What's Sup Forums's opinion on Aspergers?


I have it, the mental freeze-ups suck but I find ways to cope.

Autist superpowers of analysis are a plus.


What kind career do you do for a living?

Meme shit tier disease. Either get full blown retarded or man the fuck up and get some social skills.

You mean ass burgers?

The source of white genius, our racial pride

A lifestyle choice.

Why did Americans invent autism and aspergers?

I freelance write and do internet oddjobs. No, it's not sustainable, but it's something to actually feel like I'm being useful/contributing beyond nothing.

Because retarded people get preferential treatment.

I think one of my friends is a high-functioning sperg but I'm not sure.

He's loud, loves math, obsesses over shit, socially awkward as hell and has to be doing something mentally tasking like card games or something whilst watching TV, and so on.

Have it. I'm pretty clumsy, and I have some trouble interpreting nonverbal stuff (especially foreigners), but nothing major. According to testing I should be pretty smart as well so not all negatives. Currently studying mathematics and computer science.

Over diagnosed. I supposedly have it, even though I grew out of all of the symptoms fully by the time I entered High School.

We didn't. The research came from outside the US.

As for why we over-diagnose the fuck out of it, I honestly don't know how that trend started. Used to be ADHD.

My mom and step father have put my little step brother through hours of testing, and special programs to "diagnose" him with functional aspergers. He has been taking "special" programs at school that focus on developmental issues that he has been interrupted and taken out of normal classes for, or has had extra teacher aides around him helping him in normal class so it looks like he's retarded.

The kid has no fucking friends because he thinks something is wrong with him and that everyone else is different/better than him. He's 13 and he acts just like I did when I was 13. The problem is, my mom and step dad didn't do shit to raise him properly. They hand him everything, do everything for him, feed him junk food to keep a smile on his face, they don't teach him anything. They just let him watch TV and play video games all day. The kid doesn't know how to tie his shoes, and asks you to do everything for him because he's used to it.

I have a feeling that it can be used as a crutch diagnosis for shitty parenting like ADHD.

because we were trying to create vaccines

What is "aspergers" besides acting like a fucktard with shitty social skills.

Ever heard of Hans Asperger?

>Have aspergers
>be degenerate druggie and alcoholic
I feel like its a curse honestly, no matter where in the world I go I just always feel different, I'm actually going to a rehab soon so I can get a career sorted, I was planning to go into accounting

>Asperger syndrome (AS), also known as Asperger's, is a developmental disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests

There are some legitimate cases, no doubt. But it's definitely over-diagnosed.

Almost every girl I've dated has had Aspergers. They tend to be surprisingly hot (one was a stripper) and very loyal. They also don't have any interest in mind games or cheating. Asperger girls are better wife material than normal girls.

So it's literally just being a fucktard with shitty social skills and you don't grow out of it.

Do you think trump will win?

>used to be ADD
>use to be ass whoopin deficient

momma hug me

Asperger's is a blanket term for mildly abnormal social habits. Everything is pathologized nowadays. Cram that shit in the DSM and medicate it. Profit.

I have a cousin with assburgers and Tourette's. It's pretty fucked up and funny as the same time. He is huge and has retard strength though, so nobody fucks with him

>nonverbal communication
idgi, I'm a sperg and nonverbal communication is the only way I can communicate.

It seems like a means of controlling intelligent people. Real autistic people are not functional. People with Asperger Syndrome, on the other hand, simply lack social skills and empathy. In older times, they'd be waved off as coldly intelligent. Napoleon, Hitler, etc. come to mind.

Basically "NORMIES REEE."

>you don't grow out of it
You can grow out of it, you just need therapy. I'm normal enough that the few people I've told about it don't believe me until I show papers.

I have it , but at least at work iv used it to my advantage.
> able to work the dish put of a popular bar on a weekend night with no assistance or help and still be out in time .
It sucks, but iv always been able to direct it towards my job and I'm the best damn dish washer the company has ever had .

Have it, it sucks ass.

You can camouflage a lot of the symptoms by learning to recognize them and how to "act normal". I work a pretty normal job, but in private and with close friends I'm pretty autistic. Coincidentally I'm also happiest when I do my autist shit.

