>Phil Lord and Chris Miller approached to write and pissibly direct, only deliver one treatment before dropping out to direct HAN SOLO for Disney >Original writer/director Seth Grahame-Smith drops out due to "creative differences" >New director Rick Famuyiwa is picked because he can "work with the studio's vision and the available script" due to the tight schedule >Famuyiwa has no experience with blockbusters and was picked because he can "appeal to the teen crowd" >Script is being rewriten and reportedly struggling to break new ground from the succesful TV show >Cyborg awkwardly integrated to the plot to build goodwill for his prospective movie >Studio gave its original release date to TOMB RAIDER, which is in even earlier stages of pre-production
Cry for him, Sup Forums. He's next.
Samuel Russell
Brandon Anderson
shut it down, shut it all down
Aiden Howard
>implying that Seth Grahame-Smith is a good thing
Henry Hughes
>reportedly struggling to break new ground from the succesful TV show
Have they considered maybe actually adapting things from comics?
Nicholas Turner
>Have they considered maybe actually adapting things from comics?
HAHAHAHA. As Kevin Smith says, the movie guys disrespect comic book writers. Obviously the comic book writers know the source material and write better cape.
Luis Rodriguez
>there is a legitimate chance that the TV show will actually be better than the movie
Anthony Carter
Henry Davis
>try to differentiate from show >Keeping iris black
Jordan Davis
It's too late, he's already dead.
Austin Lewis
damn it you asswipe I didn't want to have this scene spoiled. least I still don't know the dialogue
Ethan Richardson
Cameron Smith
>Struggling to break new ground from the successful TV show.
s1 of the TV show was based off a prospective Flash movie script. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I want more Barry/Eobard action.
Andrew Nelson
>Movie Eobard Thawne will not be this hot
Ryan Bennett
Jayden Torres
When I first was getting into comics, I thought Alan Moore was an arrogant prick for saying that he "Would never watch V for Vendetta because it just couldn't hold up to his work." After reading V for Vendetta and Watchmen (before watching the movies), I realized that he was right.
>Alan "The Lizard God" Moore was right >He always was
Ian Ramirez
>If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Fuck off, i don't want more flash rebirth bullshit origin
Luke Bennett
Aaron Diaz
>lets do what marvel does >except in the middle of our fucking movie >and lets have him take out one of the main cast
Daniel Carter
>tfw Miller only has about a single line in this scene
Jeremiah Edwards
The movie would have to be really shit for that to be the case, but then maybe that would be par for the course for the DCEU.
Oliver Ramirez
Who didn't you put the fucking spoiler you dickhole muncher
Michael Morgan
WORLDBUILDING Nah, its still forced and shit. Had movie Flash actually done anything in this universe than maybe this would have been cool
Thomas Rogers
Im fucking mad about the forced Cyborg shit
Isaiah Martinez
Where's this from?
Mason Young
>blue lightning
Fuck this
Isaiah Carter
>approached to write and pissibly direct >pissibly
I want to see this pissable movie
Logan King
Where do you think dumbass?
Landon Cox
tbqh at this point DC should just stop with the world building shit and just do good standalone movies.
Jeremiah Allen
Andrew Ortiz
I hope they don't do Zoom in the first movie that will just invite comparisons to the show. I'd rather see them do Mirror Master of Abra Kadabra with a big budget. Save Zolomon going Zoom for part 2.
Brayden Brown
I still don't understand why they're doing a fucking Justice League movie right now instead of doing standalone movies to build up to it first. This whole Snyder universe just seems like it's doomed from the fucking start, everything just feels like one big corporate clusterfuck.
Joshua Parker
They want Justice League, because they're about 5 years out from Avengers and are just beginning to tread the waters of franchise.
However, Marvel's CEO's actually had a plan, while DC is monkeying around with their works on the fly to try to capitalize on the MCU.
They tried to be the darker counterpart, but, failing that, they're now apparently just full blown copying.
Now this isn't to say Marvel's Movies are all Kino, because honestly, most MCU movies are damn average to middling, but they come together and become greater than the sum of their parts.
The DCCU doesn't mesh well together.
