Would you race-mix with a Finn Sup Forums?
Would you race-mix with a Finn Sup Forums?
I don't want to make another Eliot Roger, so no. WM/AF make shit tier kids.
>Would you race-mix with a Finn Sup Forums?
The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
Norway please
>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
yes ;)
>>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
With her Asian boyfriend
>>>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
No, this yellow fever shit has to stop.
>>>>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
AMWF is beautiful (more pics below)
Aren't Fin girls chasing bbc now?
Id race mix with any race but i cant find a gf
>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
Webm of them on a date
>>The girl in the OP whe she is older - notice the mole under the lip or under the eye
Another pic showing her moles
So are they gonna bone, or should i just leave this thread.
Yup. T: Hurri
Is it weird that I developed a thing for blondes after going on Sup Forums?
Yes. You only took bits and pieces of the red pill. Blondes are backstabbing whores. All of em.
Only if she look like pic related.
Her instagram said they were bffs before it got deleted. She friend zoned him.
redpill too hard to swallow
Fuck your race mixing spam faggot.
keep making up lies bro. literally every girl that Sup Forums falls in love with always has an Asian boyfriend.
pic related.
No. I can't race mix with my own race, silly
I bet you think nips are honorary aryans too
I guess.
I'd perkele her vittu alright :DD:DDDDD benis in bagina :DDDDD
>löök möm i pöstöd lö mömö ögöin
I found it. Fucking kill yourself
she looks too much like my ex, it makes me sad
Yes. Pure-bred Norse master race, here. Finns are honorary Aryans, and we should take advantage of their good white genetics. We can breed out the impurities in no time.
In fact, we're wasting a valuable resource if we don't. Fuck a Finn today!
Well I'm half chink so our children would be 3/4 asian then so sure.
I would race mix with anybody as long as they have white skin.