Can we just agreed that steven universe is a gary stu in season 3?
Can we just agreed that steven universe is a gary stu in season 3?
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He still makes mistakes. BSD had him learning to let go of pointless anger.
But he hasn't shown to be pointlessly mad at things until that episode.
He seems like more of an asshole than before. Maybe that's just the stress placed on him though.
Sure OP, if you're looking for someone to agree with you, I'll do that for you.
actually he's been fucking up more than the previous season
he's always been
he never grows as a character, in ways that noticably change him
he has no major character faults
and other characters always learn from him, despite him being the ignorant youth
>Just looking at this, I know I have to cause an argument
>Shit, I don't have anything to argue!
>Better make a passive-aggressive comment that isn't even half-clever.
>That way he'll know I have the upper hand.
You just explained every fucking SU fan on Sup Forums.
I swear to god they love to throw bitchy remarks instead of actually arguing.
No he's finally powered up to the point of being formidable. His gem powers have always been getting stronger or more pronounced.
>has always been the main character of the series
>Gary Stu
That's not how that terms works you stupid bitch.
Pretty sure thats the point of the show. Steven is a dumb kid, and the weakest of the gems, yet people still learn from him and he can still save the day.
Except for the fact that several people have made arguments in this very thread. Fuck off.
> season 3
> posses living people
> can fly
> goes into dreams
> becomes god in watermelon land
> none of the crystal gems got those powers asides him
>"main characters can't be mary sues you stupid cunt!"
Don't see your problem here
>Never grows as a character
The opener of season 2 never happened i guess
>no major faults
>calls him out on being an ignorant youth in the next line
Try harder
I think his problem is that in the span of a bomb he has been developing his powers at a fast rate, which is more of an inconsistency error from the writers.
However something that makes me surprised he hasn't gotten comeuppance for this bomb is for how much of a piece of shit he can be. He fucked up with Lars' daily life and destroyed Ronaldo's relationship with his girlfriend, and if you're a Jasperfag you could argue that refusing to offer her help is a dick move too (considering she was the victim in the Malachite relationship).
Honestly what Steven needs is for the townies to tell him to stop fucking up their lives whenever he wants to experiment with his powers.
To be fair, one of them is a servant drone who shouldn't even be fighting and the other was formed defective and is meant to be pure brawn.
Garnet, a fusion between a soldier gem and a clairvoyant gem, also has powers.
>Mary Sue is now anyone with a super power
You're one of those "SUPES IS A MARY SUE" retards aren't you
>the weakest of the gems
>can make multiple shields
>and throw them like boomerangs
>and make them grow
>and bubble himself
>and add spikes to that bubble
>plus his other powers
Nah, man. Amethyst is the weakest gem and that's fine because she's been shit the entire series.
>can't even defeat amethyst
>not weak
Does it count as losing if he intended to lose?
>No holding back?
>No holding back
I think part of the issue is that before the nuke the last time we actually saw Steven in battle was before the Barn Arc.
He's presumably been regularly training with Pearl and Connie since Sworn the the Sword. And even then he was pretty competent when working alongside her with that bubble+shield combo. Hell he's been pretty competent ever since he learned to summon the shield at will, a lot of the more impressive things he's done recently like summoning multiple shields, expanding the shield and ricocheting it, is all stuff that we've seen from Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst, he just needed to practice once he learned how to get the shield on command.
So like Amethyst we didn't notice he was getting stronger and better with his powers because a lot of the focus was on SoL and him practicing his telepathic powers. So now that he's finally getting back into the action against Jasper and corrupted gems it's surprising how much he's improved.
You don't know what a Gary Stu is. This thread is pointless.
>none of the crystal gems got those powers asides him
because he is the only one who is still learning his powers, and he is the only one with a rose quartz gem. a 14 year old kid is obviously going to learn new things about himself compared to fucking thousands of year old gems
>Ruins Renaldo's relationship with his girlfriend
>Takes over Lars body
>Forces his dad and Pearl to stay in the same room even though they hate each other
>Makes Amethyst feel worse about being a defect
>Hates Jasper and Kevin
He's not a Gary stu. He's the devil
what if Steven dies then regenerated back as Rose?
