What's evolutionary logic behind woman being being stupid?

What's evolutionary logic behind woman being being stupid?

Several thousand years of men telling them they're stupid, prohibiting them from higher education, employment and individual freedom.

Why did they listen if men were wrong?

From today on you'll picture women as sheep.

Because they were beaten into silence. The whole world used to be like the Middle East. Friggin' animals.

All the good, strength and intelligence was bred out of women over the generations. It's become their nature. The irony is you are questioning how this happened and upset that women are stupid, helpless whores. You dug your own graves.

Raise your daughters like you'd raise a son and maybe we'll start seeing redpilled, intelligent, nationalist qts after a few generations. Until then, enjoy your whiny, dependent, confused sluts who chase whatever they perceive as the alpha.

They never had complex tasks. They were protected by the men, and in cases where other men proved stronger, they were not murdered but instead taken by the stronger men, and fathered their children, thus passing on their genes.

Men had to hunt, build shelter, protect against other tribes, and compete against each other for the females; complex tasks which required intelligence, strength, and creativity.

because there bodily resources and structure are based around gestation and reproduction.

in other words dymorphism.

by saddling one sex with child bearing, that frees-up 50% of the species to use biological resources to improve group survival

I don't see how being superficial would benefit them.

probably because women were beaten or highly discouraged from learning. There are still plenty of women who are smart as shit, but think of their lifestyle compared to princess syndrome with her barely passing nursing degree.

This isn't /r9k/
There are already five new threads about general feminism in the last five minutes.
Name the (((Feminist))) or GTFO.

I don't understand the picture. What does hitting people have to do with equal rights?

men evolved to manipulate the environment to get what they want
women evolved to manipulate men to get what they want
pretty much their entire existence and brainpower is focused on constantly finding the most effective ways to emotionally manipulate the people around them, logical consistency is abandoned as soon as it's no longer useful

Women are very stupid. Your average woman's only interests are pursuing men and having relationships. They don't care about all of the great intellectual things that men have contributed to like math, philosophy, politics, science etc.

This and thank you for your post.

Equal rights equal fights

It's Superman's mother. Ashley Jude.

Women are evolutionarily suited to be caretakers. Empathy is their game. They dont need to be really smart, just smart enough to take care of baby.

Thats why giving them suffrage was a huge mistake that will slowly erode the itegrity and ability of our institutions.

Women evolved to avoid risk (get with the best possible guy). Men evolved to obtain resources to get women, so they had to take far more risks and face more competition. Literally only about 40% of men had descendants while 80% of women do. That means that men were more strictly selected and thus the ones who were at the top of society (the strongest, smartest, etc.) would have kids.

Females of thousands of different species have the concept of rearing offspring and "nesting" hardwired into them. Males, agression and competition.

It's nature. And people forget humans are just fancy animals that make memes.

The people most likely to die at any given time are the very smartest and the very dumbest. The dumbest die for obvious reasons, but the very smartest people in older days were easily ostracized, getting worse the further back you go pretty much. For women, it's best to be dumb but not retarded, that way you're most likely to stay alive long enough to get the dick

When faced with a problem, men look around to see what in the environment they can manipulate to solve the problem. If there is a banana in a tree, he looks to see what he can stand on to reach it. This sort of knowledge base evolves with time.

When faced with a problem, women look around to see WHO they can manipulate to solve it, as they are social creatures. This method of problem solving doesn't evolve much, since it's basically offering sex or screaming really loud until someone comes to help you.

Also have you ever noticed why women are so quick to scream? When you suddenly stop a car or jump out at them? That's because again their primary defense is to call other members of the tribe (the men) for help.

Now don't go around feeling all superior. Women evolved the way they did for a reason, they have a specific role. We're providers and they're excellent caretakers. If we were more similar, as the old saying goes, the jack of all trades is the master of none. We wouldn't want to accept the roles of females, as men, and we certainly don't ea t more masculine females, as their beauty would likely suffer. You want girls to be easy to manipulate (stupid), as its easier to breed with them and tame them to be a good caretaker for you and your children.

*we certainly don't want more masculine women

>This sort of knowledge base evolves with time.
And it does so because we are faced with new, more complex problems, as society evolves.

I posted this theory before on /r9k/ and you copied it nearly word for word. You need to leave kid, bitchy whiney /r9k/ overflow is what ruined Sup Forums. Pls leave now and stop blaming women for your shortcomings.

men feel a need to protect the weak. Even the mentally weak.

It's not stupid to be a hypocrite if you can gain an advantage from it. It's called playing to win. The people who fall for the hypocrisy are the ones who are stupid. If evolution creates cucks, then obviously it will create women who can take advantage of that.

>give women equal rights
>right to vote
>equal pay
>they act like niggers

Women are the niggers of gender.