What did they mean by this?

Will Bill be ok?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?safe=off&biw=1173&bih=797&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=jennifer aniston pregnant tabloid&oq=jennifer aniston pregnant tabloid&gs_l=img.3...3295.4865.0.4939.


She's eating to fill the gap left by actual voters leaving her

Jim Carrey, no... ;_;

>tfw saw this not even 5mins ago at my local store

i busted out laughing, i wanted to buy but the cashier had pink hair i didn't want to trigger that bitch.

> Be Bill Clinton
> Walk into bedroom with a pig
> "Look dear, this is the pig I fuck when you are away"
> Look at Hill
> I wasn't talking to you...

this is the national enquirer
are you an moron

Bill is kill

Those digits and my rag hit piece confirm it

>Drumpfkins are THIS desperate

289 lbs? holy fuck

are there any additional pics that confirm this?


What's it feel like to be so desperate for negative press on Miss Clinton that you have to resort to bottom-of-the-barrel yellow journalism? I hope after your jackass candidate is humiliated this November that all you pathetic beta males are thrown into the ocean.

Do people really buy these?
They're always obvious lies.


How do they get away with just making shit up like this?

Slick Willy is alway's ok

do you fucking idiots not know what the national enquirer is? did you even read the other headlines there?it's a joke rag. they chased bat boy stories for years for fucks sake. How sheltered are you that you don't even know what is a tabloid

apparently these idiots above think it's real



>i wanted to buy but the cashier had pink hair i didn't want to trigger that bitch
All the more reason to buy it senpai

According to these tabloids, Jennifer Aniston has been pregnant for 20 years straight and is still pregnant.

google.com/search?safe=off&biw=1173&bih=797&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=jennifer aniston pregnant tabloid&oq=jennifer aniston pregnant tabloid&gs_l=img.3...3295.4865.0.4939.

Bat boy was weekly world news.

That's some top-notch real-life shitposting.

Someone got paid a lot of money to make that.

>a leaf
>not a faggot
