Any southern state will do. Let's discuss southern politics, society, and culture...or just let the thread 404.
Who here MS?
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Roll tide ok
Thad Cochran is a pretty ok guy IRL.
GTFO leaf this doesn't concern you, no matter how much you want to suck southern cock
I'm about as leafy and maple flavored as cornbread, grits, Milo's Hamburgers, and pentecostal churches, you yankee bitch
reporting for duty
How are we all doing this fine summer eve?
Here's Sam Dickson's speech "The Tragedy of Southern Identity" at "Become Who We Are" conference last year:
Nc here
There is no way we are voting Hillary with everything our governor has done this term.
Recent polling is putting her waaaaaay ahead in NC. Even I think those numbers are a little iffy.
Lawrence County reporting in.
Only the dead have seen the end of this meth.
Also, polite bump for you kind sir
i'm from ms. i live about 30 mins from tupelo
I've got MS, it really sucks.
Monroe County reporting
Hey user. I currently live in the Pacific Northwest. It's nice and white here but full of cucks, communists, and Democrats. I want to leave in 2 or 3 years when I've got my math degree.
What are some nice places to live in the south? Looking for a place with low crime, decent job opportunities, low cost of living. Will I be welcome in the south?
Broward country here. Wish we were still american
alabaman born in hattiesburg. wish i'd had a chance to know uncle theodore. hearing about his reading the Sears & Roebuck catalog on the senate floor always makes me smile.
540 va registered voter
you might wanna check out cullman alabama. it's a nice small town. it used to have a big klan presence (and still does) so the black population is like 0.01%. not sure about the job opportunities though. channing tatum is from there also
math degree? you should be able to find work in Huntsville AL's terrorism industrial complex. it has quite a mix of peoples from different places. even the blacks were better educated, and was the first time i didn't lump them all in the Birmingham category. also home to the hide yo kids meme gay ghetto black guy, tho. plenty of open countryside on the outskirts you could live in if you want to commute.
Daily reminder that Southerners were literally cucked out of victory during the CW by Southern aristocrats and Politicians vying to hold onto superiority over non-slave owning whites
t. vermont
Go dawgs
Fuck the gators
As long as there are decent, relatively white suburbs that don't cost a fortune it should be fine. I'd rather live around well-behaved blacks than white cucks to be honest. At least the blacks still hate gays and they don't put up with the transgender bullshit either.
How long until (((they))) make MS take the Confederate flag off the state flag?
God bless Dixie
Today's white people in the "south" are transplants from other regions.
Southerner's who portay themselves as the "south" are straight up cosplayers and posers.
oh, almost forgot, a lot of the HSV workers actually live in TN and commute down. TN has nice land, and at least used to have zero property taxes (might want to pay those firefighter fees tho, in case you need it one day).
Don't be ridiculous. Sure there are way too many transplants, but some of us have been here for a long, long time. I've had family living in the same region of Georgia since the place was settled.
Atlanta here, please nuke us
Middle Georgia here. Don't worry Atlanta friend, I will gladly push the button. I'm all for restoring Savannah, Augusta, or Milledgeville as our new capital.
I do believe I have the vapors!
Some quick research shows Huntsville has a median income +10% from where I'm at now and housing prices are -10%
Sounds legit.
3rd Battalion, 11th Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, Company K reporting in.
Southerners are ill-tempered, overheated, nasty, rude, double-digit IQ pieces of shit, and the whole world knows it. Robert E. Lee was right to surrender. There was no way the south wasn't going to be cucked by the north, and he knew it. Thank your lucky fucking stars we let you live, swamp kikes.
>Not using nuclear fire on the Northern cities as revenge for the march through Georgia.
Northerners are dishonest parasites who steal everyone else's wealth and keep their beloved Union by the end of a sword at the South's throat. William Quantrill was right to execute every last Yankee piece of shit in the streets of Lawrence. We should all follow his example.
JXN 601 here.
>He fell for the "The South Will Rise Again" meme
Not happening. The only thing rising about the south are the sea, poverty, and IQ levels. Reading this muh Confederacy bullshit is cringe bordering on Glenn Beck. Give it up, already, you dumb fucks lost over 150 years ago. You're not going to do shit except twang your banjos and fuck your sisters.
It's always hilarious hearing what Yankees think of as insults. What do you retards have against the banjo anyway?
ok next time you wage war on a country make sure you have the necessary industry to do so you retarded cotton fucker
Not an argument, Cooter.
Fuck off, yankee
Detroit has already been shut down, with industry moving South. Take a good look at Detroit, because that is your future.
TN here. Feels good being Southern. Feels better not being a rude fucking Yankee.
Tell me, will the South will rise again or will/is it perish/ed forever ?
It's fucked. They're just the last ones in on the joke.
Been to Tennessee. You're a fucking liar. You're some of the dumbest, rudest fucks I've ever had the misfortune to encounter. You southerners bitch and moan about how awful northerners are, but you're all just full of shit, playing pussy pool when you have them on your turf while bemoaning the evils of the north. You toothless inbreds are no better than jews. Gas yourself.
DeSoto county here, wish I didn't feel so alone, but hey at least I'm not a dirty yankee.
Have family that's lived here since the early days of the colonial period, family owned quite a bit of land.
Alaska here claiming honorary South
We were pretty much New Texas back in the oil days
Reminder that you retarded fucks only narrowly avoided losing even when you had literally every advantage imaginable.
We chased you out of Virginia SIX times from '61 to '64 and given how faggotized the modern US Army, it'd probably cave in after one defeat.
Mississippi voted overwhelmingly to keep the Confederate flag on its state flag not that long ago (like 2001 or 2002), and ever 30-something percent of blacks voted to keep it.
The only way it changes is through the state legislature ramrodding a change through. It'd still fail if left up to the people at the ballot box. Same with Georgia: The state legislature changed it in 2001, Sonny Perdue won the Governor's race in 2002 on a promise to hold a referendum on the state flag, but the GA Chamber of Commerce knew they'd lose if the people voted, and lobbied against a referendum. In the end, Perdue got a backroom deal with the legislature of having a referendum between two flags, none of which was the 1956-2001 Confederate flag, in exchange for having a cigarette tax increase passed.