Katrina Pierson leaves MSNBC anchor speechless

Holy fuck. Anchor BTFO. I love Katrina sexually.


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Shameless self bump.

Don't care. The more of these nuts that go down with Trump the better. At this point it'll take 2 more Presidential election cycles to rebuild and repair the damage.


no. While the subject is good, I'm not giving that shit site any hits

what's wrong with RCP? They're a conservative leaning site that posts polls and aggregates political related articles.

This bitch needs to start updating her fucking youtube channel.


Anyone got Katrina n00ds? I'll buy it at a high price!


Yeah I'm not clicking that link nigga. Post a direct video or fuck off.


stop talking like a nigger please.

the interview is on YouTube

> so Katrina what do you think about trump calling for the second amendment people to stop Hillary.

> bengazhi, Bill Clinton, Obama, Isis, deflect, deflect, deflect, random conspiracy theory, emails.

> yeah but you're not answering my question

> well... the second amendment people, deflect, deflect, Obama, bengazhi; another random conspiracy, emails, Hillary evil.

> I am speechless.

> well that's what i think

> I know

I cringed so hard watching that. I can't respect someone who can't admit any faults of their own and just constantly shifts blame and plays the victim card. I honestly can't tell the difference between Trump supports and the SJWs they claim to hate nowadays.

kayleigh > Katrina > Scotty

All these CTR shitters in this thread.

Its annoying since she could have just answered the question with "Mr. Trump was saying that people who feel strongly about the 2nd ammendment will go out and vote against hillary". Usually I think katrina is great, but this sucked.

I apologize good sir. I still refuse to actuate the left button of my mouse while the cursor is hovering over the link provided by the original poster.


This clip is 8 minutes. Realclearpolitics is 4.

Katrina answered all questions and then compared how if Trump is going to be held to certain amount of scrutiny by the media then so should Obama/Clinton. The liberal media gives the Democrats a free pass.

When asked to answer for Trump's remarks on the second amendment and those who believe in it on voting Hillary out, Katrina answered and compared how Hillary *actually* said Obama would be assassinated when she was running against him.

Not deflecting. Compare and contrast. That's what she's doing.

The media are useless.

>aren't you responsible for how people can misconstrue your meaning?

>talks with foreign leaders who are dipshits are going to be able to understand what you mean instead of playing gotcha?

>I'm speechless


Holy shit this bitch is RELENTLESS.
"By the way did I mention Hillary Clinton will dismantle the 2nd amendment, because Hillary Clinton will dismantle the 2nd amendment, so I just want to reinforce the fact that Hillary Clinton will dismantle the snd amendment."


Shameless plugging of my thread
This is important

On my way to give you a bump.

Ayyy man thanks.

She's based by the way.

>answers the question conclusively 3 minutes in


Thanks for the link, friend. What is this stupid """reporter"""" talking about?

I just go to the "speechless" part. Holy fuck she got BTFO.


thank you for Correcting The Record! :^)

she's a cutie for sure and so intelligent!

>already beginning with a handicap of trump doing something retarded earlier in the day
>Still smashes an anchor who can't follow arguments
She'll get her framed picture on Don's desk for sure.


> Trump says, "I don't want nice, I want a killer."
> Katrina steps up and slays the entire media.

Have you seen the way she looks into the camera sometimes? It's like a big cat staring down a prey animal. She's just waiting for them to screw up.

Is the Clinton Foundation hiring for seasonal??

>conservative leaning site

> the interview is on YouTube

then link it you stupid kike. in its entirety.

The ginger grandmother got BTFO by Katrina.

Damn is that her in this pic?

She is so fucking based.

Is that MSNBC whore serious? What is so hard about following the logic? It's like talking to your idiot mother in law. Why does she have this job if she can't follow logic?


Wtf you lying shill. She put forth a cogent argument and this is your response? Go read literally what trump said. Also, how can you compare a campaign rally to a fucking g8 meeting. You must be a really shitty slug to make money supporting Hillary.

And she keeps her cool. I'd rip their faces off and stuff their heads down the camera aperture.

love this woman!

>all the CTR in thia thread even falseflagging
She was fine. She answered the question and blasted hillary at the same time. This reporter is retarded. "Are you saying he's responsible for how people interperet him?" Retarded.


marry this woman!

I'd fuck her senseless

Aside from the fact that it's the CURRENT YEAR and they still actively use advertisers that provide pop-under ads.

>hurrr just use ad block

I do, obviously, but it's principle, you fucktard.

>Having a literal thief as your spokesperson

Seems fitting.

It's pretty evident the media is misconstruing trump his remark at a rally. He went from a little dark joke to being compared to actually calling for her to be assassinated. It went so far as the actual quote not even being shown on the Dutch news, the clip with the "maybe you can stop her" remark, until they had sufficiently repeated it was an open call to assassinate the wall street whore.

The media are payed and bought, scary fucking times, especially considering all the fucking CTR pricks (or actual autistic Hill-shills, Shitposter) spreading misinformation like they are working for the fucking KGB.

As to the interview: It was a shameless hit piece where every word from the candidate they oppose gets twisted into some evil sounding threat. They did it to Geert, they did it to Le Pen, fuck the media and their narrative of "literally hitler" while they are actually advocating violence and sheltering groups like antifa or downright corrupt labour parties from any criticism.

dindu nuffin, turned her life around etc

if anything it shows that Trump gave a second chance to a PoC woman

nah, fuck that nigger and fuck Trump

>not linking the jewtube video so i can watch from the comfort of a Sup Forums thread

you sound like a beaner.
>0.02 cents added to your account

You sound like a nigger
>She dindu! She a good girl

>I mean what I say

>PIERSON: I can tell.


>Me dindu! I a good boy better than groups of people I'm scared of

What did she do?