explain this conservashits
Explain this conservashits
Okay, so 80% of blacks are dumber than half of whites.
I agree with that.
>inb4 cuck thread
>They need their top 20% just to break even
And this is supposed to be telling you how smart they are?
This must have been made by a dumb nigger.
still have never contributed anything of worth to humanity
Can someone bring the iq bell clock chart so we can /thread
If whoever did this was being unironic, they should kill themselves for being retarded
this is actually offensive to blacks if anything
iq isn't finite though.
Not off those test anyways. The iq levels of lower iq groups especially black ones go up alot every few decades when new test are done,
Sup Forums however only post ones from like 60+ years ago.
Linking one study from 60 years ago is the equivalent of a leftist linking one pol of some ((((huffington post))) study to confirm their beliefs.
ITT: Retards who don't get the joke.
Its a bunch of black supremacist bullshit the internet tells you. Its not true.
I think we can tell that you are the first white.. or possibly one of the 80% of blacks...
The top 20% of whites are smarter than 100% of blacks.
SJWs will never tell you this.
So 50% of whites are smarter than all niggers?
Really makes you think.
Nice source.
Have a sage.
why do they have to word it like that
This might as well be a real occupydemocrats post
Why? Poe's law that's why.
so your more likely to find a smart white person in a crowd?
Source? What studies were done? Who sponsored it and who carried it out?
I have popcorn
Talking about race, and racial superiority. Unironically call someone a "racist" in a derogatory manner.
Anyone that calls someone else a racist should be executed on the spot. It immediately reveals them to a subversive, "sympathy for the devil" non-human.
Besides, the smartest blacks ARE conservative you faggot
thanks kek, sabed xdddd
They still underperform on the tests. The only niggers that perform better are half breds that got mixed with a white. A 100% black is a dumb nigger by genetics.
And I feel where this might go, you can say that the tests are designed for white people because they are made by white but then again, asians perform better on it than white.
Race has an influence on intelligence. and wow, in Europe we are in contact with fresh imported ones and are those stereotypes confirmed.
>ITT people don't get the joke
The math in this works out bad for the blacks. It means 50% of whites are smarter than 80% of blacks. If you were going to call them equal in intelligence you would say 50% of whites are as smart as 50% of blacks.
oh, and it's 12% of AMERICAN blacks that are smarter than half of Whites
not all niggers
1 in every 2 white people are smart, a black person is smarter than that 1 white person.
But, as the title suggested, they are only the 20% of blacks that are smarter than that 1 in 2 whites that one of the is smarter, and the black is even smarter than that white dude.
Still leaves out a lot of black people though, but does it suggest that 80% of them are of similar intelligence of that second white guy from the 1 of 2 or similar intelligence of that 1 in the 1 of 2?
That's true. But proportionally speaking, there are more full blacks than dull whites
>english speaking country
>your instead of you're
I guess we found the dumb white one
lol spread it
They are trying to present what seems like an impressive stat.
What it also says is
>80% of blacks are dumber than at least 50% of whites
>It takes the upper 1/5 of blacks to exceed the intelligence of the average (1 in 2) white
This sounds like exactly the kind of thing "racists" say all the time.
But I do love me some white and yellow words.
call the police
As dumb as the dumbest 50%
Occupy Democrats is Sup Forums created PSYOP meme
I can't even understand what he's trying to say here. 1 in 2? What does that even mean. I think that was supposed to say 1 or 2.
you guys are fucking retarded holy fuck kek
Straya please stob
So you're saying 50% of Whites are smarter than 4 in 5 Blacks.
We've had this thread before, and once again it proves Sup Forums is full of dummies
1 in 2 whites are smarter than 4 in 5 blacks.
50% of whites are smarter than 80% of blacks
I Love occupy democrats.
Spread this shit like you legs
Sup Forums does not understand maths
> for fuck's sake faggots
>almost all niggers are dumber than most whites
How I wish Occupy Democrats were behind this
The beauty of their embarrassment would fill my heart with glee
What about the other 90%?
Good job shit posting