He's known as the "crusader" prosecutor and is taking on the Clinton Foundation because the FBI is too cucked to do it themselves.
He's known as the "crusader" prosecutor and is taking on the Clinton Foundation because the FBI is too cucked to do it themselves.
Let's hope he finds out what favors Trump bought from Clinton so they can both go to jail and we can have some real candidates.
all hail
He'll be dead by Tuesday.
He's going to end up "suicided" in a couple of days.
Inb4 Hillary's thugs Harambe the fuck out of this mofo.
If he dies, we bring the fight to her directly.
>real candidates
Gutman and Cruz? Nah, we're good.
>the Poo flushes hillary
He'll probably kill himself from three shots in the back in a few days.
He must be stressed. Probably kill himself by jumping into the Potomac with cement shoes.
This man is your friend. He fights for your freedom.
brave man
does he plan to have his own loyal security detachment with him at all times?
even then, suicides and accidents can happen.
As a New Yorker I can confirm Preet Bharara is LITERALLY the textbook definition of BASED. He's the only democrat I would ever vote for Governor or anything really.
To double down incase people outside New York don't understand how based this man is, he brought down the speaker of our assembly and the leader of senate for being corrupt pieces of shit. The only complaint his detractors have is "he riles up the public against his targets before his victims trials." Further he is incredibly popular in New York and hillary wouldnt promise she would reappoint him if she was elected, which she explicitly said before the NY Primary, because she knows he'd wreck her shit. Based Preet is taking this cunt down. I've literally never felt more confident about an investigation into her until this.
He's gonna get killed for sure
awww yeaaaa
also, to the shills- trying to paint it like we all expect him to get offed wont prevent the outrage
Nah man if he was gonna get killed it was before he got Sheldon Silver taken out in handcuffs in the middle of the state assembly. I was talking to my state assemblyman a week or so ago who was telling me about the havoc on the floor when that shit went down. This dude is a New York hero if he shows up dead we won't do anything because nobody reads the newspapers but theoretically their'd be riots.
Based pajeet