So I've watched the first two episodes and I think my brains just switched halves. What does Sup Forums think about this?
Io Peepio
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it stinks
It's Neely trying to be Robot Chicken.
It's alright
It's really bad, and I'm a huge fan of just about everything Neely.
Mike is really starting to piss me off with his retarded decisions on canceling good shows replacing them with crap shows.
Fuck You Mike Lazzo!
It's like a sketch comedy show where they thought of the setups, but not quite the punchline. It's gotten a couple good chuckles but not really doin' it for me.
Nah looking at Brad's older stuff, a lot of his comedy doesn't really have punchlines. The jokes are more about pushing the absurdity HARD.
I legitimately like the musical bits.
I'll be honest. "I'm trying to climax" popped into my head the other day, for some reason.
Both of these.
It's incoherent little play on words or slightly funny situations that get completely blown out of proportion to the point of where it makes no sense.
Take this idea for example- say you thought it would be funny for a dog to drive a truck. OK, well you need to make a sketch around it. Instead of crafting the setup or delivery for this bit, you just decide the dog should rap "IM A DOG, AND IM DRIVING A MOTHER FUCKING TRUCK!"
The concepts COULD be funny if applied but there seems to be no effort put in.
Also I'm not a fan of the art. I liked the Neely sketches simpler style, but theres something about the faces, the simple shapes, and the way they move I'm just not fond of.
neely should just give up television
once you start working with other people, your material begins to suck.
his is youtube channel is a thousand times better
This sadly.
His stuff on back when that was a thing was leagues better.
The original, barely animated professor brothers and baby cakes videos had way lower production value but were 100% more amusing.
A lot of this comics on his website are funnier in a single panel than entire episodes of China IL.
Brad is a comic genius but he doesn't belong with Adult Swim, they're holding him back. Maybe not financially but creatively.
Just look at his web stuff, then the Adult swim stuff and you get the sense there's too many chefs in the kitchen.
Pic related, one of my favorite comics of his. Maybe that is the format he works best in somehow...
I agree completely. I think Mike Lazzo needs shows so bad he greenlit this travesty without factoring in its a literal shit show.
so sick of the 'randum tv funnies lol high 420 seven!' group these shows are trying to target. rick and morty already proved you can have raunchy humor and low budget animation without being a giant turd of a show.
stoner here, and not only do I not see any drug references being made, I also don't find this funny.
>be pothead
>get offended when someone makes fun of weed
I'm just saying give credit where credit is due. You say it's "dude weed lmao" but at what point is it about drugs or referencing them?
im not the same guy lol
I really tried to give this show a chance because I love Neely's work, even in China Il.
This show sucks though. It rarely gets a laugh out of me and it feels so forced.
I dig the shit out of the theme song though.