Well, Sup Forums?

Well, Sup Forums?

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If richard is so rich, then why is his hair already gray, and his face is all dirty?

>woman puts herself in crippling debt to get a degree
>ends up working as a waitress

hmm, really makes you think

richard was born an old fucking man

this family is deamons

Paula is in a better position than her parents. Her offspring will be in a position more similar to Richard. And so on.

>it's always a poor woman or minority
>never a white male

I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side.

Fuck liberals and fuck neo-cons

>waaaah im not represented enough

her father got sick so she quit school to look after him

shit's pretty common. 1 in 6 americans is looking after their parents in home now. often taking time away from their work, medical finances coming out of pocket

Only poor people's parents die

Don't have kids when you're not in a stable position to raise them.

Her parents are not victims of society. They made the shitty choice of having children when the KNEW they wouldn't have the means to give them a good life.

I hate poor parents more than I hate thieves and rapists. They do much more harm to society in the long run.

Comic is race baiting. It's also seeing ghosts and projecting them. Lots of white people have been in Paula's place (myself being one) and lots of latino's Asians and other minorities have been in Richards. I hate shitty comics like this that generalize everything

But Richard did work hard. Nepotism will take you so far but no one makes you a CEO because of it. They both worked just as hard they just started from different points.

Why the fuck would you draw a child with gray hear and a receding hairline? What's wrong with people these days?

and then they fucked

That's what happens when you major in art or whatever bullshit. He probably majored in STEM or business.

I am emotional and now I don't believe in capitalism.

>Be immigrant form Poland at age 11
>Parents come with 5k, my sister and 5 luggage cases
>Make the most of everything I got
>Don't go out because want to save money and little amount of friends
>Live Paula's life

All this privilege man, totally love it

I wasn't a racist until people told me I had all this privilege laying around

Funny thing is im on your side my friends and I all applied for same scholarships same colleges but in the end I got pretty much everything i wanted but my friend's didn't. Now background is im a minority ( Hispanic ) my grades in high school where just passing but my friends on the other hand all 3 young white men from extremely poor families got nothing one joind the National Guard to pay for school the other worked as a Prosses Server the last gave up dreams of higher education. Just because you are a different race shouldn't matter.

Well it's not like white males need anyone on their side. They're doing fine on their own.

why don't she just marry into a rich family?


>I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side.

Dude these are the moments I stay up and shit post for. I wish I could buy you a beer

>Steve Jobs
>Bill Gates
>Elon Musk

None of them came from rich families, none had any special advantages growing up, but all of them worked their asses off and became some of the richest and most successful people in the world.

People need to stop acting like the circumstances of your birth control your entire life.

Believe anything you want but cutting taxes on the rich and convincing the poor it's good for them is bullshit.

I was sympathetic all the way up till college

Everything after college is just excuses, bitch should have worked harder

No they're not.

Literally the entire establishment - entertainment, media, government is against them. They're pushed aside in every facet of life to make way for literally anyone else.

You're just going to get war and killing, that's it - nothing more.

>these three guys out of billions became rich and so can you
Might as well play the lotto it has better odds tbqh

isn't polytech usually stem?

She's a waitress not a prostitute, relax. We aren't going to castrate the lower class because they didn't become CEOs.

Richard could have dropped out bummed aroudn and still got the internship. Nepotism is the real priviledge, not gender or race.

Don't have kids if you can't afford the little bastards. They should have sold her to slavery and used the money to buy some fucking condoms.

>having money makes things easier
Wow, this is such a revelation, who would have though.

sounds like Paula's parents were irresponsible degenerates who had a kid they couldn't afford

And those aren't the only three. The point is anyone can succeed despite the circumstances they were born in.

>Parents immigrate from dirt poor Albania in 1999
>3 kids, two 1 year old fraternal twins and my 5 year old self
>No English, totally alone
>at one point parents stuck with 10 dollars to their name
>childhood was a poor hell

Fast forward to present day

>Gave my parents 35k that I was saving to help buy house
>Finishing up a bio degree debt free while working night shift for 4 years now
>Family owns our own home in long island and an income property in CT
>Liberals tell me I'm privileged and everything was handed to me

The thinking man is my idol, wisdom and hard work are my friends. They will never destroy people like us

looks like you life

life is not fair
life does not care
life will give you gray hair

so we should take everything away from richard and give it to paula, not a chance.

Gates and Musk both came from pretty moderately rich families. Idk about Jobs cause I don't pay him much mind. But nah those two guys were not the middle class kinda dudes having to take out loans for their education. Private early schooling. All that good shit.