Had it even when I was really little, couldn't recognize facial expressions or balance properly for years. Mom worked extra hard to ensure I understood the importance of how people feel and shit, thank fuck. Otherwise I would be a full fledged turbo autist watching robot shit all day,

Honestly, it just means you feel like you're on a different planet, and you just want to be left alone to obsess over your thing.

I really hate the degenerates that self diagnose, or use it as a crutch. Sometimes it's diagnosed as an excuse for really shitty parenting or behavior, and schools will bend over backwards because of it. Those guys give the rest of us a bad name, when we really just want to be left alone, and not treated like retards.

>I really hate the degenerates that self diagnose, or use it as a crutch.
Yes, this is annoying. Especially when they make their entire personality about aspergers. Kinda similar to some LGBT people.

I to also have this condition. I have gone through college, university and am about to finish my masters, though I am terrified of going into the working world as I constantly talk shit and don't even know I do it.

>people are pretending they are Aspergers
This annoys me, like as I said earlier, I find it's a curse, that I never actually fitted in (including when I was with people that I called friends) It's really hard to describe and people know that somethings up but I never tell due to all the bullying in school I had for it because people would call me retarded even though I was the smartest kid in Maths and Business Studies

I hope you get it

Keep on doing your thing bro. I'm sure something you'll find your calling one day.

Aspergers just means you have a hard time discerning other people's emotions.

People who do this easily without even thinking about it have a hard time imagining what it's like.

This forces people with Aspergers to rely more on logical thinking than emotional thinking.

The condition was named after a Bavarian psychologist, Hans Asperger. He was asked to diagnose and prescribe treatment for young school-aged boys who were having trouble fitting in at school, and the teachers couldn't figure out how to discipline them, because they didn't care about recess or any of the other privileges used to control children, and they didn't mind doing more work, so the teachers couldn't punish them and even corporal punishment had no effect.

It seems these boys just would not accept the programming at school, and what kind of programming was it? Oh, Nazi Indoctrination.

People with Aspergers are impossible to socially manipulate and control. Impossible to indoctrinate.

So tell me again why everybody ELSE isn't considered sub-human?

Honestly, how do you trust somebody who's controllable. How can you be friends with someone who could just be manipulated by social engineering to NOT be your friend?

How could you marry someone who's programmable? What if somebody else comes along and re-programs them?

I'll never marry a non-Aspie. I don't even like to talk to non-Aspies. I just don't trust you people. You're like niggers to me.

As soon as you master the the wipe and flush, paki.

Syndromes are not medical diagnosis.

They're just fads psychologists and psychiatrists create to keep their jobs and wages high.

sounds like you just have mild seizures and got drugged up with performance enhancers.

Not as good as Spinach.

Because Reagan destroyed any chance of America having a mental health system.

Stay strong bro and keep being productive at something


You're almost word-for-word describing a schizo.

>I'll never marry a non-Aspie. I don't even like to talk to non-Aspies. I just don't trust you people.

This is exactly how i feel.

bipolar here. I was "friends," with a sperg/autist, and you guys can be fucking unbearable. And no, you're wrong; this dude was manipulated by the jew media to think he's some fucking genius confederate second coming mother fucker, when in reality he's an arrogant dick who refuses to listen to anything but statistics, which aren't 100% status. Get the fact stick out of your asses.

It's an Indian flag, you nigger. I hate the fact that you niggers get to use computers in jail.

I'd actually like to point one thing out. We don't really lack empathy in a strict sense. If we know somebody is hurting, we hurt for them as much as anybody else would, and if we know somebody is joyous, we share in that joy the same as everybody else.

It's just that we're bad at getting a read on people, and thus don't actually know that somebody is feeling a certain way unless it's obvious or explicit or we make a deliberate effort to read them.

It's like everybody else has limited telepathy, and you don't.

That's because Schizophrenics have antisocial behaviors in common. Aspies don't have a problem discerning reality or truth.

not %100 status %truth. Example: me and this dude have the same phone. I have massive problems with mine. Guy acts like I'm lying about it because he's never had problems with his. Fuck that, fuck off.

