Speaking at the premiere, Jay Hernandez who plays pyromaniac El Diablo, said: ‘Yeah I am bothered about it...

>Speaking at the premiere, Jay Hernandez who plays pyromaniac El Diablo, said: ‘Yeah I am bothered about it, I think it sucks, obviously we worked hard and tried to give the fans what they wanted.

>It’s weird that some of the criticism I heard was that it was “too much like a comic book”, in terms of you have these characters being objectified like Harley Quinn, there are just certain elements that are just part of being a comic book.

> you’re trying to portray that on a film, you have to stay true to that, because if you don’t, the fans of the comics are going to be offended,’ he said. ‘So the critics can kiss my ass,’ he added

Other urls found in this thread:


>Joel Kinnaman, who plays the Squad’s leader Rick Flag, fell on the Batman V Superman defence – claiming the film was more for the fans.

>He said: ‘Of course you want critical acclaim, of course, but what matters is what the fans think. We’re really proud of this film, we loved making it, everybody on the film has become really close friends and this is like a work of love and I hope the fans like it.’

They're right


Ah, yes, passive-aggressiveness. A surefire way to build goodwill towards your movie.

Someone get this hothead out of here.


>> you’re trying to portray that on a film, you have to stay true to that, because if you don’t, the fans of the comics are going to be offended,’ he said. ‘So the critics can kiss my ass,’ he added
This guy is cool.

>"W-we did it for the f-fans!"

Literally BvS 2.0


>So the critics can kiss my ass,’ he added

If you're gonna shit talk you gotta get a dictionary.

user most of Hollywoods big sellers are Sup Forums related

I mean, he's actually right. A lot of the criticism does seem to be pretty fucking stupid. People seem to be mad that Harley Quinn has some sex appeal or that these characters, who are dangerous psychopaths, are being violent and killing people with guns. I mean, how "dare" they.

To be fair, this movie seems to have more fan service than BvS ever did. Seems like it's closer to the "comics" as well.

>we did it for the fans!!!!

This weak deflection is becoming increasingly eye rolling. Acting as if this dispels all criticism is so ridiculous.

>closer to the comics

Yay it's close to the SHITTIEST run of Suicide Squad, what an accomplishment. Seriously is there even one person who actually enjoyed Adam Glass' run?

It's not FOR you.

There are tons of influences from Ostrander's run as well, aren't there?

I stopped believing in critics when I found out that their reaction to Con air wasn't positive.

>Yay it's close to the SHITTIEST run of Suicide Squad, what an accomplishment

Motherfucker, the movie basically fellates Ostrander's. Adam Glasses run is just a poor superficial version of Suicide Squad, where as the movie gets the concept and the characters unless you're autistic and do not understand the word 'adaptation' .

>Detective Comics fans: Fuck Comics.
No wonder your favorite films involves a writer who hates the idea of superheroes.

X-men Apocalypse and Kung Fu Panda 3 were considered failures. Must've been a slow year for movies.


>fell on the Batman V Superman defence – claiming the film was more for the fans.

But fans were the ones who hated BvS most of all.

>Harley as a main character
>that shitty XTREME aesthetic

no, that's not Ostrander's run

Budget plays a big part in it.
Apocalypse was about 180 million
Kung Fu Panda 3 was 145 million
While they made double the budget counting international that never counts the cost to get them in those foreign theaters.
It's why the general understanding is a film needs to make back at least 3 times it's cost to be a true profit because what they tell you the cost was isn't the whole truth

And it's not a slow year so much as we haven't hit the next big sales market which is the holiday season.

>Kung Fu Panda 3 were considered failures.

sure about that?

>DreamWorks Animation swings to profit, thanks to 'Kung Fu Panda 3'


Jeesh it has not been a good summer for movies in general, has it?

To be honest, Apocalypse was the very first X-Men movie (that I watched as an adult) that I walked away from feeling satisfied. I personally think it's the best X-Films yet (not a very high bar tho). Because it's the first X-Film that actually felt like an X-Men movie.

Of course, it still suffers from a completely derptarded timeline. I mean, no one's aged a fuckin bit since the 1960s? Wtf is going on over there? And it feels weird that Prof. X looks like he's the same age as everybody else

>cost to make Suicide Squad was 250 million USD
>bad reviews already poising the well
>it's the dog days of movie theaters were sales are slow anyway
How bad is this going to burn anons? I can't see it even getting double

Maybe try actually making good movies and you'll get better critical reception?

The critics fellated Nolan's Batman movies except for TDKR which is generally acknowledged as the weakest.


Marvel movies generally get decent reviews because they're generally decent. Marvel's movies have ranged from mediocre to good. The DCEU has yet to hit even "mediocre".

>movie was shit

This is just pathetic. BvS fucking sucked. By all accounts Suicide Squad fucking sucks. Stop making shit movies and you'll get acclaim.

Ain't that the truth.

But user, even the nu52 run didn't really have the aesthetic that this movie has in promotional art and such.

It's actually fairly unique to this movie. And to be honest, it actually looks REALLY fucking cool.

So you you're a superficial idiot, gotcha.

