12 oz Mouse

Wow. I've never seen anything like this before. It was so good. Masterpiece level maybe. Too bad it fell into obscurity. I thought it was really something special.

I remember liking it but I don't really remember much about it.

didn't someone make an edit where the episodes played in an order that supposedly made sense and told a somewhat cohesive story? i know that there have been a lot of discussions about the possible underlying story but i still think it;s just a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense on purpose. i still like it, but i doubt it all fits together like that.

racecar spell backwards is still racecar.

that would be godsent if that was true.
Sad that we'll never see this on cable again.

12 of Mouse is a show that started off as a bunch of wacky antics of violence and anarchy to fill up 11 minutes. Then what happened is what I assume to be the creators seeing an opportunity to create a wannabe avante garde series filled with a deep and confusing narrative and characters with mysterious motivations. The art style is meant to throw you off, but to anyone that stuck around saw the potential underneath the absurdity.

It fucking stings that this just ok show costs close to hundred dollars just to get the dvd.

If you watch it while you're almost asleep, in the "alpha state," the plot makes sense.

But you have to be really really relaxed.
I swear I did it once and the plot made perfect sense to me but I've since forgotten it.

Wait, seriously!? I have the DVD and I'm broke as shit!

I loved it when I was 13. Saw it many years later and I loved it because I was 13

I mainly remember being very very confused as to why the chinchilla was photorealistic compared to the squiggly drawn everything else

i still love the dialogue and some of the bits i still quote till this day, not a big fan of how the show actually tried to have a plot as the episodes went on, i think they should had stick to the surreal humor of the first couple of episodes more, but i can understand that turning off people, that's why both ATHF and Squidbillies have a base background in which the character could interact but at times 12ozmouse felt it didn't even had that.

is not as complex as people make it sound, it was basically just Fitz realizing the world around him is fake and that he was forced into it by the cube and the shark for reason never explained, to be honest that part of the show always felt weak to me, the awkwardness of the dialogue and the surreal miniplots of the rest of the cast is what made the show worth watching to me.

Seriously though, this show was a fucking legend.

I base how valid someones opinion on animation is based on their opinion of Ozmo.

Well, that part was rushed because the network pulled the plug on the show unexpectedly. The creator has said that wasn't how he wanted it to end, but he didn't have time to take it where he ultimately wanted to.

I really wish 12 Oz got greenlit for a third season.

>listening to sleepycast
>discussing shitty cartoons
>everyone starts shitting on 12 oz mouse

How could those guys of all people hate 12 oz mouse?

rip that shit and upload it.

turns out that they all actually have shit taste. fucking artists, I'll never understand them.

Shark and Rhoda were the best part of OZMO. the opening was also cool as fuck


>12 of Mouse is a show that started off as a bunch of wacky antics of violence and anarchy to fill up 11 minutes.

No, it started off as a dare to see if [as] could make an animated show as cheap as fucking possible. I'd wager that the entire cost of making Ozmo, beginning to end, was less than a million bucks.


thats the magic of the show, lol

I honestly thought I was the only one that liked it.

this show is easily one of my top 5 adult swim shows

12 OZ mouse is basically stoner humor: the cartoon. Only low-lifes would enjoy that kind of humor.


I'll give you a (You) because I'm feeling nice.

I believe it's one of the smartest animated shows ever. If it went on a list it'd be pretty high up.