What happened to Argentina?

I've read that Argentina was supposed to be the next USA, that in the 1800s the United States considered it to be the biggest threat to dominance in the hemisphere, that it attracted a huge amount of settlers from Europe... And yet Argentina is just another random Latin country now. What happened?

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the jews man! It's always the joos

Wh*Tes happened

You have to go back

why don't you just fuck off you little faggot?

Spics are incompetent shitheads at everything related to socioeconomic development. Not sure why you'd expect a bunch of argie shitskins to fare any better

are your parents cousins or something? you clearly have no idea what you're talking about, stop living in your little bubble and go out more, will ya sweetie? thanks

I don't talk to angry and smelly south american third worlders.


Argentina embraced communism and Peronismo and went downhill.
Just another irrelevant Latino shithole.

shitalian immigration ruined it, not trolling

Too much pasta niggers in da street

the latino element dominated over the germanic

t. angry shitskin spic


You don't really have to be a sociologist to figure out what went wrong. Just look at the demographics of argentina and usa and compare it to the hdi and gdp of northern and southern europe.




If there are people in Argentina reading the economist, it means you're not all doomed desu

>American Renaissance

If Huey Long hadn't been assassinated, the US would have been a dictatorship for quite some time.

As always, the left singlehandedly ,managed to turn a good country into an average underperformer one, even by Latin American standards

The worst mix of Spaniards,Italians,natives and negros makes them fail.

At least we got rid of niggers by using them as cannon fodder in the war against Paraguay

The whole world used to buy food from us, to the point we were called "the fridge of the world". Then ww1 (or 2 I don't remember which one did the most damage) cockblocked the exportation so everyone started to plant their own crops. When the war ended they realised they didn't really need us so we got left behind.

They believed that selling beef and wheat was a sustainable economic model forever. Once commodity prices plumeted the economy went to shit.
Mind you the same shit happened to Canada,Australia and New Zeland. Australia just change its focus of commodities from wool to minerals. Canada and Australia chose free market capitalism and liberalization. Argentina chose rabid protectionism and socialism in the form of Peronism. The results are there.


The italian genes kicked in.

>What happened to Argentina?