I loved bat man and superman ( I dont ) and that steaming pile of shit was all we got from
Zack snyder. I'd realize he is not a good director. The movie could've been so good it made me love batman and superman, but only the trailer did that. WHY DID THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE THE TRAILER GOOD BUT NOT THE MOVIE

>too much like a comic book
Not that I've been scouring reviews or anything, but who said that?

He means it in the sense that people are complaining about Harley being depicted as sexy and the squad consists of criminals who use guns and, you know, kill people and are generally violent.

>It's for the fans

I remember people saying the same thing about Warcraft once that critical reception tanked.

It's the ultimate excuse.

A shit movie is a shit movie. Pretty straightforward.

It's okay for a girl to be smart and sexy. But like most movies they skip over the "smart" part and depict total bimbos.

>Manlet Crocodile who we're only told has eaten people

>Misunderstood Deadshot who only kills bad guys

>Harley volunteered for her mistreatment by Joker, instead of being a victim

>Underused Boomerang

>muh family Diablo

Yes, so close to the comics. That's the problem. Not that it has boring versions of the characters, has no interesting villains, and barely utilized the cast.

Not to mention it's just downright insulting, as if implying the fans have such low standards they'll accept any old piece of dog shit as long as it has a couple of references (which I suppose is true for some people but whatever), and that none of the people criticising it are "true" fans.

>implying the fans have such low standards they'll accept any old piece of dog shit as long as it has a couple of references

That's the secret behind a lot of CW shows success. Beyond Flash, most of it is hot garbage.


That ain't bad for a cheesy 90's action movie.

I'm not sure actors have too much creative control over some things, think Reynolds was essentially blackmailed into doing Origins, or not getting to do Deadpool at all.

>Misunderstood Deadshot who only kills bad guys

wow fucking seriously?

Makes some sense. Actors tend to have less writing talent than dedicated writers, after all. However there's always opportunity for an actor to improvise or mix things up (I.E. Indiana jones vs. the swordsman), and it can make things even better than the original.

But "Arrow" is often derided nowadays and "Legends of Tomorrow" got a middling reception.

> its for the fans

Skipping this movie, thanks! Hope it fucking tanks.

Do people seriously criticize cape movies for being too much like a comic book? why are they watching then? That's like me watching Harry Potter and saying there's too much magic

Honestly one of my fears about this movie is that none of the Skawd are ever really truly bad guys. They come off as more anti-heroic than anything.

The Skawd should be a bunch of terrible people being forced to do some good by the shadier parts of the U.S. gov't. They should mostly be downright scary, sociopathic people, who shouldn't bat an eye at heinous crimes that would sicken us. That's the Skwad in my eyes.

Indeed, but they have to be quite influential, and the studio or directors or whoever have to not be in a panic and micromanaging everything.

It's Will Smith, do you think he would play a bad guy?

>these characters, who are dangerous psychopaths, are being violent and killing people with guns.
This can't be true. Right? Right?

None of them are bad in this movie besides Harley and Boomerang.

He wants to kill Batman, of course, but that's only because Batman humiliated him in front of his daughter.

>last scene is Harley kissing Joker passionately

Please don't enable this shit

You're getting Hot Topic Guardians of the Galaxy and you're gonna like it!

After all, it's for the fans.

No, he's full of shit.

These reactions to SS's bad reviews are the most childish shit ever:

>Hey, I just finished this painting. Would you mind taking a look at it and telling me what you think?
>Sure man, no problem.
>Here it is.
>Come on, just be honest. Tell me what you really think. I need feedback.
>Well, okay: [list of reasons why the painting isn't very good
>...you hate me, don't you?
>You only said those things because you HATE me, you always have.
>What are you talking about? You asked for my honest opinion and I gave it.
>But you liked John's paining!
>Yeah, because John's painting was better. Sorry.
>What did he give you?
>Excuse me?
>John must have bribed you to say nice things. That's why you praised him but insulted me, because you hate me and he gave you stuff.
>That's ridiculous.
>Well FUCK YOU. You don't understand art, you never have. My painting is for REAL art connoisseurs anyway.

The source material can be garbage, for one thing.

Second, lots of comic book characters look ridiculous. Why do you think X-men had them wearing all black outfits? Changes need to be made so that a movie watching audience can take these characters seriously.

The reviews I saw mostly criticized the editing and I think shitty plot, and lack of characterization I think, or at least screen time for say the Joker and such.

Snyder comes from a background directing commercials, user. He knows how to make a good 20-30 second snippet, but stories and plots and character development are alien concepts to him.

That's the split.

For every one person who says "it's violent, they're bad people", there are two more who go, "Are you kidding me? They're not nearly violent or bad enough."

Anyone saying it's too violent just has a low bar for it. Their enemies through the film are a bunch of disposable, magically mutated mooks.

How come no one ever says "we did it for the fans" with well received movies? Like... was Civil War not for the fans? Random Spidey fanservice not for the fans? The Dark Knight didn't need to be for the fans to be good... and it was still good for the fans.

Not really. One of the go-to defense tactics for apologists is to pick one review that says something stupid and act as if all reviews say the same in a futile attempt to discredit them.

Then tell me how I'm wrong.

