Heathcliff kicks a ball.
Heathcliff kicks a ball
what does it mean?
This reminds me of a recurring nightmare I used to have. I'd be playing catch with someone, but when they threw the ball back to me, the ball would grow larger and larger and never reach me, eventually eclipsing all light by the time it was finally on top of me.
So, why doesn't the syndicate simply drop Heathcliff?
Surely enough readers must have complained that it just literally isn't funny? Surely enough newspaper editors must have canceled their subscription so that they could give new artists a chance and order a better strip that actually makes people laugh?
I'm sure that people don't care about it not being funny enough to the point of complaining to the publishers that the strips aren't funny
You underestimate the anger, pettiness, and complete lack of things to do among old people.
Writing angry letters to businesses is practically what they LIVE for.
It's a big ball.
It's not huge, it's just in the foreground
I now understand why you do not understand.
Not him but Heathcliff breaks the fourth wall non-verbally.
This one is at least coherent. He's trying to lure the squirrels with what he thinks they like. It's just... still not funny. The others aren't funny but also have zero context other than "Whoa cats don't play music haha" like in
These are relly funnie! Thanks for the good funnie
For you
"You don't have to tell me, but in the Stone Age.."
I think the joke in is that when you go to concerts there are lines of porta-pottys.
Heathcliff and his pals are warming up while the litterboxes are being setup to prepare for the music festival tonight.
Is there a guide for translating Heathcliff into English?
Uuuuh, you don't get to bring jokes.
He plays hard
Heathcliff is the single most hilarious comic the syndicate has. I mean, have you ever read a newspaper comic strip?
Anyone else make bootleg Heathcliffs?
I should start, it looks like fun
Just wish that you CAN wish for more wishes first, then wish for more wishes.
Oh no! I'm inexplicably inflating again!
I wrote a script to randomly combine comics with captions if that counts
He's making garbage great again.
I gave it my all
Oh, you are that genius.
It was one of the scariest thing seen in these threads.
Make a site/generator. I need these. Alternatively put like 500 together in a flash and have it change to a random one every time you click. I recommend counterpoint music, specifically octet 8 line city life.
So has it ever been explained why Iggy lives with his grandparents?
What's up with these strips where Heathcliff is a wizard?
>literally every strip is a character saying something to another character in the background
>that's the only way the writer knows how to insert a """""""joke"""""""
Is it autism?
No, it's senility. And probably Alzheimer's in it's early stages
No it just seems unnerving without a caption.
for you
da balls on dis guy
Okay, now I remember reading Heathcliff comics from some years ago, and they weren't NEARLY this inexplicable. Are we sure the artist isn't developing some mental issues?
Remember that George Gately died in 2001 and passed on the strip to Gallagher, his nephew
But if you didn't read a Gately comic, in all honesty it's just bizarre cause Gallagher doesn't care. He KNOWS that nobody cares enough to look at newspaper strips other than the old and/or senile.
Unless he flat out draws Mrs. Nutmeg taking it up the ass from Heathcliff or Mr. Nutmeg swearing that the Garbage Ape is actually his black neighbor, no editor is going to actually look at these with a critical eye and say "Pete what the fuck is this shit", he knows he can make any insanely low/no effort of a joke and get it published
>Uncle passes on to you his newspaper strips legacy
>Live for the rest of your life off of the money you make creating zero effort, non-sequitur strips for newspapers
This man is a winner at life. I wish I had that same combination of luck + slyness to trick the system like that.
You don't have to tell me twice, but in the stone age...
Just letting you know, I get it and you should feel good for making this post.
Tengen toppa gurren lagann
It's easier to just leave it in it's original German
I like this one.
It's not funny, but it's cute.
Did they reuse assets?