Gary Stu or not I still love my son
hes never had any negative impacts of being a ignorant youth read the next sentence before posting damn
This shit is in season 3 already??
>none of the crystal gems got those powers asides him
Because they aren't made for that as they already established.
Steven is coming through with a lot of powers and is having little trouble in getting them/not facing a lot of crisis as a human/gem hybrid or anything else. He did in earlier episodes, but the newer ones focus on the others, leaving no room for him other than his role as "The Fixer".
So yeah, he's a huge Gary Stu. BUT, I will patiently wait for later when issues crop up concerning him and his powers just as they did before.
Examples of this; His aging episode, his worry about being useless to the team, his trust in someone not actually reaching a good ending
he gets overly emotionally invested in things, just usually not anger
Wow! It's as if people can say things they don't actually mean!
Explain Einstein.
Why do the fights in Steven Universe suck so much?
He was a German-born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science.
There was one that was pretty great, but 70% of it was hype
Then the bar was set so high that every other fight sucked ass in comparison.
>"shit got real" gesture by amy
>they both use all their powers
>not afraid to fuck each other up
>amy smashes steven to the floor
>"throw puch at the same time" cliche
you're not even trying at this point
>being a positive character that some people hate but also learn from is no longer seen as a human trait but as a Gary Stu trait
>implying that being young and unable to see the big picture of most things hasn't caused him to endanger others almost as much as it helps them EVER
also ALSO
I did read it, I just didn't wanna insult your intelligence. My mistake.
He's going through puberty.
Only as much as Batman is in the DC Universe.
ITT: people who think mary-sue means "overpowered"
Season 3's been about as good as the seasons before, I think. Not always amazing but the best episodes are still really good.
Calling Steven a Gary Stu is stupid, though. He's still making mistakes and bad decisions, and is still seen as very naive and inexperienced compared to the other gems. His skills have improved though, which is good since the alternative is ignoring any and all character development in the show. I guess I can see why you'd be inclined to believe he's a Gary Stu based on the last few episodes, but I think if anything Amethyst's response is more her discovering that Steven is quickly improving and she's basically stayed the same due to her laziness.
My only complaint is the episodes where he acts completely out of character for some bullshit reason like in Sadie's Song or Beach City Drift.
you are correct
garnet is more of a mary-stu than steven is in my opinion
Could Rose mindcontrol gempeople?
Why can Steven bodyhop?
Why didn't anyone care about that breach of privacy? They all just shrugged it off.
Somewhere in an AU..... Homeworld Gems are good guys. Crystal Gems are bad guys.
Steven getting captured by the whip on purpose and saving Amethyst aren't any indicators of holding back, huh?
powers don't make someone a Gary stu. the other gems literally were not made to have the same powers Steven has
People like you are reason why Sue term lost it's meaning.
> Letting idiots define terms
It's okay user. The world is full of them. Ignore it and move on.
Even if he isn't, I hate him in Season 3.
I move to nominate Steven as worst character of Season 3.
You don't see ANYTHING ironic or hypocritical about what you just said, do you?
Steven is not a Mary Sue,his powers are developing but he can't fully use them and he still has flaws(he's been kind of a jerk recently,not sure if this is going somewhere or the writers have not realized it).
> leave steven alone!
>Steven is useless
>"wah, make him better!"
>Steven is shaping up to be stronger, or at least good enough to make Stevonia better
>"wah, gary stu!"
C'mon man, what kinda middle ground do you want?
Useful but useless
Well, he's probably only going to be a fusion material since men fighting isn't progressive so I guess he's kinda usefully useless?
