What went wrong?
UN 'Peacekeeper' Thread
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Literally nothing, sperg
Former UN peacekeeper here.
Kosovo exists thanks to us.
Spread love, not hate and violence
they kept peace and pursued humans rights. what monsters would even do this sort of shit???
kek fuck you nigger
taken in south lebanon
UNIFIL does some good stuff there. they set up a lot of doctors and do a lot of school development programs. built a few roads.
but their primary prerogative (curbing paramilitary activity in south lebanon) has failed utterly. the militia is better equipped and prepared than ever before.
can answer questions if anyone is interested.
Trusting literally any of these UN shits. Most come from countries that dont know how to properly train/arm them and are sent into high danger conflict zones where they're as useful as tits on a bull when it comes to anything that isnt a shitty guard job, and even that they're not even B-list tier on a good day.
Only decent ones are like . If they come from the third world they're more than likely shit
No one takes the UN seriously after what happened in Yugoslavia
forgot pic
They havent been taken seriously well before Kosovo. The only good operation they did was the Korean war and that was still half baked at best.
Aside from it looking cool, why the fuck is all there equipment white?
Beautiful XA-180
I like how every time there is a UN peacekeeping force, rape, disease, STDs and murder increases exponentially wherever they are deployed.
We are here to protect you against that rapist murderous horde with our own rapist murderous horde.
The entirety of Yugoslavia should have just been renamed Serbia and the the power structures in place be enforced and disarming happening instead of this balkanisation shit.
Reminder that anything the UN does could be done by a Mercenary group quicker and for 5% of the cost.
>17,000 UN blue berets were incapable of stopping what barely 100(mercenaries) did in Sierra Leone
All UN Vehicles are painted white so they are easier to spot. They not fighting war there but to maintaining peace by being present.
Sounds like the worst job ever.
>sent into the nastiest most violent shitholes on earth
Peace by the barrel of a gun
White is the colour of concern.
With their white vehicles they cannot only show their deep concern verbally, but also physically.
>The country is poor by European standards with high unemployment, still not having fully recovered from the past conflict.
What did you really accomplish?
I love that show and that is one of my favorite episodes.
>What went wrong?
they just freeze a conflict for eternity. it doesnt get resolved, there is no closure, no solution. it is just suppressed forever.
see: kosovo and bosnia. as soon as international pressure and NATO presence in the area ends, the bosnian serbs will immediately make republika srpska secede from bosnia and start moving towards uniting with serbia instead. also, serbian troops will move into kosovo, murder the pristina government and thoroughly destroy any pro-independence organisations, restoring belgrades control over kosovo.
UN "peacekeeping" forces effectively prevent a lasting solution to regional problems, they just freeze a conflict and let it sit and fester as long as they are present. once they leave, it will blow up again.
Turns out there was a lot of rape.
So we are supposed to thank you for preventing the removal of kebab?
Muslim nations on European clay are abominations and must be purged.
Fuck you
What's your rape count?
The UN is a giant leftist fuckfest, using quick and efficient capitalist methods is strictly forbidden.
it's a cool idea but they must be unbiased to truly keep peace
the idea is to look as non-threatening as possible while driving an armoured troop transport through a fucking little village in the mountains
taken with some malaysian peacekeepers
Watch the show nigger. You won't regret it.
small arms damage from the civil war in beirut
I think it's so no one can blow them up and be like "I didn't know they weren't UN!" Plus it's like the color of parlay/surrender.
So you carved up an imaginary country and raped a ton of children?
damage from a helicopter during the 2006 war
>fucking little villagers in the mountains
The hilarious part is this can literally apply to any area they are stationed in
>Golan Heights
>Sudan/South Sudan
>Rwanda (1995)
They don't shoot, not even when shot at.
They repave the roads that they drive on and only those roads, and they just do laps and burn gas.
The aid they hand out is sold.
They're just a fine idea on paper, but peace keeping is hell.
celebratory assembly at the local private school commemorating members of the militia who were KIA. everyone from K-12 was there.
Wow that is so Swedish. Yeah, send a sexy blonde girl to an African shit hole. She won't be raped and canabalized, no siree Bob.
>it's another Sup Forums falls for another role-playing bait episode
>using "another" twice