Look it up. Some anons posted screencaps and some links to some reviews in the threads yesterday. There were really people whining that the movie had the gall to have criminals act like criminals.

And considering that they also seem to be significantly more moral than they were in the comics, it just makes the reviewers look even dumber.

Fuck, man. I want to defend this movie but the last thing this needed to be was just DC's GotG.


Because it's a fall back excuse for when a beloved franchise doesn't do as well as they wanted.

Look buddy, no matter how hard you try you're not going to make me think a review that says Will Smith as Deadshot is offensive because he's black, shoots people and is a criminal, is anything more than shit.

They might as well be. Once Enchantress mutates them, they stop being human beings, they're just a hive mind of maurauders who don't even bleed.

Gotta' keep that PG-13 rating.

Ever since Ghostbusters debate and seeing a review that took points off for "Harley being in love with the Joker" and "Joker is not in it enough" I stopped trusting reviews, I normally see a movie i'm interested in regardless of reviews but i'm just done looking at them all together, Too many SJW and Anti-SJW

Predictable I suppose, had guessed it would try to be edgy but childish early on since they refused to consider it being R-rated. "They're the worst of the worst," meanwhile Bats and Supes are murdering people left and right.

Nothing wrong with disregarding reviews. It's people who are saying reviews are "wrong" because they don't match up with their personal opinions and then going on to making up some sort of conspiracy.

For that the intro of Watchmen is good. And the movie is... "meh"

Can you link to this not-imaginary review?

>Waiting until Deadshot is with his daughter to confront him and essentially using her as a human shield
>Gives Harley a bizarrely sexual poor excuse for CPR, then chokes into unconsciousness
>Willing covers up Waller's involvement in innocent deaths to further his own goals
>Then threatens Waller with a team he hasn't even formed yet

Batman is a bigger asshole than most of the squad in the movie.

Who else on unlucky streak here?

>Predicted X-men Apocalypse would blow
>Predicted BvS would blow (as if that was hard to figure out)
>Predicted that Suicide Squad would blow

I wish I just stopped being so right, guys.

This is BvS all over again.

You'd think actual fans would want actually good movies featuring the characters they love, but instead the instinct seems to be to automatically defend any steaming pile of shit with their beloved characters' names on it.

We saw that in the trailers, too. Katana cuts through the head of one and it's basically made of ash.

K, now I want to see this movie.

X-Men Apoc came out alright and to alright reviews

>DC fans hear about how much this movie disrespects the source material

> pay to see it anyway to "spite" reviewers, therefore enabling more shitty movies

Are DCEU fans the biggest cucks on earth?

It didn't take a genius to see any of that. Anyone who wasn't a rabid fanboy could see what was coming.

I completely forgot about Bruce's talk with Waller. It just seems so odd for him.

He really has no reason to make a deal with her, he could get that info on his own.

Fuck the fans, seriously. They're never happy, even when they are.

I'm going to watch this movie, not only because I'm interested in it but also because of principles.

I suspected most of it, but I wanted to believe.

Because we all know comic-book movies are a bubble, just like the Western was. We have to make each comic book movie count, the longer to keep the bubble alive, and the more chances we have to actually get the good movies to happen.

The problem with BvS versus SS is that the problems with BvS was the characters themselves, at least to fans. Superman isn't heroic. Batman murders people. Luthorberg and stuff.

The problem with SS aren't really problems to most fans who just want to see the squad on the big screen. The characters aren't really the problem, it's just the really bland story.

I bet you haven't seen it but you're already so sure it's "a steaming pile of shit".

> I'm going to give some fat CEO money on my principles

You're a waste of life.

I think Apocalypse was at least mediocre sort of, though Civil War probably stole a lot of its oxygen.

You have a principle requiring you to watch bad movies?

>all 30k fans of Ostrander's run are to blame!
Seriously, fans is a mysterious entity that is used to excuse EVERYTHING.

Newsflash: fans is not a singular entity with one opinion, when people say fans are to blame, they don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

They need their "I'm here to talk about the Avengers initiative" scene one way or another.

>this isn't a repeat from BvS release week

There are probably more Will Smith fans than fans of any single character in Suicide Squad bar The Joker

>b-but it's for the fans!!

Goddamn, this excuse is overused and flawed.

Margot Robbie's Harley probably already has more fans than comic book book Harley.

Remember guys, it's for the fans!

Now watch the fucking movie.

I was going to say Harley, but I think Smith does indeed have higher star power so there's that, still the reviews have mostly been saying him and Robbie are great in it I think, even if everything else was rather lackluster or jumbled.

The confrontation doesn't even have him coming out ahead.

She makes a subtle threat to reveal his identity, and he says he could use his "friends" to shut down her operation.

But all she has to do is STILL use that threat of revealing his identity.

Can anyone whining about the critics actually link to reviews?

Because I'm guessing critics actually wrote something like:

>The characters revel in violence as they awkwardly delivery clunky dialogue going through the motions in a bland, poorly-paced plot.

Which fanboys took to mean

>I can't believe critics say it's too violent! Fuck those idiots, they don't understand!

Moviefag "fans" from Sup Forums don't count.