What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?


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What a clown


Exactly what she said.

She is psychotic and so are her brainless followers.

>raise taxes on anything
>thunderous applause
This is proof that Hillary paid everyone there to shill, or is holding their puppies and bunnies hostage until after the rally

I think she said aren't

Lol she said "...aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class"
Are you an idiot OP? Or do you have trouble listening or hearing?

Thank you for correcting the record

>a leaf
You're welcome. It's not your fault you were born retarded.

This display of meme knowledge has convinced me that you are not a paid shill. #ImWithHer now.

Good to know.

They're a virus, slowly becoming us. It's scary

Why even leave it to a misconception by using a slurred contraction?

She said "we are going to raise taxes on the middle class", but she meant "we are going to raise taxes on the super rich", as she was just previously criticizing Trump for wanting to cut taxes on the super rich. It was a slip of the tongue, she got confused because she's an old woman with exhaustion and medical problems.

"Aren't." Contraction of "are not." Easily confused with "are."

"Integrity." The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

She said "aren't". There was even linguistic analysis done on this statement. Fucking retards actually believe she said "are" and that they think people clapped for it.

Thank you for correcting the record

Let's be real, she probably barely registers what she's saying these days, with all those micro strokes.

That last bit wasn't a fair criticism. She said aren't, not are, and it is easy to confuse the words. Shouldn't have implied anything past that. Apologies.

She said "aren't" but was intentionally ambiguous with her intonations so when caught lying she can say "but I said X" and either way, she gets away with it.

An experienced politician like her would have said "are not", and would have emphasized the word "not".

You're welcome. I hate the bitch and hope Trump wins, but ready, fire, aim is a poor strategy.

An experienced speaker would say WE WILL NOT raise taxes on the middle class, for effect, saying something like We aren't is a soft denial and just weak speech.

It doesn't matter what she said anyways. We all know she is trained to read off a teleprompter, she has applause signs that flash after ever statement, and her supporters are mostly paid shills. What matters is what she is actually going to do, and yes it involves raising taxes on middle class businesses and individuals: taxfoundation.org/article/details-and-analysis-hillary-clinton-s-tax-proposals

Why would she say "we aren't going to raise taxes on the middle class"?
Was she responding to someone who said "we are going to raise taxes on the middle class"?
Who is that someone? Because I never heard about it.

And what's odd is why would she say a bunch of "we are going to etc." and then end with "we aren't going to etc."?

The only people who attend her rallies are plants.

Why ever be surprised? They are paid to play pretend.

Definitely "are going to raise taxes"

nice 1 posts

> tax the oligarchs!
> tax the top 1 percent!
> tax the upper class!
> tax the middle class!

Tax the poor whites!