It comes no surprise to me this board is full of aspies. You people are mentally deficient and your political opinions are irrelevant. You shouldn't be allowed to vote

its a matter of physics
opinions are immaterial
like an "opinion" on ALS


>Syndromes are not medical diagnosis.

semantics and
no true scotsman

>I'll never marry a non-Aspie.
I feel weird about this one. On the one hand, it makes me somewhat self-conscious that I'm deliberately seeking out other aspies for romantic relationships. People would probably look and think, "Oh yeah, of course THEY'RE together."

On the other hand, it just works. I can't imagine myself being married to somebody who doesn't "get it" on some level. And the closest, most powerful relationship I've ever had with another human being was with somebody who was hand-flappingly spergy.

That, and I, like everybody else probably does, would really like to have kids who are like me.

you prefer spinach to the meat of autismal folk?

you're most likely aspie yourself

no, no it doesnt.

>aspies don't have problems discerning reality or truth

That's not right. It's more like a lack of or partial accessing the imagination center of their brain.

There's no difference between an aspie and an autist. They were just diagnosed and treated differently.

The treatment is different, but "ailment" is not.

>That's because Schizophrenics have antisocial behaviors in common

indeed, and which are incidental to both afflictions

Liberal brainwashing.

Not an argument.

This is untrue. Someone with real autism can't even look you in the eye and will yell "TRAINS TRAINS TRAINS" when they see a train they like. Aspies simply access emotion differently.

Which ultimately gets around to my first point: People with the Sburgers don't have anything. They're just really smart people being oppressed.

>That's not right.
no, it is right
in fact it is FACT

> It's more like a lack of or partial accessing the imagination center of their brain.

very very wrong

>There's no difference between an aspie and an autist.

asperger is mild-autism
autist is someone anywhere on the spectrum from "weird" to wheelchair bound

>The treatment is different,

depend on case

> but "ailment" is not.

see above

I almost definitely am, actually. I've never been officially diagnosed with Asperger's specifically, but I have pretty much every telltale sign and all the comorbid shit specific to it.

I'd argue that there is a difference, if only in the degree of ability to function. If two people are wired pretty much exactly the same, but one is verbal and the other isn't, the former will be said to have Asperger's, and the latter will be said to have autism.

I've met "autistic" people, and they're pretty much just me if I didn't have the faculty of language.

>neurology we're born with is brainwashing

neither is yours
anyway, see:

You INTP, absolute concrete realist like me?

tfw i was engaged to a perfect Aspie girl but she caught me looking at porn and left me for a Brony

>I've never been officially diagnosed with Asperger's specifically, but I have pretty much every telltale sign and all the comorbid shit specific to it.

go see a psychologist/et al and make it official

>perfect Aspie girl but she caught me looking at porn and left me for a B



you do but not entirely. I figured out how to hide it and people are always surprised to learn I'm a sperg.
it also has to do with personality. lots of spergs are shitheads.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you took a bunch of them and did MKULTRA shit to them.

I think we'd get a psychic. Every science fiction show and movie has some weird aspie who turns out psychic.

I didn't claim is was. It was a statement.

The argument starts at, which I didn't start.

You're not very good at reading or using Sup Forums.

"What is Sup Forums's opinion on Aspergers?"
>what's an engine's opinion on gasoline?

That is an excellent analogy, thank you.

Asbergers is just a part of who you are. It is not who you are in its entirety. It is not a label, or a lifestyle, unless you let it be so. I don't understand why you would feel the need to identify yourself as such, unless you were seriously lacking in other qualities worth anchoring your self esteem to. It's perplexing.

At its core, it's a different, sometimes debilitating, way of thinking. Different is not always better, but it has its moments.

yeah these days people are so quick to diagnose kids with something.

its was originally discovered in austria when it was joined with germany during the 1930s

Red herring
Spectrum/Syndromes are not diagnosis, but too much "not arguments" to care about your reply wholly.
The difference is based on who diagnoses and treats it. The "ailment" is not.