William Ortiz
They wanted Avengers level money with half the investment. It would have worked too if they spent that money on getting good film makers. Marvel had the advantage of nobody expecting shit out of Ironman or The Avengers so people kept being surprised that these strange characters were so fun.
Christopher Ross
>Marvel had the advantage of nobody expecting shit out of Ironman or The Avengers so people kept being surprised that these strange characters were so fun.
I don't see how you could call that an advantage. That was a huge risk that could have blown up in their face.
People keep calling Marvel films trash and formulaic, but I don't think they give Marvel enough credit for coming up with the damn formula that everyone else is now desperately trying to copy and failing at.
David Butler
They tried that with Green Lantern and kinda Jonah Hex. Snyderverse is their second attempt.
Charles Gonzalez
>People keep calling Marvel films trash and formulaic, but I don't think they give Marvel enough credit for coming up with the damn formula
I don't want a formula in my fucking movies. Actually scrap that: I don't want a formula in my comics or novels. I don't want formula in any fiction I enjoy.
The reason why people call MCU films formulaic is because they are! Just because they created the formula doesn't make them somehow no longer formulaic.
Justin Diaz
>I don't want a formula in my fucking movies. No formula in film making is like cooking without using a recipe; you can do it, but it would only work out if you are a damn genius.
Restaurants, both high-end and low end, succeed by offering a consistent experience. You know what you are going to get when you order off the menu. Both 5 star and McDonalds keep their outputs predictable. This builds trust, this allows the customer to know what he is getting when he gave them money.
Marvel offer that same consistency. You know what you are getting when you pay for a ticket. And you get to decide if it is worth your time and money to go watch it. That's why they have a franchise. That's why they WANT a franchise.
Luis Brown
Oh easily, and I say that as someone who's not a huge fan of the show. I've watched a little bit though, and it's decent entertainment, and there are some action sequences I've seen second hand that blow me away that they were able to accomplish on a TV show. I think given their track record, DC's movie department will very likely turn in a shittier product with less respect for the mood and style of Flash comics.
Landon Wilson
Just fucking use Grodd. They know the TV People can't properly utilize him without not making him look like crap. They can do a Gorilla City Uprising and have it reflect with real world situations like the BLM Movement.
Mason Sullivan
Too zany. You can't do something like Gorilla City in the cinematic universe they're going for, it's completely atonal for that grim serious atmosphere. The best we'll get with Grodd as an edgier version of what he is in the CW show, with the cannibal stuff from the comics. If we get him at all, he'll just be Hannibal Lecter in a gorilla suit. If this was the kind of universe where Plastic Man could exist, then maybe we'd get Gorilla City.
Angel Cooper
Grodd is pretty edgy, you fa/tv/irgin. Read some comics.
Samuel Torres
Grodd is the edgiest villain Flash has you plebian.
Jason Brooks
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.
Andrew Ross
>while DC is monkeying around with their works
DC isn't doing anything. Those poor bastards have to watch as WB fucks up their properties. That's what annoys me the most about all of this
Dominic Stewart
Thawne and Zolomon are edgier.
Oliver Reyes
You know he praises the lizard god because within its own mythology its a fake god. So its a joke. He doesnt actually praise the fucking snake god, he said it as a goddamn joke.
Oliver Harris
Grodd literally eats brains.
> he'll just be Hannibal Lecter in a gorilla suit Good, he'll smash stuff, cause a Rogue War using his mind control abilities and eat some brains
Charles Collins
Thawne's edge can fall into Jared's Joker territory sometimes but I will give you Zolomon.
However whenever Grodd is mentioned, Flash shits his pants and that makes him unique in that regard.
Samuel Howard
Grodd spent half of his entire existence being not edgy in the slightest. Evil as fuck, but not edgy. The cannibalism thing is a relatively recent addition.
Noah Anderson
Thawne killed kids. That's comparable edge to cannibalism.
Jace Perez
Chasing novelty is a young man's game. In time, you'll realize it's all been done, everything fits SOME formula. The best stuff is the stuff that picks the right ingredients.
Elijah Carter
Hey if they reboot their comics as often as they do, why can't DC just reboot the EU?