This thread is gay. Nothing but faggots finding ways to excuse their precious Mary Sue instead of addressing the argument. What's with the /sug/ fags? Why are they so reluctant to criticize a show with obvious shoddy writing? Steven is a mess of a character, he always gets what he wants, never learns from his mistakes, people enable him where ever he goes, and there's generally a lack of focus in the narrative that bridges these values from one episode to another.
If the criticisms were valid, they would be addressed. It's not like there aren't better criticisms to make than calling a Steven a Gary Stu when in reality he's actually growing capable of dealing with the threats that are coming his way.
I have to disagree. Steven's been shown to make mistakes and still have his flaws through season 3 even though he's become more mature as a character. Like Rose, Steven is naturally naive and driven by his emotions, which is important because they're fundamental to his powers but they also get him into trouble socially. Take The New Lars for example where he royally fucks up trying to hitch Lars and Sadie together. He's still very inexperienced about complex relationships and that whole episode he was pretty much relying on his gut feelings. It also occurs with negative emotions too, as seen in Beach City Drift. It took Connie's more logical outlook to make him realize what he was doing to himself. As for the mastery of some of his powers, the last few episodes have explained that he's been training with Pearl on a weekly basis in order to improve himself. He still doesn't have a handle on all of his abilities though. Steven vs. Amethyst had one small segment where he lost control of his floating power and it took Amethyst to reel him back towards the ground.
I do feel like the writing team could be doing a better job at introducing story elements more gradually though. There seem to be a lot of instances in S3 where important plot points are suddenly explained instead of having a natural progression of discovery. I don't think anybody realized Steven had been taking training lessons continuously until it was suddenly brought up after the fact. Same goes for the origin of gem corruption. We went from "How'd this happen?" to "lol the diamonds did it somehow" in the span of one episode. Space it out a little, guys.
Implying that the writers would call out Steven's bullshit on a whim. You know and I know that the character is in dire need of a reality check, why pretend like he doesn't?
a little yeah. the 'new lars' episode kinda solidified that. hes not just a naive annoying boyi trying his best anymore. hes the town sweetheart.
i agree with that last part. in early seasons he was the most annoying kid in town, and now hes the town sweetheart who cringily talk about how cool he is.
This. That fight was so lame it looked like they were both holding back and Amethsyt was the only one showing a semblance of trying. When they both went to punch each other, I thought it was a fucking joke because the "fight" wasn't intense at all
I'm not saying he doesn't need a reality check. Mind you, I doubt that anyone is gonna be all that aggressive in giving him one, except for maybe Jasper, but what makes you think that he's not gonna get called on some of the shit that he does? Or that he at least won't learn somehow?
>I have the upper-hand now
It's just a fact
In season 3:
>Steven fucked up by trying to force Lars to confess to Sadie, humiliating him in front of the whole town
>Steven fucked up by starting a restaurant war
>Steven fucked up by ruining Ronaldo's relationship with his weeb waifu, and did nothing to fix the problem
>Steven fucked up by trying to force Lapis to become friends with Peridot before she was ready
>Steven fucked up by bragging about his victory over Jasper without stopping to consider how that made Amethyst feel
>Steven further fucked up by thinking that letting her win at a video game would fix everything, instead of come off as insulting
>Steven fucked up by letting his anger at Kevin control him so much that he fused with Connie out of hate for him instead of love for her.
But yeah, totally a Gary Stu, OP.
But he never learns from his mistakes. Each episode usually feeling like it resets, for him to do the same shit over and over without consequence.
Whats that a masturbation joke and Im getting it just now?
>Takes over Lars' body
I-is that something he can do?
Given that there's been a full episode showing him training hard to get better with his powers, not at all.
>hey, a 14 year old kid is finding new powers!
>why aren't these gems which are thousands of years old discovering powers that they didn't know they had?
>why is the only character who has new powers both a newer gem and also was in a fascist government that didn't allow gems to step out of line!
>nevermind that steven gets overly emotionally attached to things, breaks and ruins the boardwalk every god damn day, failed at fighting the corrupted jasper 2 times, and ruins Lars life by accidentally committing a human rights violation.