New KC Green Comic
boy, this is poopy
Kinda ruins the joke.
I think it would've been funnier if he had just changed it to an Elephant or whatever the Republican mascot is. It's pretty damn fitting to be honest.
Is this just a big Harambe gag?
That wouldn't explain why he was mourning.
but he just kickstarted a plush of an "everything is fine" dog
No, changed the original comic.
Rip harambe.
They should have shot the kid. Now I have to live without my ape.
Funny considering he used to hate people wanting to milk that comic's popularity.
If I was him, I'd probably get sick of everyone else making money off my work and try to head them off with my own official merch
>they shot an ape.
I really hate having some stupid meme politics thrown into my media.
You're in luck, they did that too
Some sjw's paid him to make a republican themed remake. Now he feels validated by it.
>why black women are learning to love curly hair again - my story of being a mixed-race child told to straighten my hair
>The case for reparations
>Did you know Trump is dumb? Let me tell you all about it (again)
>Glass ceiling starting to finally crack!
>American politics sure are stupid
>Millenials like Sanders
>Hello sir or madam, would you like to hear about Donald Trump today?
>Scott Adams is a bad man
>no trump no no ahh please not him not trump
Is this really where KC has settled at after all these years? This is pretty fucking sad, even for him.
>They shot a gorilla for godsake
Isn't he a bit too late for that?
Also as tragic as his pointless death is, it was necessary. The fucking thing was dragging the kid by his legs and he was practically drowning him in a shallow puddle. The kids parents are idiots for not paying attention to the little bastard but at that point there wasn't any other options since tranquilizers would take time to put the beast to sleep and if he would most likely agitated which would've led him to hurt the child even more
Wish this didn't exist.
At least Back is kind of neat
These his blogs posts?
Funny thing is most of us republicans are happy about the party burning to the ground. It's had no focus or platform for so long, now we're shaking off the dust of social conservatism and rebuilding around nationalistic ideals.
I guarantee you this is him getting pissy about it being used increasingly as a reaction image and especially after it was used by some Republican twitter account in regards to the DNC email leaks (I think it was) where he got so mad that he drew an anti-Republican version of it at the request of some website.
There's really no reason to go back to it otherwise and Green is enough of crybaby depressed idiot to do it.
wow why ruin your own joke?
Can someone make the last two panels into a reaction pic?
John Campbell losing his mind and becoming a drug-addicted tranny living with other drug-addicted trannies seems to have broken KC.
Wait, are you talking about an actual gorilla exhibit at the zoo? I though everyone was talking about racial police brutality or some shit
Someone with twatter should do it but make pro-Republican/anti-Hillary posts using it and tweet it at him just to watch him lose his mind.
Here's a shitty snipping tool attempt.
No man I'm with you, death to the two party system, it's fucking stupid.
>snipping tool
why is it so hard for people to just download a free photoshop program like
Eh, close enough.
>yfw Ted Cruz is the hero we deserve for spreading fuel onto the fire
Laziness and ineptitude is my excuse.
Mock all you want, but we live in an age when Republicans sit around saying shit like "I don't know about this Pence guy, he's made some anti-gay statements in the past."
It's a fucking beautiful time to be alive.
It's like Captain Hydra all over again.
I think the most pathetic aspect of new right wing basement dwellers is their desperate cling to religion, just because. I love seeing these unexperienced acne riddled faggots criticizing someone for being an atheist, acting like lack of faith or religions is just an edgy tryhard response and not actually the only logical decision a smart human being can get to.
Jokes on you, I worship Matt Drudge!
is this website just a circle jerk of people who are on the right side of history?
From you, I want a link.
From you, I also want links.
Yes. Just leave before you die.
just in case, i meant the website linked in the OP. i know all of us are on the wrong side of history.
rip based harambe
Oh. I don't know.
It's just a twitter post, you've seen the full extent of it.
Should have been something like
>still sitting in fire ignoring it
>something minor is indirectly affected by fire
>finally decides to take care of the situation
>things only gets worse, i.e.-adding fuel to the fire, either metaphorically or literally
Nah I think i'm gonna keep not giving a shit and feeling great because my life is rockin'
You don't need to spoiler this. Human>zoo animal
Someone hire this man
Ok? Then why did you come into this thread "badass"
I suppose it's more to do with a lack of accreditation for the strip, much like how he has pretty much given up on trying to police unlicensed Dickbutt merchandise.
I remember looking forward to his updates years ago, those were fun times. Why does everything have to go to shit?
>and yet another thread in honor of the massive tool known as KC green.
I really find amusing the boner Sup Forums has for that "hey look at me, I'm depressed or something" excuse of an artist.
If I had to guess, the obvious reason that this strip exists is because of how surreal this year has been.
I mean, we shot a gorilla.
Fuck KC Green.
Dude doesn't even know how to make a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comic.
KC Green cares more about the safety of apes than POC children confirmed. Wow watta racist
I'm torn because I really want to buy This is Fine plush, but as a Republican, anti-SJW, Gamergating Cartoon Brew reader who's voting for Trump, I think KC Green might genuinely hate me, so giving money to him wouldn't feel right.
>Cartoon Brew reader
what's wrong with Cartoon Brew?
People are often against money until they get some
Is this you?
>that image
>"I'm going to compare my comic to the state of the Republican party! Remember, it's just a joke!"
I might be strawmanning him a little, but KC sounds like a huge fucking hypocrite. Why do the funniest people always turn out to be so horrible? I swear, Robin Williams is the only exception.
I miss liking KC Green.
There's a reason he killed himself and I'd imagine it's highly related to the phenomena you described.
