Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
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If richard is so rich, then why is his hair already gray, and his face is all dirty?
>woman puts herself in crippling debt to get a degree
>ends up working as a waitress
hmm, really makes you think
richard was born an old fucking man
this family is deamons
Paula is in a better position than her parents. Her offspring will be in a position more similar to Richard. And so on.
>it's always a poor woman or minority
>never a white male
I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side.
Fuck liberals and fuck neo-cons
>waaaah im not represented enough
her father got sick so she quit school to look after him
shit's pretty common. 1 in 6 americans is looking after their parents in home now. often taking time away from their work, medical finances coming out of pocket
Only poor people's parents die
Don't have kids when you're not in a stable position to raise them.
Her parents are not victims of society. They made the shitty choice of having children when the KNEW they wouldn't have the means to give them a good life.
I hate poor parents more than I hate thieves and rapists. They do much more harm to society in the long run.