Why does Sup Forums dislike degeneracy? It's like you guys are anti-fun

Why does Sup Forums dislike degeneracy? It's like you guys are anti-fun.

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Enjoy your AIDS.

"fun" is purging the earth of degeneracy, one cesspool at a time

I don't care really. "Degeneracy" is a stupid term anyway, as it implies that there is an objective morality that we are deviating from.

I'm not gay and I wear a rubber when I fuck around with strange pussy.
Why though? Whom do you want to wipe out, how, and why?

I'm a little confused by that too desu senpai.

You don't think mercilessly killing niggers, faggots, and other undesirables is fun?

Degeneration has nothing to do with morality, but is a measurement of mental strength

Life has no meaning besides what we make it

So I smoke and do coke all I want

I don't want to kill anybody. Guess I'm kind of a hippie that way.

>Unironically likes degeneracy
Degenerate behavior has no dignity. Pedophilia can be classified as degeneracy. Murder is degeneracy. Degeneracy is a moral guidance ignored and a loss of civilization. We created the distinction between us and animals when we started thinking of certain behaviors as below us. Without degeneracy there is a good and structured society with good people and respectable culture. Decency is also why we're superior race. Decent people comprehend more in terms of perspective and morality. We created the concept of respect we must fulfill it.
It's all fun and games until you're addicted to alcohol, drool on yourself, can't pay for food, and are convicted of rape. Decency and respect protects the society and the individual, it's true understanding.

You're black aren't you?

Sup Forums likes to LARP as alpha males but we all know the truth

Sup Forums is a virgin board

In that case, I would hope that people avoid behaviors that weaken them mentally, but I do not care one way or the other

I am concerned with myself

I like to do drugs

I will never be a pedophile or rape someone

its almost like I have the cognitive ability to makes choices for myself.

fucking authoritarian trash

I'm white. Also I don't do anything involving a victim. But I like drugs and alcohol and meaningless sex.

This makes you by definition a degenerate.

There exist objective moral laws given to us by God. Denying or violating these laws is immoral behavior.

Jesus Christ was everything the Bible says He is. Your "fun" is sin. Deal with it you degenerate anal spelunker.

There are no values except those created by the Self.

I can never tell whether or not people on here are trolling when they talk about god/Jesus.

I'm an atheist (tips fedora) but I'm only bringing that up as a direct reply to these.

My idea of degeneracy may be different than yours, as we all differ.
If the drugs are done in moderation, you have the will to resist them if necessary, they don't impair your mental state, and you don't harm anyone else, then that's not degenerate.
It's not about us not having the ability to make choices for yourself, it's about us deciding for ourselves, with perspective, what is good and bad for the society, and what can be deemed as respectable human behavior, as in what is civilized and beyond carnal pleasures/ adherence to the mind, not the body. Self respect and respect of the mind, I'd say, is the basis of humanity.
If the drugs are done in moderation, it's not degenerate. It's not good, but it's not bad. Meaningless sex is adherence to the body over the mind, so that's a bit degenerate. Decency is about being above animals and having perspective of ourselves and others. Although, our body forces itself upon us. If you don;t harm yourself or anyone, it's not necessarily horrible, although, again, it's far from good.

I am too, are you an anarchist?
Society influences development.
If you want to raise a kid pure of heart in this world, you're going to need to be 1st class and STILL ultra-vigilant.

I want to live in a 1960s neighborhood, and its selfish not to want to.

Degeneracy makes society shittier.

The Self is just the mental demiurge, who is continuously deluded by the jealous physical demiurge and tempted with the illusions of "perception".

The only ideas that truly belong to the Self are those that are intuitive, without reliance on perception or reason. These intuitions are God.

There is no god and religion is the ultimate authoritarian degeneracy

>strange pussy
>strange diseases

and what about kisses and oral sex ?
enjoy your rotten pinnis

Saying something is "authoritarian degeneracy" is an oxymoron. Man must have laws. It is good to obey laws, it is immoral to disobey laws.

I wish I had a fedorafag picture so I could reply to your post with it while greentexting what you said

oh shit you are loosing the fun race

Nah, I think cooperation is necessary to a degree. I'm a libertarian

I actually have a boy on the way. I'll raise him according to what I believe is right. You're right in saying that vigilance is necessary though.

Fun is for faggots and women

The world is cold and gray

It is bad to obey senseless laws. All people must obey laws that are true, thinking about the effects of the laws on civilization and others. All people must look to the mind and not the body, but they must decide that themselves.

If a dictator came about and forced everyone to shoot up heroin that would be authoritarian degeneracy

Nothing is knowable about the physical, and most things mental are deceptions derived from perception. Only mental objects unconnected with the physical world (e.g. intuitions) can be taken as truth, as those are the only things that can be known. Therefore, any moral intuitions held by the self are objectively correct.

Sounds like nonsense to me.

fun doesn't further the human condition/consciousness.