Not saying they didn't work hard or weren't smart. But they were pretty rich kids.

>tfw adult but can't drink because hur hur 21

I would buy you one too brother

underrated post

Fuck you nigger spic cunt roastie mudslime or whatever the fuck type of person you are

Yes, but this bitch is making the same bad decisions her parents made

Like I said, she had a sad childhood BUT everything after college was on her.

Found the problem.

And if she won the lottery? She'd act just like Richard.

Sure, if you think those three only got where they are because of luck.

Equality ≠ Justice
Freedom ≠ Justice
If you can't accept that, you might as well kill yourself.

I'm on your side

But liberals don't care about that, they have envy towards what you have but have no ethic for getting it.

They want it and they want it now, to hell with generational transfers

this desu.
if you cant afford to raise and support children, dont fucking have any. niggers get abortions all the time, and condoms arent expensive.
oh and birth control is covered by medicare so... no fucking excuses.

oh and if you want college without crazy debt, quit being a fucking pussy and enlist in the service. you'll get free college after you've earned it with completion of your enlistment contract.
That's what I did, and it taught me a trade at the same time.
I'm the first one in my family to go to college, I grew up poor as fuck and guess what?
if you decide to break the mold and not be a useless criminal faggot, you can earn and claw your way up.

Unrated post.

she didn't finish college because her dad was sick

I mean yeah let him die. Cold world gotta be cold. But that's the reason she doesn't finish school.

Usually in poor minority families, at least decent ones, there's multiple children. So when shit hits the fan of a parent getting sick/dying and someone needing to step up there's a few others that can finish their schooling. So oldest sister takes care of dying mom and raises the other children, giving older brother his chance to finish college and make it.

If she were smart she'd seduce Richard.

Fuck I mean underrated post.

>schools leave behind poor whites and poor whites can't afford college because of their race
Then Liberals wonder why the non-college grads tend to be very very racist and white nationals

>you stand up for your white friends when they need help

You legals are almost always bro tier. God bless you

Godspeed user

White Women benefit the most from Affirmative Action

What's with Liberals pretending AA doesn't exist recently?

>Republicans: Hey let's give parents whose kids go to shitty schools vouchers so they can afford decent private education
>Democrats: And bankrupt Muh Unions? Over my dead body!

And so Paula continues being set up for failure.

>t. Scholomo Goldemburg

Every single place attacks us except traditional and far right places. We aren't doing fine vecause our suicide rate is skyrocketing

Fuck off jewboy

Erik is that you?

>Paula is in a better position than her parents. Her offspring will be in a position more similar to Richard. And so on.

Fourth post best post

A lot fucking people forget that

Danke. I am on your side too

I am 22 lol

That doesn't matter, she has all the power in her hands to get the job done, she could have taken more classes sooner, she could take online courses, she could also join the military or some other civil service

>house full of people
>parents working two jobs decide to have yet another kid
>somehow it's the universe conspiring against them instead of their own retarded life choices

This bullshit comic is already invalidated three panels down

Fuck off OP.

>Richard's parents contributed to society and as such could afford to give their child a good live
>Paula's parents were vermin and contributed nothing to society, as such they get nothing and still have a child even though they can't afford it

Toby Morris is a fucking retard. I bet he's weak as well as stupid. Even his art isn't good, and this comic isn't creative in the slightest.
100% worthless.

>incentivizing and mandating american businesses return to american soil and bring jobs back is a bad thing somehow
>this somehow won't help the lower or middle class and definitely wont help the impoverished with all those terrible manufacturing jobs that will be opening as factories in america reopen due to these policy changes
yup, bringing businesses back to america and leading them to create a need to american employees won't help anything at all, ever.

If Paula put a little more work into her appearance, she could have married Richard and lived the easy life.

Yes, some people's lives are easier than others. Everyone knows this. Why is this even a comic?

and i couldve dropped my load in your moms ass instead of her pussy and you'd never have existed

Mit Vergnügen kameraden :)


you, you are the spirit of America and what being American is about.
Keep that shit up user. You make me remember why I killed sandniggers in the desert

>Too poor to survive financially, somehow unable to cash in on the ridiculous amounts of financial aid while going to college.

My life mirrored, more or less, the one on the right up until college. I graduated and walked into my first job making 80k.

I have no fucking idea what this comic is trying to convey, because it clearly isn't reality.

Richard is superior to Paula. It doesn't matter that his development is a result of the circumstances of his birth. A wooden chair made of strong, sturdy wood by a master craftsman is superior to a shoddy ikea chair made of cheap plastic. The superior chair didn't deserve to be what it is, it simply is worth more due to the physical nature of its existence. The same principle applies to people.

