What is it Sup Forums?

what is it Sup Forums?

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A bee hive

What is the souce of this pic my friend?

Militarized bees

ant man working for the goddamn chinks.

It's uranium hexafluoride dumbass.



Beginning of a giant honeycomb for Chinas new mutant killer bee weapon.

looks like water purification plant


Fuel storage, could be Might be some fancy radar or communications dish array

does this mean i can get more health now?

It's obviously a nucular lunch pad


A chink hive. Now we know once and for all that the Chinese truly are soulless and they all look the same because they are all the same.

calibration areas for their spy satellites

10/10 for that Banjo reference

They do operate like ants, this much is true.

Large oil/fuel storage containers under construction


god, shes always been batshit nuts.

Oh shit, the Chinese are installing meme batteries within range of the West Coast.

Nuclear reactor cooling pools

Looks like China is late to the party again.