So... how do we solve world hunger Sup Forums?
ITT: Sup Forums solves world hunger
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You don't?
Send them all to Australia since they're the country most willing to take in the less fortunate.
If they didn't fucking reproduce so much they wouldn't be so hungry
Castrate the hungry.
Decrease population.
If you let all the hungry people starve to death, there wont be anymore hungry people! World hunger solved!
Sending more money to charity of course. Have you idiot never watched those sad clips of starving africans on tv?
Give countries that need aid Soylent. Government spending must be transparent.
Based Fujimori tried to do that in Peru and the UN tried to stop him
Create a super fruit that can grow anywhere but lower human life span of their descendants
Get the Zika strand that causes birth defects to come to Africa.
Cockroach milk and cricket flour
Theres more than enough food to feed everyone the problem is literally capitalism. Plenty of perfectly good food is thrown away.
Let the hungry people starve to death.
Boom. No more world hunger.
give every american liposuction for free and send all the fat to africa for consumption.
Get rid of niggers or at least force them to farm.
literally, that's it.
Kill the useless niggers and the Indians and the Pakis.
Wow suddenly the world can easily support itself.
>remove Africa
>remove India and surrounding poo in loo countries
>remove south/central america (except for Chile, Chile can stay)
World hunger resolved
kill hungry people
If we send the Africans free food, we ruin there agricultural sector. Nothing beats free. Instead, we use that same money that's donated to invest in the countries irrigation sector and farmland
Kill off all non-whites,kill the nigger-loving whites
The most efficient way to resolve the issue of world hunger is to eliminate hungry people.
This solution eliminates the problem and conserves limit resources as well as having additional benefits to the function of the world.
>giving a shit about other countries
This map doesnr make sense
The countries with the most hunger are also the fastest growing
damn that map is brutal
so proud of you big brother
just kill tinelli and all your tv industry and we can merge
love ya
By nuking Africa.
I don't fucking get this..
>"WORLD" hunger
You mean AFRICAN hunger?
Why can't AFRICANS solve AFRICAN hunger problems?
easy, eat the babies
You don't feed the starving for the same reason you don't feed the fucking birds.
The moment you start, they just become dependent on you, and they tend to breed like fucking rabbits. The moment we decide it costs too much to keep feeding them is the moment the niggers start to hate us, even if we'd done nothing but good for them
The more there are, the more suffering they all go through.
The best and only way to fix world hunger is to teach these niggers how to make it for themselves.
I don't really see world hunger as a problem. I mean I ate just an hour ago.
you dont solve world hunger because they need to learn to make fields fertile themselves or else they will never be able to sustain themselves
>stop giving Africans foreign aid
>their population returns to a level that can be sustained with local resources
>problem solved
Its over.
World diabetes is the problem now and guess what?
Whites are the least diabetic prone people on the planet.
They predict that as many as HALF of the shit skins in many regions of the world will get diabetes eating like we do when only 10% of whites do.
Ireland will dominate the world.
Quietly. Like we have done in the past.
>More people die from hunger than from Wars
How do we solve this /k/?
>Stop sending food aid to shithole countries.
>Unsustainable populations starve off.
>No more hunger.
Can't confirm but I've heard whites are the only race that can really handle refined beet sugar and alcohol. Physiologically that is. I know the wagonburners up here in dudeweedland have huge problems dealing with sugar related illnesses.
That's because building a shack in Africa is considered rapid growth
Thats really not how it works. The fringes of those societies die off while about half migrate causing huge social problems and that perpetuates the problem.
The idea of sending them food is to create stability in the hopes that their society will develop and become food independent.
Go to war against Africa.
Then how about you don't allow immigration from shitholes? Problem solved.
Its in my link. Native Americans some middle Easterners and people from the Southern part of India absolutely cannot deal with the western diet.
Asians in general get diabetes at a much lower body fat. One that we would consider "just a bit over weight" on the other hand they are less likely to be that weight, right now.
The elites want immigration now. At least in class 4 nations.
Sub-saharan Africa has never, EVER "developed" by itself without white people. This is impossible. We're just throwing our own resources away.
They haven't built one civilization worth mentioning, EVER!
It's not about to start now. Just leave them alone I say.
Cut foreign aid, promote local aids.
The zika virus
You don't, it's a godsend, it's not like their population is in risk.
Genocide the niggers and we're good.
Birth contol.
We have to decrease population, so population correlates with how much crops are produced nearby
We really need to stop people breeding in a desert
We really need to stop Indians and Chinese from producing another millions of children
Every place on earth should sustain itself with food. Why?
Because it would lead to greater stability, we wouldn't be much dependent on resources to transport that fucking food to Africa
Famines would be easier to stop
People would stop wasting more and more resources
In a future there can be numerous situations when certain lack of resources or natural disaster will cause to lower yields in food. Combine it with overpopulation and we get situation where everyone starves or rebellions and war happens. I pick later option.
On the other hand it is highly immoral to kill people, but it is niggers in the desert and Asians that breed too much
Easy, feed the homeless to the hungry.
two birds, one stone.