You are now aware that all the good will Rebirth has bought DC has been slandered by WB and all the butthurt DCEU...

>You are now aware that all the good will Rebirth has bought DC has been slandered by WB and all the butthurt DCEU whiners

Seriously what the fuck? Petitioning to shut down Rotten Tomatoes? Thinking there's a conspiracy against DC? I mean yeah I did my fair share of whining when DC You tanked but holy shit I finally see why most people here on Sup Forums think we have some kind of Victim Complex. I mean holy fucking shit, this legitimately makes me angry.

Other urls found in this thread:

No one can deny there is a bias tho

Geoff Jones, Grant Morrison, Jim Lee, Greg Capullo, Scott Snyder
no idea who the last guy is

>DC writers and heads
>lift regularly
>simple clothing to accentuate their pecks

>Marvel writers and heads
>possibly even gay
>wear inappropriate clothing at casual events
>one of the female writers is even dressed in a garbage bag for some reason


>not wanting to be Muslim
Why do you hate progressiveness?

Yes there is, but there isn't a fucking conspiracy. People like Marvel more since they broke new ground with the MCU. Yes DC has a lot of negative stigma but shit like thinking there's an active intent to ruin anything DC is fucking insane. The only way for DC to garner back their positive reception is break new ground elsewhere. Which unfortunately is left only in TV since WB also burned bridges with Games (Holy fucking shit were PC People mad from MKX and Batman:AK, won't be surprised if Injustice 2 does poorer than Injustice 1). There are still legitimately who have good reason to think DC's TV endeavors are good (I personally think other than a few good moments sprinkled on all the drama isn't really something to write home about), so they should focus more on making that REALLY REALLY good, the fact that they got Superman for Supergirl seems like they're loosening up on the embargo. JL Action looks legitimately great, and as terrible as Teen Titans Go is, it's the autistic fans of the original show that really hate it. Outside of being a mean spirited comedy show (Which a lot of comedy shows often are anyway) it's harmless and occasionally funny.

Let's try not to make this Company War but since you started it. Here's Bendis and his Big Guys

I know he doesn't have to deal with the public most of the time, but Bendis needs to fucking pay somebody to dress him.

He used to be styling when he wasn't that fat. Looked like a weaker Vin Diesel

For you

>Thinking there's a conspiracy against DC?
There clearly is. Watch the damn movie, it's nowhere near as bad as they make it seem, it's...not even bad. Superman Returns has better scores and is a staeming turd but they're implying it's better than MoS or SS.

lol why would movie dc in anyway tarnish the comics dc. also why would fans tarnish the publisher? stop being such a child

>Greg Capullo
That's JRJr you retard.

Because movies are still in New 52 setting. They need a Rebirth.

I think it has more to do with most people being mouth breathers. We live in a world where people think Winter Soldier and Episode 7 were good but The Lone Ranger was panned.

Those movies are well received because there are so many forced action sequences where TLR and MoS arent as liked because they are more somber

More like Big GAYS

>The Lone Ranger
My nigga.
That train sequence was fun as fuck. Shame it got such a bad rap. John Carter too.

The older I get the more I find myself being out of touch with mainstream tastes. It's weird, because it just makes me think I've got better taste when I don't go see the Hangover part VIII or whatever. I also liked the Lone Ranger and thought the new Tarzan movie was pretty okay apart from a bit of a lackluster climax.

Lone Ranger was kind of underrated but John Carter was fucking garbage m8

>People like Marvel more since they broke new ground with the MCU. Yes DC has a lot of negative stigma

Is that not a bias?

>Yes there is
He admitted critics/audience have a bias against DC.

There might not be as much of a bias in audiences though, since a lot of people I've noticed still can't tell the difference between Marvel and DC.

>falling for Disney false flags

Lee and Snyder look like the same person with a different skin tone in this pic

I have no clue what petitioners think they're doing. Even if they manage to shut down the Warner-owned website, the reviews aren't going to magically go away.

