What are some panels that legit made you hard?
Sexy panels
Miller pls, don't be shameless
I can do what I want
She looks underage
>post Ricken
>not her shota work
I'm a degenerate but I'm not that bad
Fucking Soranik
>mfw those actually aren't mammary glands
not intentionally sexy, but:
>exposed shoulder
I miss the circus suit so much
how could a person be this boring
Her fucking ass
I legit jerked off
I love this so much
isn't this right after batman and canary burned down a warehouse while it still had a few crooks trapped inside?
And right before it's revealed Batman is a premature ejaculator
Post more Sora
Mcdaniel's art is fucking disgusting, have some standards
>transition cut from planet to her boob
>we're supposed to take this seriously
Literally any time Mantis shows some leg does it for me
Had to wipe off my screen afterwards
Do you actually get boners from looking at still drawn images or is it just an expression?
Still images yeah, but only really sketches and fanart. Or pictures of real people. In-context comic art seems weird to be turned on by. Never happened to me.
yeesh that's one ugly bitch.
Are you gonna admit to fapping to this, or are you a liar?
Mogo's got a hard knot for Soranik to untie.
You do realize half the boards on Sup Forums are Hentai related?
finch is not a good artist
When did this costume change happen?
Z just does it for me, most under-appreciated DC gal.
how long ago was this? i miss the bug
Does it count if the entire comic is sexy?
About the time Warlock turned into Magus. Kang grabbed a few members of the team for some time-dickery.
I mean, hentai is at least explicit.
I ask cause I don't get anything with pictures. Has to be in motion.
Not with that anatomy.
Why is wondy a nigger
plenty of other pages i can post
It was a panel of Huntress, I wish I could remember what book it was. I legit fapped to it
Pretty much any pages with Delilah and that other chick from Luthor Strode especially the later pages for the other chick whos name I forgot
I would fucking destroy Del
God you have vanilla tastes.
mah nigga
Go ahead, furfag, you can post too.
Okay jeez
That's not one
Pick any Thugboy x EMP panel really.
>Mister Green Boxing Glove
faggot or woman detected.
>Tangible Glory
Boxing gloves are glorious man
this so much
Wet welcome too?
What's not precise about a nice sock to the jaw?
I regret NOTHING!
>Greg Land
>not tracing porn
To think that this was a thing that happened.
remind me again why Jessica's baby looks more like Carol?
who the fuck raped her
Does Dick use his sexiness to distract his enemies or what?
It's an edit. Venom wasn't into rape. He just killed the occasional criminal while saving people he deemed innocent.
Ugh. I shoulda kept that page where I photoshopped a giant green boxing glove in it.
Was she trying to call Constantine or what?
It's Ultimate Carol.
Being the last man on Earth is not without its advantages.
Kree DNA is dominant.
What a disturbing lack of Cho.
Want to take her spats and wear them on my head.
Bendis ruins everything.
>tfw Tanya Spears has pretty much been forgotten post-Rebirth
I need to get the girl a Black Cat costume, just to roleplay this scene.
Why did the nigger have to be the one with growing powers
Honestly, in terms of famefaced beautiful men and women, I think I prefer the Dodsons' art over Cho's. Just wish I wasn't reminded of trouble every time I saw it.
But wouldn't you need a Venom outfit? How would you ravage her throat without that massive tongue?
Sarah was the only think that made this arc bearable.
*samefaced, fuck
Though bearable is kind of pushing it.
A venom outfit is easy to find. And you don't know how long my tongue is.
Not long enough. Not thick enough. No woman would ever go for your tongue after Venom's.
Then thankfully it's just a kinky cosplay roleplay. I don't think I'd be able to measure up to a Symbiote and it's prehensile tentacles anyway.
>Why did the nigger have to be the one with growing powers
Better than Lightning powers
>Baby looks like Carol
Okay, I haven't been paying attention to Marvel comics in awhile, but did Carol grow a dick at some point?
And I thought she was with Rhodey?