>white to become a US minority by 2050
What can we do realistically about this?
Or is this inevitable?
>white to become a US minority by 2050
What can we do realistically about this?
Or is this inevitable?
no se puede evitar
White flight from the U.S. to Russia.
get a qt white gf and have 50 kids with her
>Have more white children.
>Race war
>Move to New Zealand or Australia, the only bastions of white, anglo-saxon culture left.
I'm not defending the Mexican Mestizo beaners but.....
Why is it "Non Hispanic White" instead of "Whites"
What makes White Hispanics with Spanish blood from Hispania not white?
Hispanic is not a single race of indian beaners. Those indian beaners are barely even Hispanic.
Charlie Sheen, Martin Sheen, Cameron Diaz, Ted Cruz, and more White Hispanics aren't in the 60 percent. It's not really fair to exclude people who have hints of Spanish European blood from the 60 percent.
I'm not talking about "White Hispanics" as in light skinned beaners. I'm talking about White Hispanics are in Spain and Hispania.
If you're gonna shit talk beaners, say Mestizo, not hispanic
Pic related wouldn't be in the 60% percent
Also if you were just spaniard you'd be a hispanic even if you are white and light eyed
>What makes White Hispanics with Spanish blood from Hispania not white?
Moors in Europe.
Native South Americans in South America.
They consider hispanics to be white, for some odd reason. So that statistic by its definition would be wrong.
Nevertheless, if we keep importing refugees and race mixing keeps happening, yes whites will be a minority.
Fuck off criminal abo, the moor cunts barely did any rape, and it was all in the shithole south of spain in 800. Quit pulling this meme
Also south america means latino bastard you dummy
Cap welfare to 1-2 children
Secure borders, 14 million illegals breeding like Muslims doesn't help
Remember if shit hits the fan, whites can rebuild elsewhere and actually ban minorities that caused it.
Spot the race mixed hispanic lmao
The main hispanics are white so hispanic does mean white
But I will agree with you that dirty brown mexican Mestizos should not be labeled white in any way. They should be labeled indian
Look at a typical beaner, he is brown due to his indian genes not his European hispania genes
Quit this kike meme that hispanic = brown
Should we call mixed race niggers/irish people the main "Celtics"?
Why would I be shitting on Mestizos if I was a filthy mestizos? I'm defending PURE Iberians you dumbass
Why don't you make a real argument you dumb boomerang nigger
Breed with the hispanics/mestizos.
Accept you will be one shade less white, but atleast there will be more white blood spread around. If this doesn't happen, more white hispanics and dark mestizos will breed together and the more dark the latinos overall will become.
Or you can commit mass genocide, probably starting world war 3 and ending humanity as a whole.
>whites will be a minority
Exactly, which is why I'm worried. A majority black and spics USA doesn't exactly sound like a recipe for success. It sounds like the US will literally become a 2nd world country.
Europe is falling, and without a home (Europe is literally being invaded) whites will continue to die out and out numbered.
We are literally witnessing the death of an entire race.
We should whine on the Internet and antagonize anybody who does anything but agree with us 100%
Didn't they say 2020? Then 2030? Now 2050? What fucking is it?
>What can we do realistically about this?
Impregnate women by force.
>greatest nation on earth
>this level of cucked
Pickaroony onesy doozy
They brought it upon themselves. We'll all be dead soon enough.
With the large number of mixed people, the percentage of white people can be changed by merely changing people's feefees.
Let it happen and let the world fall into ruin as other races take over?
And smugly sit in the corner saying: "lmfao, told ya."
Still the largest group.
Have white Children.
>white women
>not wanting foreign cock
Europe is more white than the U.S, same with Canada and Australia.
She is in the 60%. You know what we talk about when we say hispanic. Get over it.
Move to Alaska and declare independence. Base economy on a diverse set of commodities and being a tech hub, basically the Norway of North America.
people with no experience in the real world might believe that.
...stockpile firearms, behave like a troglodyte asshole, and desperately cling to the mythology of an idyllic past that never existed? Sounds like fun to me!
It has already happened among our newborns which means it is almost inevitable.
How about from a semi-White nation to an actually White nation?
Have children
Deport browns
if this is to be true, expect another great country to be created by white people that'll eventually be ruined by gibsmedats
Not true.
Yeah every nigger with a white woman I see at work """IN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS""" must just be my own delusion right?
Please go outside once in your life
Sup Forums is fucking dead.
I'm out.
If black people can pay for a white whore so can you.
>stop child-subsidizing welfare for the poor
>give people tax write offs for having children
This will only incentivize taxpayers, middle class and above births, which are predominantly white
>offer/accept asylum for whites from places like South Africa
>make America the land of opportunity again; not the land of handouts
>subtly make citizenship tests and process select for high IQs
>centralize school funding on a state by state basis so that anyone can go to a good school, instead of tying people in poor districts to equally poor schools
>let parents and children choose the school they want their child to go to, as long as they make the grade
>end affirmative action
That will elevate whites in poverty to higher socioeconomic status through better education, regardless of poverty. Which, combined with the tax incentives, will encourage more white births. It will be predominantly whites raised up like this, because education without affirmative action selects for higher IQs--with whites having a higher average than most minorities.
