Hello darkness my old friend

Hello darkness my old friend.

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Having children is the most selfish thing you can do in the world.


unless you are non-white.

t. schlomo shekelstein

Children = unhappiness.

Sorry you had to find it out like this, but it's true.

I've come to sit with you again.

I don't think I'll ever have kids and it's really a terrible kind of feeling

Daily reminder that Whites will be a minority in the United States within 25~ years.

t. breeder scum

I would not have kids lol. I will never have kids. What's wrong with that?


lol, it's not like anyone wants to breed with a potmarked stormweenie anyway, not even the overweight potmarked feminzai fascists that are in their league.

to each his own, you can collect memes in your mom's basement and i'll perpetuate the White race

Only reason I don't like childfree is because of its liberal ties.

If you don't want children you don't have to brag about it. Get divorced.

So? Than you can have victim status and throw hissy-fits about "muh systematic oppression" on campus, and libs can't say boo because you would be protected by title 9.


I have 5 siblings, 16 aunts and uncles, at least 60 cousins and am the uncle of ten children just from my brothers and sisters, not counting my cousins (many have children). I'm a man of Indian descent.

I only date women of my race and would likewise only consider marrying an Indian woman if she was sure she would have many of my children. I'm very confused by why white people hate having children and black people love aborting theirs. At least the Mexicans try to use their babies as anchors.

>this was made in 2013 as a joke


at least i have peripheral vision, you chink fuck

Why are you having children to willfully throw into the meat grinder that is the collapse of civilization?

They're just going to suffer and die horribly like everyone else's children.


You don't understand, or maybe you do (ID) but whites will always be hunted down until there are no more, this is the agenda of the jew.

nobody will believe you. if people have found a way of explaining away the utter failures of the African continent, they'll find a way to blame american whites.

>I'm a man of Indian descent.
Post picture of toilet + timestamp if you want to continue posting.

Well at least you stay within your race but why the mindset of spiting out babies like there's no tomorrow? It only creates more problems and suffering. India might be something if it wasn't besieged with overpopulation and extreme poverty. Tell your people to use condoms m8, limit the kids to 2-3 per family.

I've come to talk with you again...


Because a vision softly creeping...

Left its seeds while I was sleeping...

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence...


>being in a dead-end relationship

if you don't have kids...what's the point? just be fuck buddies or friends. unless you can't have them for some reason you are being selfish as fuck.

Id behead all of them desu and let good 'ol Christians help

my children will grow up and blame all their problems on your generation. All of their suffering will be your fault.

>give birth to something that will spend a portion of its life in utter dread about how life is meaningless just so you can feel content
>not selfish