It's not as stupid as a petition to remove Rolling Stone's dreaded 3/5 review from an album's metacritic page.

There was a popular video game released a few months ago that had a bad review on Washington Post(?) and people wanted to remove it from critic.

>Walk into bar
>Hear various screeches and what can only be described as Complex Multiverse Creation
>"Nice Deadpool shirt nerd!" Johns yells, spitting Captain Crunch and Frankenberry onto your shoes
>Try to maintain composure, but Romita sneaks up behind you and yanks your Mighty Thor boxers up as high as they can go, tearing the fabric
>While you try to remove Mjollnir from betwixt your cheeks, Snyder and Lee are Double penetrating your feminist blogger friend
>The entire time Grant is just staring at you, doodling in his notebook
>As you try to leave the bar, he hands you his sketchpad, the contents of which are graphic sketches of you being raped by gay men in 52 different universes
Fucking DChads

pasta from a thread a long time ago

Eh Injustice 2 will do fine. I enjoy their games but their primary audience is mostly made up of casuals who will get it on consoles anyway.

>The older I get the more I find myself being out of touch with mainstream tastes.

Damn Johns is swole

>The entire time Grant is just staring at you, doodling in his notebook
>As you try to leave the bar, he hands you his sketchpad, the contents of which are graphic sketches of you being raped by gay men in 52

keked pretty hard

Could the five of them defeat pic related in a battle of magiks?


Doubtful. Moore's curse is still in effect and is currently destroying their movie franchise.

>Zack Synder is an unknowing pawn in Moores' war against DC.

Did Morrison's reverse hex protect Nolan-verse. Maybe Morrison even sneaked in a sigil through DKR.

>the movies having any sort of impact on the comics
This ain't Mavhel

why didn't he try to protect BvS or MoS? It's freaking Superman, for fucks sake. You'd think Morrison would be all over that.

Or did Moore have complete control over Hack Synders mind?

you forgot your pic, friend. Here.

No. It's pretty obvious that DC gets comics because of the people working on it.

Yes it sucks that the movies are getting a bit of a raw deal with critics, most of it is justified, but the comics aren't suffering because of it.

Cap 3 came out in theaters and DC still killed Marvel in comics. Then again, Marvel has been shitting the bed with their comics lately.

It's obvious that the movies aren't interfering with DC's success in comics. I can continue to enjoy DC comics but I'm really angry how I can't enjoy Marvel comics that much anymore. That box office success came at a cost.

No no it's Mahvel

Not Marlel or Mavhel, Mahvel.

Maybe he was weakened at the time. Poor guy couldn't write even one ongoing by the end.

>Then again, Marvel has been shitting the bed with their comics lately.
> I can continue to enjoy DC comics but I'm really angry how I can't enjoy Marvel comics that much anymore.

As a pretty big DC fag, I still really fucking love some Marvel characters, mainly the FF and the X-men.

To see and hear what Marvel is doing, or not doing, with those characters right now, it breaks my heart.

I'm just sort of waiting for that moment that he wants a piece of the movie pie. It will come, but I don't know when. And when it does I hope fans throw enough of a fit about it to keep it away.

What good will? We're still in New 52 hell.

>bendis in charge of the FF reboot-reboot

Same. Marvel had some good shit. I only really lost interest during Heroic Age. Little did I realize that was still pretty great compared to now.



As an old man who grew up on the Lone Ranger and wanted to be him when I grew up, I have I say that movie sucked. Armie Hammer was horrible, Depp shambled through as Sparrow instead of playing Tonto, the script was horrid, and it deserved to die as much as Legend of the Lone Ranger 1980. Fuck Bruck, that was a bad movie.

And there is no conspiracy to call DC movies bad. They're legitimately awful. The conspiracy is to call Marvel movies good when they're also shit. Cape movies suck. Get out. Go to Sup Forums. Fuck that cloud. I want to talk about Fievel Mousekewitz.

People falling for a marketing scheme doesn't all of a sudden mean a company has changed.

