Why does the (((news)))/(((yurop))) think we give a shit about anything that happens outside of Freedomland? Oh, there was ANOTHER terror attack in some shithole european country? No one cares, it's not America. It's a 2 minute by-line over here. If it happens in America, the whole world is forced to watch for weeks.
You can only post in this thread if you live in the only relevant and greatest country on Earth.
Zachary Howard
Josiah Hill
you sound extra insecure today
Oliver Walker
America isn't great, Trump said so.
Camden Cox
I'm sorry. Did anything relevant happen in your country? No. I didn't think so.
Jack Bennett
James Cruz
Because white people, as if we give a shit about Yurop
Luke Diaz
Dude, seriously, gtfo
Dominic Myers
oh my, did he touch something sore?
Xavier Rivera
>Norway >Relevant
Adam Wilson
So for reference. Benghazi. Not in america You want americans to stop talking about it?
Hudson Ortiz
We don't care about some durkadurka shithole. We care about the AMERICAN ambassadors who died there, Mohammed.
Nathaniel Jackson
Alexander Baker
eat shit op. I just jumped the border from mexico to post this from freedomland
eat my taco shit
Elijah Diaz
Dominic Flores
fuck off faggot. this isnt Sup Forums related
dumb shits
Nathaniel Johnson
Sure is summer in here.
Jose Jones
my friend, we abound in niggers. that's not a good thing.
Nolan James
As user once said, >If you wake up and find a turd in the toilet, it's no big deal >If you wake up and find a turd on your kitchen table, now we have a problem.
Adam Myers
Move out of the south.
Leo Mitchell
Must not have been American then.
Jacob Baker
Someone needs to tell (((Them))) to stop expanding the kitchen.
Brandon Thomas
Juan Allen
>Hates America
Gee... I wonder who's behind this post?
Ethan Johnson
For once, OP is not a faggot. All the fun/retarded shit happens in American news. All the bombings happen in European news. Boring stuff and weed happens in Canadian news.