>american toilets
American toilets
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I am putting this in soon.. top of the line porcelain 1.6 gal pressure assisted with a slow closing seat.
actually this is an american toilet
Whats the deal with the water level? What about the dreaded splashback?
superior water level coming through.
Omg i was too curious, plz don t ask google french toilets, it s a lie
>Not been able to shit in freedom
At least we don't have designated shitting streets like they do in India
>Wanting shitskid all over your toilet bowl
Dude, those lower water levels mean the splash is bigger since the shit falls further.
Indian toilets
Kek, those are toilets you usually see in poor countries but I do agree the water level is good
you just gotta deal ya know?
They trigger me
Does anyone else really like when the poop slash water hits the centre of you bumhole haha cold bunghole? I LOVE it!
yeah wtf this guy is retarded
This is why the leaf is so hated here, It's like you're another species.
nah the water is further away and theres not enough of it to splash up
when the water is like 5 inches away its gotta be worse, also i think a lot of the shit hits the bowl instead of the water when its that low
We usually have these toilets in most households but some of the new houses and new suburbs will have something like this and also shopping centres have them
>get splashback
>it splashes my ass hair making cleanup easier
>german toilets
Don't bother trying to save Gawker anymore: Hulkamania already went wild all over Nick Denton's candy ass.
Never seen a toilet like this in my life and I live in a major metropolitan area.
What if they leave the acid cleaner in the bowl?
do you poo backwards and have a shelf for your choco milk and tendies?
>mfw people actually stand up to wipe
germans like to inspect their shit
Same. The idea is kinda cool but it looks like it might feel unstable.
>there are people who unironically poo in these loos
Fuck you, pal.
I once read that it's so they can inspect their poop for worms.
I shove toilet paper (moist wipes actually) into a ball and put them in my ass after wiping, then I stand up and walk around, then take it out, sit back down, and wipe more.
>standing up so your ass becomes like a rorscach test of shit
How do European toilets look like? I genuinely have no clue cause all the bathrooms I've seen in usa look like this
is germany even 1st world?
what is the advantage to this
It would be like a toxic spill poopie like I prefer to call it haha like when you eat lots of indian food and your poopoo is all stomach acid OUCH! haha
Went over to Toowoomba from Brisbane for a few days. You guys have some fucking weird toilets. Literally half flush and full flush buttons. What the fuck? You can choose to set your toilet to stun, not kill?
There was also a sign that said "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" and most of the urinals had no water flushing system, it was more like a trough. Actually a few helpful lads told me if you're over a friend's house it's better to take a piss outside near some trees, people won't bother you about it and it's commonplace. What the fuck? Do you have a water shortage or something?
>Indian toilets
>A squat toilet, also known as an Indian or Turkish toilet.
You posted the wrong picture there, dude.
>having such an unhealthy diet you actually cause skid marks on the bowl.
Let me guess, you also wipe more than twice?
Do they poo like Butters?
you only have to wipe your ass 2 times?
Dick slapping against bowl detected. Fuck that tiny toilet.
>What the fuck? Do you have a water shortage or something?
Historically yes
it's not too bad at the moment
Most troughs and urinals have an automated flushing cycle rather than requiring manual activation
>is germany even 1st world?
not anymore nigga
>2m refugees
Japan Toilet
>actually having to wipe at all
You know you're supposed to unwrap the candy bar first, right?
wtf I hate america now
>American toilets
hey do you mind deleting this post?
American toilet hoovering 56 chicken mcnuggets. Incredible.
OP picture is from the youtube account of some freak who posts videos of himself flushing toilets
there was a thread on /x/ about him
You can learn a lot about your digestive health by just taking a few seconds to look at your turd.
thats the average american lunch
Anybody else suffer from getting a huge splash of water perfectly in time before my asshole has time to close? It's such a degrading feeling
It has a seppuku button for those endless wipe situations.
is this a man or a woman broadcasting
I once ran across a group of toiletfans on youtube.
Creeped me the fuck out.
>he actually goes to he toilet instead of sweating out all his digested foods
Have you tried this new product? With it you'll finally be able to wipe!
When I was a kid I found it interesting to see how different toilets flushed in different ways
but filming it and putting it up on youtube as an adult is crazy
There's an ancap joke in there somewhere
Waste of shitty food.
bidets are objectively the best, paper literally does nothing put just smear the shit off
I piss in my backyard all the time.
put toilet paper in the bowl before you start. It softens the impact and prevents splashback
How could this poor Euro girl's petite little bum fit on such a monstrous American contraption?
To be fair, these videos are basically a demonstration that it's basically uncloggable: they also tend to show it flushing a bunch of other ridiculous things, like rags, boxes of batteries, or entire potted plants. Showing that it's over-designed shows that it'll stand up to day to day use.
Millions of Americans still have to use the poop scoop method due to bad plumbing. Have a functioning toilet like OPs pic is a godsend.
>He actually eats and doesn't just absorb his nutrients from the sun.
>the poop scoop
what is this? you mean you cant flush your shit?
>still have to use the poop scoop method
You mean the three seashells?
>Swedish toilets
>Admirable water level
My balls hang abnormally low, and it starts the day off wrong when they drop into the toilet water.
>You mean the three seashells?
He probably doesn't even know how to use the three seashells.
>a gundam control panel
>entire potted plants
>tfw your Penis is detachable
You're telling me that they hang so low that they end up in the water?
went to australia once and all they did is eat vegemite, lift weights and get drunk. The only reason they have toilets is for tourists and abbo poo training
Fucking hell
What's the point? If somebody is actually fat enough to have to use that, it would just break and send shards of plastic into their cellulite ridden ass.
>mfw I found out some third world countries don't flush their toilet paper because it fucks up their terrible plumbing
>he doesn't catabolise his own body leading to a slow, agonising death
That looks like it will pinch my ass hairs.. Can anyone confirm this?
Such Progress
>Indian toilets
I work at McDonald's.
Nuggets only cost the store like a couple cents each, little fuckers get everywhere we have so many of them, I'm scraping several off the bottom of my shoes at the end of the shift every day
wgho eles /bidet / here :>)
Got tier 4-5 gpf massive 1930's toilet tanks reporting in.