You mean it was always good?

Superman is back and most of the comics are pretty good.

I couldn't care less how much of a depressed faggot you are.

> Bendis in charge of ReBoot reboot
Fun fact: Didio was a writer, later showrunner, and was responsible for the grimdark turn the show took after the end of season 2.

>DC thread eventually devolves into company wars again

Can't we have one non storytime DC thread without bringing up Marvel?

Mate it was literally three posts in.

He was already on the committee that approved scripts and whatnot. It's how he got early access to story details to use for the GotG comic. Frankly, the sooner Bendis fucks off to film or television proper, the better.

fucking pisses me off.

>tfw you love DC Comics and have been enjoying the shit out of Rebirth, won't buy Marvel Comics, have lost all hope in the DCEU, and throw money at Disney at nearly every opportunity to do so
Happy master race, checking in.

>Petitioning to shut down Rotten Tomatoes?
the goy that created that is a foreign who probably has no concept how how this shit works

Johns could turn this ship around.

In how many years though? I think he will only have influence on JL if even that.

He's also a big influence on Batfleck.

God damn, why are they all so fucking ripped

It's a requirement to work at DC.

Gonna need a GL: Rebirth, Flashpoint, DCU Rebirth retcon to pull it off.

Fox already did something like that with Days of Future Past, then they promptly face-planted again.

Johns literally started sinking the ship with Green Lantern: Rebirth.

Fox wasn't run by Johns. Their management of the X-Men franchise has always been hit and miss though as well.

Is there a Marvel version?

What if the RT petition was made by Marvel fanboys as a means of discrediting DC fanboys?

If not intentionally discrediting them, then at least making fun of them until it ended up getting popular.

Thing crossed 15k signatures yesterday. Even if Marvel started it, I doubt they could have 15k people lined up to contribute to a false flag operation without it getting out. Even if they started it, its still a shitload of DCEU fans that are this butthurt over a review aggregation site.

That's a little too tinfoil hat dude.

I know that feel. I remember watching and reading so many xmen comics and cartoons.

Well, I'm not saying that Marvel themselves did it. I'm suggesting that fanboys did it as a means of either outright discrediting DC fanboys or simply to make fun of them, and in both cases the petition ended up out of control.

I mean, what kind of name is "Abdullah Coldwater" anyways?

facebook -> people/Abdullah-Mormont/100011743508177

A basketcase, apparently

Even if it was just Marvel fans. To get 15k, it'd still require massive organization and if there was organization, it would get out, and getting out would probably be more likely without the Disney infrastructure to cover it. And again, even if a Marvel fan started, a shitload of authentic DCEU defender still account for the people who signed it.
>I mean, what kind of name is "Abdullah Coldwater" anyways?
What's the comic publisher that primarily publishes stories about Muslim superheroes? One of their characters. That's the kind of name it is.

I don't really think that the people who read comics are in any way affected by the movies.
I enjoy the Marvel movies, but the only Marvel books I'm currently reading are Vision and Moon Knight. The rest of my pull list is Rebirth, Hanna-Barbera and Vertigo.

>Marvel writers and heads
>possibly even gay
You're wrong though. DC had more black and gay creators right now, they're just not advertizing it like Marvel.

Because i hate god loving rapists regressiveists.

He looks like a fucking wiener in that shirt.

>because of the people working on it.
>Dan DiDio
>Jim Lee

The better these people stay the hell out of DC, the better the company will be.

You're a moron f you think Didio isn't based.

And you're a moron if you think he is. He did more harm to DC than pretty much anyone in their history.

Keeping fringe books alive, trying to give all their characters a direction instead of making them batman clone #237 and personally flying to fucking Glasgow to get Morrison on All Star Superman sure are horrible, yeah.

Why is Morrison in the oicture? I know he's pretty much has the second most power next to Johns, but he had nothing to do with Rebirth and isn't on any current books and has no future plans, or did that change recently and I'm unaware?

Multiversity Too is still on.