Online classes mean Jack shut and require tech which poor often have less access to.

Earlier classes how? Assuming 8 hr work and any free time taking care of dad there's none for school. Plus paying dads bills

If paula wasn't so butt ugly she might not be so fucking hard up.

Why is she working instead of going to class? Financial aid would've taken care of her finances.

Shit, she had life easier than I did. At least she could live with her parents while going to college.

>Sup Forums hates welfare
>The process of receiving your families taxes as assistances/healthcare and education for you or your community.

>Sup Forums sucks the dick off of rich people receiving welfare from their parents, families and businesses ('community')
>Statistically the majority of you will be in tax payers entitled to welfare.

Them cuckservatives, eh

>Well, Sup Forums?
>1 post by this ID
>76 replies
This place is so fucking shit I need to leave but can't


You get no sympathy

>Ignoring blatant welfare abuse

if she'd joined the military she couldve taken him as her dependent and he'd have gotten free medical treatment.
instead she was a liberal faggot and now she didnt finish what she started and her father is still dead
and she never went back to finish either because shes a useless fucking quitter who cant commit to anything

It's almost like the difference is that in the latter scenario you're doing it out of your own free will

A GI Bill would solve that problem and then some

it's really as simple as that honestly. Bitches don't realize how easy they have it, be alot better for them if feminism wasn't fucking them over and making them work.

>Ignoring blatant corporate tax abuse.

Shiggy diggaloo, cuckservative

I'm a fucking orphan with no family and these fuckers tell me I have "privilege" no one gave me anything

To hear Lord of the Rings quotes repeated?


But how else are they going to show you that women are an oppressed class?

Richard still worked hard from what we saw. With the cushy lifestyle he had he could have easily slacked off and became a failure which happens often.
Meanwhile Paula was shown slacking off at school and at home.
If I'm supposed to feel bad for her I don't

>I need to leave but can't
Story of my life.

Im 19 lol

Fuck can't wait till 21 though

Parent's didn't know English either. I knew a little when came here

>went through middle school first year playing the quiet game since no English
>Made some friends but still weird kid bc immigrant
>moved a lot because couldn't afford home and rent people would kick us because they were selling the home, lost any friends I made
>Go to HS do ok make little amount of friends
>Lose friends when we graduate
>Go to Community college because can't afford 4 year uni
>transfer to 4 year school get a degree in criminal justice and IT( meme majors but whatever)
>Live at home to save any money
>Mom works a shit job for 10/hour till this day helping with whatever she can
>Bought a shit flooded house, fixed it up with dad still doing things in it
>Dad started out 15/hour to 20/hour to 25/ hour doing construction
>Starts his own business couple years ago now making 110K a year in construction
>Sister might be going to West Point for uni

I spit on people who say I am privileged

>the entire point of existence is to secure the life of your spouse (your genes)
>someone fails at it, someone is doing good

mannnnn fuck paula, im a working chef and I don't make nearly as much as servers, bitch lucked out in life and got a serving position, enjoy that 300 dollars in cash a night, maybe if the governments lucky you might give them 3% of it.

>state feeding off the haves to give to the lazy have nots who dont take advantage of the ability provided by the state to change their situation and thus become haves
>taking care of family within ones own family unit is somehow the same
wtf im a democrat now

If her family is poor, Medicaid/Medicare would've solved it too.

This story is complete bullshit and not based in reality.

The only way her life could've sucked this hard is if her family had a HUGE amount of debt (like buying a home they couldn't afford) and an income barely scraping 60k.

That way they technically would be ineligible for most financial aid (until she was an independent), and be ineligible for Medicaid/Medicare.

This is more of a failure of the welfare system only benefiting those that abuse the system consistently (if it were based in reality); and people making poor financial choices. One of her poor financial choices is not declaring herself as an independent on her FASFA forms and telling her parents to not declare her as a dependent on their W-4's (which would've amounted to a pitiful exemption since they're making 60k as a joint income anyway).

Financial aid isn't always enough. Assuming her hs is shitty there's no sat/act prep, no ap classes, little extracurriculars so her steady b's don't mean shit. Likely working since 16 to supplement family income. Gets into mediocre polytech, stills has to get some loans with FAFSA, work study is common shit.

It just makes me think of this. If we were to weigh everyones personal stories and feelings against each others, there'd be no fucking time to work or get any shit done.

Society is a well oiled machine, and a machine does not stop to consider if the gears inside it were put there fairly. It just carries on working, efficiently and effectively.