He tweeted "fuck you Cartoon Brew" at their official Twitter account when they told Emily Partridge that instead of talking about sexual assault on Twitter, she should talk to the authorities.
Sure, except I don't think of myself as a racist. I come from a mixed-race family. I feel like the meaning of the world "racist" has become diluted. It used to mean believing 1. that there are significant biological distinctions between races and 2. that certain races are superior to others. I believe neither of those things, but I keep being accused of being a racist, so who knows?
Where does he talk about this shit?
Of course he’d hate you, it’s pretty clear KC's now deciding to milk This Is Fine after he wasn’t credited by that GOP twitter.
Oh this guy was on Pan's podcast.
Wait, are you trying to do a stealth Pan thread?
eh, it's ok.
I simply find it sad that an artist has to throw a huge shit storm due to someone or a party using his work. Issue a blank statement that your views and/or opinions are not the same as the person or group who used your work and then move on.
Not that user, but another who will be voting for Trump this election.
I've been a democrat since I could legally vote. I'm pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and I almost always side with the Democrat viewpoint on issues except immigration.
Trump is being loud, brash, and more conservative than any Republican has in a long while. If it wasn't for Hillary being the opposition, I wouldn't vote for Trump. However, Hillary scares me. Her background in law and politics makes me view her as a cliche villain from a bad movie.
In addition to that, the older I get, the more this SJW and BLM movements irritates me. I've been called racist, had my friends called "uncle toms" for having good jobs, and had my girlfriend get yelled "race traitor" by strangers in public since she's black and I'm white.
People are making a lot of bullshit drama over stuff where everyone needs to look at reality for how it really is. Not for this safespace BS that my girlfriend sees every day while she goes to college to work (administrative agent in HR).
>my girlfriend
almost had me there, Sup Forumsmrade
What a twist.
He should just make some money when he can.
>Of course he’d hate you
>it’s pretty clear KC's now deciding to milk This Is Fine after he wasn’t credited by that GOP twitter.
I'm confused. Are those two things supposed to be connected?
I still don't understand this sentiment, from either party. To champion either candidate's public personas while blatantly ignoring their shadier aspects is lunacy of the highest order. There's no lesser of two evils here. Just chaotic evil, and lawful evil.
If you really feel that strongly, don't vote at all. You'd be throwing your vote away in any scenario, and you'll still have to face the consequences. Better to go through the next four years with a clear conscious than to lie to yourself.
The joke is him ending this joke people won't stop quoting
Most people see it as that dog from the one strip but some see it as that dog from a bunch of his strips.
>Try to have some awkward semblance of creative integrity.
>All it gets you is poor and disrespected.
It's kinda like that idiot, critikal, from youtube. Donating all the money he made to charity and suffering in near poverty.
Altruism is the most heavily punished form of compassion.
So wait? He made this comic to spite the people who liked it?
Pretty much
I'm still waiting, Dahnald. You cannot keep from me what is rightfully mine.
It really is a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
Thank god I'm Canadian, none of our politicians are interesting enough to scare me. Harper came close, but that's more an atavism. Because he's a fucking Innsmouth fishperson
I also just realised that Epictetus was an idiot and Nietzsche was actually onto something.
That's seems like a middle finger to the fans of the comic.
What a way to kill your own joke
He was tweeting about the plush months before that happen.
Nah, it's a middle finger to people who quote it constantly like kids who walk around with shirts that say "you mad bro"
>Cruz went from a nazi who accidentally looked into the Ark of the Covenant to ugly Bruce Wayne over the space of one convention
I don't understand
He got triggered because people kept quoting it.
Yeah, you do have a point.
>Has various popular works that have turned into memes on the internet
>Has a giant fanbase for someone who makes web comics
>Is so popular his Kickstarter can make $150k overnight for some fucking dog plush
What a fucking whiny bitch. I really wish people who took their extreme fortune for granted would just have it all stripped from them to force them into a life lesson of humbleness.
He got tired of people passing around snippits of the comic without crediting him, so this was his response.
His joke got famous and he hates that?
Is he aware how many people got to acknowledge his existence and read his works because some of his gunshow panels are so overused?
Does he not understand what popularity is and how it helps someone who earns money by drawing!?
I think that was the point dude
You can literally just do this basic shit in paint
>Hillary scares me
And you gonna vote for Trump? The biggest difference between the two is that at least Hilary has still a semblance of sanity and knows the boundaries of her bullshit and reality, trump on the other hand is completely delusional of his views on the world
>he thinks he can kill his own meme
Fucking lol
funny that his first comic turned out to be the final truth
If this was a meme that died out years ago from being quoted to death by normies you fuckers would never defend this. It's profitable but doesn't mean he likes it
I wish more people would read his new comics. He Is A Good Boy and Back are both really good.
People will quote this one too.
This thing was already being quoted to death by normies, how'd you think a fucking politics-based twitter got to know about it?
>but doesn't mean he likes it
Who fucking cares if it doesn't like it. This isn't even a severe lowpoint as far as life is concerned. There are some artists working who actually have it bad, some who work in the animation industry for over a decade and are still forced to do shit just to get money and have no online base and very little way of getting their projects off the ground.
KC Green just has a couple of comics meme'd to death out of fucking years worth of web comics and a gigantic fanbase. Hell, it could be worse, those comics could be popular and he has absolutely no fans.
This is such a mild "It bothers me" thing that him going as far as making a comic to try and kill the joke and express how much he hates it just shows how fucking great his life is going, if he needs to make a mountain out of a molehill with something that is still slightly positive.