Forums isn't one person
No fucking shit. Why do retards always bring this up? It's not one person, but this board has definite trends. It isn't nearly as diverse as you seem to think it is.
>Trump rallys are packed, and you can even see minorities attending.
Romneys rallies were packed too. Good thing he won. Oh wait.
Rallies have never been a good indicator of voter strength.
Google is failing me but there are multiple news articles of the FBI and cops catching each other in stings/infiltration of fake racist groups.
It's the same thing they do where they talk to a cunt at a mosque and give them a fake bomb and it's somehow not entrapment.
no, it's pretty diverse here. it's strange that it is, i know i wouldn't be here if i weren't white, but there it is.
you wait until the threads where you mention them specifically and then they all come out. african thread will have africans posting in it. asian threads have asians bickering with each other. middle easterners post here all the time, often posting pictures of dead americans and trying to convince us to convert to islam to fight degeneracy. blacks regularly comment in threads that aren't overly racist towards them. they really come out in the Trump threads and sometimes the threads about chimp outs, and whatever cop vs black is currently up. we even get the crazy afro-centrists.
>Communist Party endorses Hillary
>Communists killed 140 million people in China and Russia
Defend this HillShills
if he wins a great schism of Jews will begin you can count on that.
Answer this first:
How many black supremacy groups supported Obama over McCain and Romney?
Daily reminder not all blacks are niggers
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