Why don't they just go back to Africa?

Why don't they just go back to Africa?

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Why don't you go back to europe?

>why is OP always, always a fag...

because africans hate black americans and would probably start killing them.

instead they should move to egypt and the middleeast, after all they WAZ KANGZ N SHEEIITT

That's what Liberia is for.

Are you seriously implying white Americans wouldn't move back to Europe? The only reason I wouldn't is the political climate is restrictive regarding speech and firearm ownership. The areas that are lax in those regards are generally Slavic, and I have no Slav blood.

Elijah Muhammad promised them the entire world, that's why.

You wouldn't move back to europe because probably, like most of us, you only have a remote connection to europe. You don't speak the languages (save for one island), you lack the training/certification to work in many of their industries, you have no friends there, no capitol, no attachments. You live in America because you want to.
Same reason americans of african descent don't want to go back to africa.

>also, most of africa is a shithole, even compared to slavistan in europe.

same reason they wuz kangs and don't actually care about the 800 million SSA Africans.

Yes I would you retarded nigger, anything to be with only whites.

America is a country founded by whites, for whites. Before white men united it it was nothing but land barely utilized by warring tribes of the savage natives, whites realised the true potential of the land and united it and as a result it is now theirs.
Why the fuck should whites leave what they built? So the USA can become zimbabwe 2? or South Africa 2?

Whites belong in the USA and it only stands as long as they hold it upon their shoulders, it's the blacks who are such a burden on the rest of the country through their crime and welfare recipient rates per capita who overwhelmingly complain about the state of the system they live in despite it being better than any non white country on earth.

If blacks don't like civilization so much they can fuck off back to the jungles they didn't let us civilize and chuck spears at each other till the chinks enslave them.

Blacks were slaves until 1865, the USA is a white country.

>because africans hate black americans and would probably start killing them.
Where do you get this bullshit from?
South Africa has blacks from all over Africa.

>remote connection to Europe
>my entire family history pre1800s
>implying I don't have a degree
>implying I'm a detached millennial with no culture apart from the American, (((Hollywood))) garbage that people swallow.
Get another tattoo, drink another beer or energy drink, watch another soulless television show, play another video game, and tell me how great it is to be an American "detached from Europe and your European heritage"

We can pay all the negroes and mexicans to leave America, anyone opposing this is a Jew.

>pre-1800 history from europe
>that's what a remote association is
>just because you have a degree doesn't mean your training and certifications are valid in europe
>you could be a fucking brain surgeon, you'll have to pass a new set of boards to practice medicine, etc.
No friends, no social infrastructure. There are reasons a lot of nice white people don't run away to europe.

and how do you propose we do it? they won't leave unless we have some grand scheme to convince them to leave.

None of that applies to Africa though, they would love to have a black engineer or doctor from America

Not going anywhere enjoy.

>give them money
>they take it
>they leave

>build settlement in africa
>settle with blacks

The racial purification of America does not have to go against anyone's financial interest, what you earn now you shall earn after resettlement.

>illegally invade africa
>kill millions of natives in congo, namibia etc and enslave them in rubber factories
>keep them under racist apartheid for decades, treat them badly and remove them from their native lands and force grpups that would otherwise never interact and get together in a small confines space
>africans get freedom
>usa does everything in its power to distrupt any progress by imposing crippling sanctions on these countries and helping overthrow democratically elected nations and replacing them with western backed dictators that kill their own people and hide money in westers countries

2016 user says
>why is africa so messed gius xdxd

Actually desu, many countries in Africa have a strong command of English, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe to name a few. Not to mention an American education looks excellent on any sort of African resume, and the developing economies strongly desire anyone with any sort of formal education.
Coupled with the "right of return" laws seen in Ghana, it would make it pretty damned appealing I think to most business minded folks.
I plan on working there after I finish my degree in Linguistics, and I'm White as fuck.

didn't work out for the dutch or the germans.

they'll need more convincing, sure free money is cool, but they'll want free housing, free chicken, 40s and menthol cigarettes too.

niggers are expensive and difficult.

Also, I've claimed dual citizenship with Italy due to my heritage, and I can get by in the language. Seriously, it's not so much the difficulty of things, it's actually getting off your lazy ass and doing them.

>we build them houses
>establish the systems
>give it to them for free
>obtain racial purification
>obtain happy allies elsewhere

they'll need more convincing, sure free money is cool, but they'll want free housing, free chicken, 40s and menthol cigarettes too.

Done and done.

Actually, Naimbia didn't go fucking postal on their Whites after apartheid, and we're seeing a number of white "refugees" fleeing SA for there. It's actually got the highest percentage of Whites in Africa behind SA. It's pretty dope desu.

It's genius, the only reason it hasn't been implemented was due to Jew subversion polarizing that you must hate blacks to have racial purity, when this is not the case.

Well nigs are gonna nig. No one is more entitled than a Black African. Only group worse are their yiddish and liberal enablers.

But it's not a white land. Countries come and go, but the land never will. Now fuck off back to Europe.

And how do you think they lived before contact with europeans?

You won't answer, because it will invalidate your political views.

Land has no name on it, only the government and people who live there.

That means you have a remote connection to Europe dumbass.

its full nigger

they know they need to sponge off of white people

>Doesn't believe in continents/regions.


they lived as hunter gatheres user. they lived in small groups as hunter gatherers. there you go.

Black homeowners decreased between 2005 and 2012 from 46% to 42.5%
58% of Blacks do not own homes, we would have to construct 29 million houses for the Blacks to practically obtain resettlement completely for a large section of Blacks.

This will never occur because the Jews wants us all to be miserable rather than whites existing and us helping the Blacks while obtaining what we want, a European state.