I say this as a NEET who is inherently degenerate.

Even in Brazil?

Is it necessary or even meaningful to further the human condition/consciousness?

The goal of decency is to think about ourselves and others, and not the physical. I believe you misunderstood me. It is to care about ourselves, to care about others, and to, again, understand what is around us. We are connected to the physical world, but the meaning is to attempt to care about other living beings, and to know the truth.
This deviates from entertainment and sports and other mindless things.

You have control over everything in the mental realm, so you are the mental demiurge.

Physical laws are the physical demiurge.

These things are not connected inherently. The physical demiurge likes to trick you by showing you things that MIGHT be the physical world (these are perceptions).

You have thoughts about perceptions. This is reasoning. But since you're reasoning about trickery, the result is more trickery.

The only true things are those unconnected with the physical: thoughts with no connection to the world. These are intuitions.

Aesthetics is a mental property. Morality is aesthetics applied to the plane of virtue. Intuitions are truthful mental properties. Therefore whatever is intuitive is objective morality.

I want people to be convinced to be against "degeneracy" in numbers of 95%+ and with that, the right for restrictive citizenship in the state..(which would technically be a democrat position)
I don't want people to be restricted from achieving greatness because of the so-called "rights" to influence my life.

it's because your brain has been addled by naturalism. christian morals are based on natural law theory:
>...the nature of a squirrel to gather nuts and the like and to dart about in a way that will make it difficult for predators to catch it, and thus good for it to do these things and bad for it if for whatever reason it fails to do them. The natures of these things entail certain ends the realization of which constitutes their flourishing as the kinds of things they are.... Now, none of these examples involves moral goodness or badness, because morality involves intellect and will, which grass, trees, and squirrels all lack. Rational creatures like ourselves are capable of moral goodness or badness precisely because we do have intellects and wills. The will itself has as its natural end the pursuit of the good, and determining what is in fact good is part of the natural end of the intellect. Morally good action thus involves the will to do what is good for us given our nature, while morally bad action involves willing contrary to what is good for us given our nature. And to the extent that the intellect knows what is good for us we are culpable for these good or bad actions. To will to do what is “natural” for us thus means, in classical natural law theory, something like to will to do what tends toward the realization of the ends which, given our nature, define what it is for us to flourish as the kind of things we are. And to will to do what is “unnatural” thus means something like willing to do what tends toward the frustration of the ends which, given our nature, define what it is for us to flourish as the kind of things we are.
hence, morality is very much objective.

You think in a way similar to people I have known who have done a lot of psychedelics.

it's more important than basing advancements in our species off whether or not the research is profitable



So, survival instincts? Those are God?

Aesthetics? Like how people feel about art? Everyone has a different taste. Doesn't that run counter to your belief in an objective morality?

You still don't make a lick of sense.

thats deep bruh

People should be allowed to do as they please, as long as it doesn't hurt others. I'll raise my children right, but ultimately I don't care what others choose to do or how they wish to live their lives. Liberty and freedom are most important

This was a good reply.

No, I just said that there are two "Gods": myself and physical laws. I am omniscient in the mental realm (since all thoughts that exist are necessarily in my power). Physicals are apparently omniscient in the physical realm (but this is not knowable). The only thoughts that can truly be mine are those uncorrupted by "perceptions", which is manifest in intuition. Talking about "survival instincts" is meaningless here: that implies that there exists a thinking brain with all kinds of nonsense chemical machinery involved. I do not trust perception's trickery on that subject.

In the end, it's a bunch of mental masturbation that's allowed be to justify the following to myself: anything I feel to be correct is objectively correct. No perceptual trickery will convince me otherwise.

>anything I feel to be correct is objectively correct.
Yes, I agree. I decide what is right.

Doesn't that run counter to your statement "there exist objective moral laws given to us by God" though? Or are you implying that you are God? I'm guessing you're not Christian.

I am God (justification explained earlier), but my intuitions on morality are very close to those espoused in traditional Christian texts.

I'm actually attending Catholic seminary currently.

thanks, friend

>People should be allowed to do as they please, as long as it doesn't hurt others.
how would you define 'hurt' here?
i think this is more or less what everyone believes, it's just that what's 'hurtful' is defined differently from ideology to ideology.

>I'm actually attending Catholic seminary currently.
What's that like from a Sup Forums autist's perspective?

Pretty fun, low responsibility. As close to the NEET life as I've gotten. I'm probably a bit older than most Sup Forumsacks, as I got a math PhD before I entered seminary; however I'd imagine my lifestyle choices are familiar to many (non-flunkie) Anons: very good academic performance but low/no social skills and no desire to improve or drive.

I mostly just watch watch anime and read (manga and books). People here aren't too tech savvy so I've had no issues using sadpanda either.

You know, the obvious stuff. Don't kill, steal, etc

you seem like you've put a lot of thought into this.

>ranting against degeneracy on the site featuring Sup Forums and /d/