>I didn't claim is was. It was a statement.

then dont imply a response SHOULD be

The argument starts at, which I didn't start.

no, it starts at

>You're not very good at reading or using Sup Forums.


nothing in physics nor theoretical physics implies ESP is outside the realm of fantasy

Someone without autism will yell GIANTS GIANTS GIANTS when they see a sports team they like. It's an inability to perceive what others are feeling and expressing and relate to them. They don't get that that shit is annoying to a normal person and that most people don't care about trains and don't want to talk about them, or that it's customary to look someone in the eye when talking.

It's like they're focused on something that isn't us. They're paying attention to signals from their environment that aren't what we pay attention to.

>You INTP, absolute concrete realist like me?
I am an INTP. I don't know if I could be described as a "concrete realist," though.

>go see a psychologist/et al and make it official
I don't know what the point of that would be, though. I don't need benefits, and I'm really more functional than most people, all things considered. Granted, most people don't need hearing protection just to go to the store, but aside from sensory issues, I've pretty much got it down.

Unless there's a diversity quota for aspies, I don't really see why I'd want it confirmed, aside from having validity in e-arguments.

I don't really know, I was diagnosed with social anxiety, depression, and ADHD (inattentive) and I can't really tell if I actually have those things or if the psychologists just ripped my parents off. It is real, but over-diagnosed as fuck.

>Spectrum/Syndromes are not diagnosis,


and dictionaries write themselves

>but too much "not arguments" to care about your reply wholly.

ad hom
cop out

>dont care
then you wouldnt be replying

i'm a little more open than you

> I don't need benefits,

well i would be dead, at best, without neet $

>Unless there's a diversity quota for aspies, I don't really see why I'd want it confirmed, aside from having validity in e-arguments.

why indeed....
makes me think I could frame it and put on the wall at place of honor

Except that doesn't mean you have a more realistic interpretation of information. Aspies are bad at understanding human interaction

More "not arguments"

>bipolar here


>People with Aspergers are impossible to socially manipulate and control. Impossible to indoctrinate.

quite interesting
wow....huh, thats a fact
and insightful
are you profiling me IRL?


No mate I'm English, that's why I called you a paki and not an Indian because everyone hates pakis.

Mental disorders don't even exist.

You're almost word-for-word describing how you don't know that words have objective meanings.

You know you can't just use your brain to Google shit, right?

Le social construct meme because everybody is autistic to some degree

>More "not arguments"

didnt say they were, rather they show yours arent either, which instead of counter-productively proceeding on false pretenses (along your lines of non-arguments), they return us to square one

>Except that doesn't mean you have a more realistic interpretation of information.

except it means exactly that

not clouded with myriad morality/etiquette/scrupulous/societal/unwritten rules delusions

>Aspies are bad at understanding human interaction

no, bad at interacting with humans, not at understanding it

My best friend and I met in highschool when he moved from NJ and we met through a mutual friend through our similar interests in electronic music.
>NY teens are all about rap,so we gravitated.
He's got aspergers,also a brilliant talent for music.
>His SoundCloud name is Aetryx if anyone is interested.
I seriously haven't had a stronger bond with another person than I've had with him. I'd delete his browser history if he asked me too.

>if everyone will die someday

>then therefore everyone is on their death bed

>I'd delete his browser history if he asked me too.

wouldnt that be a trivial thing to do for any friend?

I would argue that some of us, myself included, understand human interaction better. The reason for that is simple: We had to learn it manually.

People don't overthink or mull over in-depth the things that come naturally to them. In order to be effective communicators, we need to understand ourselves, understand the majority of people who aren't like us, and figure out a way to bridge the gap. What's more, we have to understand ourselves without getting the manual and with no frame of reference in society, and we have to understand others while figuring ourselves out simultaneously.

The average neurotypical person understands human interaction better than the average aspie, but an aspie who understands human interaction understands it better than almost anybody.

Seriously, though, I would get myself diagnosed if there were some tangible benefit. Even something as small as being able to convey that, yes, I'm functional, but I really do have more trouble with some things than the average person and would like just a little accomodation.

I don't even feel bad about that part, either. It's how I treat others. Recognizing that other people are different than I am and trying to be considerate of it is how I'm able to move about in society, and it's the very essence of empathy, the thing we supposedly lack.