And they all fucking hate each other.

To the point where black migrants are murdered by gangs of local blacks.

Marcus Garvey spent his life trying to establish the social structure for an exodus back to Africa. It would take a lot of initiative, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible.

>believes continents/regions are entities and not cartographic constructions

Because we were doing fine here in America until niggers

>America Founded by whites
TOP fucking kek it was discovered by a non-white (Columbus) and founded by non-whites (Some founding fathers were part Italian and Hamilton was part EAST INDIE)

>he fell for the Jewish subversion

Not sure how you inferred that. But whites and blacks will continue to live together in America no matter how much you whine.

Blood and ancestry isn't remote.

Spaniards are white you leaflet.

>this arbitrary plot of land has an identity because geographers created it for managements of territories


nigger u posted an fucking anime pic and you're calling someone out for jewish submission dude just kill yourself

>do you want racial purity?
simple, if yes then the easiest route is to find ways to resettle them.

That's a remote connection. It's the lowest common denominator. You've never lived there, you have no immediate family there and no connection outside of your ancestors literally hundreds of years ago.

what about timbuktu?

So to resettle the blacks we would have to build 50 million houses, we have a lot of building to do to achieve racial purity.

LOL no he was ethnically Italian.

>resettle them
tell me how well that went for the native americans in canada you retard
or for a better example the whites in south africa

fuck niggers


Hi Chaim, your racial hatred and anti-black interest will not achieve racial purity nor is it in the interest of European nationalists.

no we kill them

You're discussing the very foundation and origins of who we are, from the government we participate in (Magna Carta) to our culture, our language, our daily habits, our habits and morals, our philosophy, our faith and our family structure. And by our I mean mine because clearly you aren't white.


and those money grubbing big nosed curly haired smelly shit heads too

The Jew will attempt to subvert the easiest way to avoid conflict and tell you that the only path is the impossible and wrong one.

Still white
That culture is American, a derivative of Europe. They are not the same. You are not the same as an actual European. I know this is hard to understand so call me a nigger or blame a jew.


Africa doesn't have enuf gibsmedat.

>You are not the same as an actual European.
culture changes between Europeans and between European provinces, European Americans are as European as a Frisian is to a Saxon.

We will still give gibsmedats and will subsidize the living.

i had enough of ur gay fucking posts kid i hope u die and never come back to this board. u fucking kike, you'll get gassed faster than a nigger can get shot by a cop

Retarded Jew.

Because I like it here. Blacks apparently don't like it here, and blame the whites for why they don't like it. Why don't they move to Africa?

listen dude i don't give a fuck but the fact you have nearly 26 replies on this fucking thread shows me that i feel a bit better knowing someone has less of a life than i do

African Americans look like mulattos

'Blacks' doesn't feel accurate

I doubt American blacks experience full kinship when they interact with Nigerians, deep down they must feel a bit European

You know what? I'm all out of beer. Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to the corner store to buy a couple 40's or maybe several tallboys. Have fun being lame. I'm going to go get my drink on.

>Why don't you go back to europe?

I'm pretty happy here in my country and I assume most white Americans are as well. I assume OP is referring to black people who've developed a victim complex believing America owes them something or that America is horrid, oppressive, etc and lament their ancestors being brought over as slaves.

OP is suggesting that if they are discontent with their families' forces importation in the past, and discontent with how they perceive their current position to be in the New World, then they are free to return to their place of origin which they celebrate so dearly and make it the nation they'd like America to be, much like European Americans came over to North America to make it the nation they wanted England and other European nations to be.

Your opinion doesn't matter, you don't define how others live or act.
And you probably are a nigger or a kike. Only a kike would want whites in America to consume the garbage, soulless consumer culture which strip people of their identity here, and a nigger would be happy to supply it for kike money.
I feel bad for the Asians tricked into moving here for wealth, their children will lose their defining, important traits and ancestry, divorced from their identity and culture. America was a European nation but since the 50s has become a flavorless trap, much like the defining suburbs.
The wars in Europe triggered the de-Garmanification of America, and the garbage kike pop culture spewing from Hollywood has warped and eroded at the vestiges of European identity.

Which is why Americans are not Europeans.

Which is why true American Culture is European.

Europeans built America, it's technically a European nation all things considered.

Africa is still struggling to form coherent nations.

>Steven Universe fangirl

All answers come to those who wait lol

Calm down there, don't chimpout on me because you're not a true European. Just realize you will never be accepted because you were raised in American culture and have nothing in common with the current Europeans.

>nothing in common with the current Europeans.
The only thing in common that matters, same race.

I guess no nigger is a true African by that definition either. Nor is any jew a true Israeli.

Nigger calling the kettle black

Reread your own post. Cultures and customs are different. Americans are not Europeans.

Because they didn't choose to leave it.

Yeah they are

Americans are European genetically and have slightly altered culture as culture alters between any European countries provinces.

Unless you're 100% English/British/Irish that's wrong again. You're technically a mongrel in terms of nationality.

Why does that make them unable to go back?

And now they can choose to return, I'm fine with executing every slave owner, people who bring other races to a land regardless of economic or political reason deserve death.

According to this nig a white American isn't European due to geography, but a black man with French citizenship is a European.

Why don't you go back to Europe?

No shit dickhead we have European ancestry and roots though. Suggesting otherwise is saying the British, French, and Germans never colonized North America.

>being this retarded
White Americans are 100% European.

Blacks were taken against their will to this land and were also involved in Americas creation. Why should they fuck off.

In everything other than individual and provincial customs, which could be adopted, White Americans are identical to Europeans.

So the culture is different. That's a great way of saying not European.