Got any good pics of neo nazi chicks?

Got any good pics of neo nazi chicks?

Is that lee harvey oswald in that srephen king movie/tv series?

So.. this is your superior aryan women?
Welp i might just stay with my mestiza gf 2bh

Why are neo nazis always untermensch

Why must these faggots go out in public?



Oh shit. That's the guy from this photo.

Neo-Nazis are degenerate. Master race would never approve of such filth, cleanse them.

this one is p qt

oregano power


Niggers smell like shit.

>Neo "Nazi"



Who is this trouser erouser?


Roll now

dubs get



check 'em

lets see

The difference between being a Neo Nazi and a nationalist.

>Trouser erouser
that's a new one, kek

This is a good picture?

They look like a couple of fucking losers.

pls be 7

I guess that will have to do :^)



They've got plenty on /r/ (where this thread belongs)

No, bc most are white trash. People that have those sentiments and aren't white trash suppress their power level.

If you somehow think that white trash can look good, then I don't think we're going to agree on very much at all.


This is basically it. People who have racist or white nationalist sentiments and aren't medically retarded realize that to openly display these sentiments is social suicide and will lead to ostracization from society. The people who openly do the white pride thing are people who have no life prospects and have nothing to worry about losing.


Fucking disgusting

Rollin me a new waifu

for space travel with

Good goys, be ashamed! Keep it inside lest your Hillary-supporting Twitter friends blacklist you from society!


Oh also you don't get to /thread on that, you stupid faggot.

Bumping and canceling your shitty "/thread". Get fucked.


Oh no! The goys are onto our slide technique!
Try to twist their words against them lest our distraction fail!

/thread and sage

Go back to Israel

5 easy

Why do so many slavs idolize hitler and the nazis? Being fascist I can understand, but the Nazis despised the slavs almost as much as the jews and slaughtered them like animals.

>it's this easy to distract 16-year-olds from being proud of their heritage

good goys, well done - once again.

Okay, bud, you go ahead and go outside with your swastika t-shirt you bought off Amazon and your fake leather jackboots that are a size too large, and be sure to throw a few heils for good measure. See what happens.

I think it's because they just hated jews as well? I am pretty sure the jews did a holocaust on a bunch of slavs back in the early 1900s?

Correct me if i am wrong Sup Forums


Come on 5 or 8, I want them legs.

Other way around bud, the pogroms were against Jews by Slavs, not the other way around

lets cuck whitey

>stupid rings
>t-shirt and jeans
>ugly hat
This is why I will never conjugate with other Nat-Soc.

Why do neonazis look like this?

Don't they worship the ideal man shown in Nazi propaganda posters?

This is an honest question.


all of them. every single one

Because they have nothing but the color of their skin to take pride in


>I want to smash my face into a drunk nazi girl's double dees

top-tier figure too

look at that belly to bust proportion

shes Ukrainiec. Read about UPA and Bandera.

Would a Neo-Nazis qt3 ever date a redpill spic? Or will she just get her brothers to lynch him?


you have to go back

Obligatory roll.

I'm sorry i got to roll

*The difference of being white trash and being an actress.

Most likely not. But seeing as women of any race LOVE to race mix, there's no crime in hoping.

At least i dont have to go back to that nothing of a place called New Zealand.

This is so autistic, I can't even...
Seriously if this kind of people come to Sup Forums you should kill yourself trash.


>I fucked my life faces

Literal white niggers...

You'll have to go to Ukraine to find a hot nationalist girl. Pic related is a march they have in lvov to commemorate the SS-Galizen

>You'll have to go to Ukraine to find a hot nationalist girl

You can buy yourself any ukrainian woman for a can of dog food, currently a flood of Turkish sex tourists is kinda bringinng the prices up.

t. I go there often

ITT: white trash

The ones that sell themselves off aren't worth it anyway. Also every pole on this board apparently goes to Ukraine often. I've actually been to Ukraine and it's no where near as bad as anyone says(other than the fact the place I was staying got broken into and I lost some clothes). Of course that was donetsk so the Russian population causes crime to go up.

Do not post.

White trash manlet and scrag, truly the dregs of the gene pool are attracted to nationalism.

I only care about her personality :^)

>currently a flood of Turkish sex tourists
Jesus Christ that pissed me off so bad when I went to Lviv over the summer. They all act like complete dickheads too. Multiple times I saw them yell at random women walking down the street, "eyy butifel we tourists show us tits." The entire time they just got drunk and roamed around the city harassing girls and then went to a whorehouse at night. Roaches should be exterminated.

Because they are dumb as fuck.


1932 best year of my life

"im gon keep the whait race pure ba breedin' wi ma sister"

my dick just did a roman salute


5 get


Ugh, dont stick your dick into crazy

Or in this case degenerate, neo nazis are a joke





I don't think I've ever heard or seen a neo-nazi in real life, and I've been around

roll for the fuehrer

National socialist here, NOT neo nazi. Fucking christ man, why the fuck do they have to look like sub human garbage

coloured hair DROPPED

piercing DROPPED

tattoos DROPPED

groupthink no individual thought DROPPED

sehr gut


*vomits internally* DROPPED


Probably a feminist nationalist DROPPED

Cant take a decent photo DROPPED

Im sure he's turning over in his grave at what has become of his movement

No. Neo-nazis are just a gang more or less that came up to fight against the nigger and spic gangs


>nazi chicks

There isn't a woman on this earth who would become that on their own accord.

If you see a girl like that- it's because her boyfriend influenced her to be that way.

Once the relationship is over, she will revert to her womanly ways.

Rollin' for the Führer.

Please 5....

Praise Kek!!