>you won't be criticised as a racist, because there's nothing explicitly favoring whites in these policies, except the SA thing... So instead just offer asylum to predominantly white war-torn countries--it's all based off of fairness.
t. Half-mestizo/half white
I offer this plan because I wanna MAGA and btfo the (((globalists))). Hopefully this buys me leniency on the day of the rope, kek. Actually, implementing this would make DOTR unnecessary, as America wouldn't need a violent reclaiming; it will have a peaceful one.
totally, women paid to fuck black on camera is real life for sure.
Move to Tatarstan and Dagestan and remove all kebab
You ever see how whites are treated in mexico? they are the ruling class. Just learn spanish and live like a fucking king
Hello Read it.
remember those greentext stories about white people in africa, and the whole "mistah give us jobs, we kicked all white people out"
just sit back and enjoy the ride until the brown people start getting their heads around that they suck dick at running countries
I'm pretty sure even the drunkest beggar can see the correlation between more brown people * less white people = shit getting exponentially worse for everyone
fuck off, we're full
>why wont Sup Forums indulge my cuck dilusions
>Sup Forums must be dead
Good I hope you mean literally out because jacking off to interracial porn does not constitute reality nigger.
I would rather be an American peasant than a Mexican king.
they label spanish people hispanic in america cause spaniards are the main hispanics
imagine if we labeled niggers "Scottish" and people went "FUCKING SCOTTISH" people
It is inevitable.
If you are white, prepare to leave the country or defend yourself from the brown hordes.
If you are not white, enjoy your shithole. White people are the only reason anyone wants to live in the US/Canada/Europe/Australia, and without them, your life will suck.
>they think I mean porn
Keep proving the point shills.
We used to have an identity. Now that identity and our history are called racist.
Fucking melting pot my ass. Europeans built this country and all of these other fucks moved here when we were at our most prosperous.
A-at least we won't be an i-islamic caliphate.
t. burger
Realistically though, what would change?
The state will decline into a banana republic. Then it will be popular to do something about it.
>tfw dual citizenship
Feels good
>He hasn't heard of Dearborne
Our country will be a collection of shitholes as seen in Africa, the ME, South America and Asia.
and then liberals will call everybody who believes in the people that actually built the new place, racist, and the cycle repeats.
Liberalism is cancer.
The IQ would drop and everything would be fucked. Take a gander at nonwhite countries that aren't Japan.
>what's going to happen when niggers and islam out breeds intelligent people in 200 years
Yeah I don't fucking know either.
Integrate that way there will be only 1 maybe 2 races
He's talking about mestizos probably.
Mexico is better than Afghanistan, this is true. But that doesn't mean I'd prefer Mexican living conditions to American living conditions. It's still going to be a downgrade but there's not much we can do besides support Trump at this point.
...or Singapore.
More blacked material?
Realistically, if you're leftist/liberal you should be executed. That would stop everything.
Oh and the real kicker here is as a white temporary worker, and despite having multiple white American children, I will be kicked out of the country in a few years to make room for some illegals.
>two more white adults and 3 white kids leaving
>1 million more illegals pour in.
Oy Vey! I like the way this goy thinks!
Succession of the civil and peaceful states which are likely still majority white and still protect gun rights. If it's not peaceful succession then it will probably be some sort of civil war
UAE, Kuwait, S. Korea, Taiwan, France
But it won't be like Mexico, which is about 30% indigenous. It will be like countries with a mostly White "castizo" mixed group and a White minority. It will be similar to Chile - not bad at all and infinitely better than the shithole Europe will be. In 20 years Europe will border 2 BILLION Africans.
I mean thats the more or less thd problem with liberals though right? Silencing the opposition. They've done nothing but fuel our fires, and if we simply silence them it does the same for them.
You have to beat them at this game the hard way or you'll make more of them.
>distinguishing european whites from spics in the MSM
Isn't this a no-no?
That song is freakin awesome dude.
tripfagging now to /thread some shill-created problems.
Allow immigration from Europe, but only christcucks with education in STEM.
Perfect solution? Not even close
weaken federal law. individual states can now override leftshit laws
>mfw I just realized the msm stands for the mainstream media and I've been puzzling over why people have been misspelling MSN for years now
>modern world existing without daddy government
See, you have faith in people. That's where you're fucked.
Move to space and start over. At least that frontier never ends.
He's from New Zealand, not Australia. A lovely little nation with a city called Christchurch, which I'm sure is labelled a hate crime in some parts of the world
Marry a latina or negress with mostly European features. Having your sons grow up in Brazil 2.0 with pure white features is a sure fire way to ensure they needlessly suffer
Chile is a major downgrade from America though. I mean, I guess Chile is alright, but it's more of a mediocre second-world country than anything else.
Don't forget that we also have to account for 40 million negroes, a problem that Chile never had.
In addition, minority birthrates are higher than white birthrates. So if a white mixes with a mestizo, they'll probably have less kids than a couple where both partners are mestizo, etc.
Plus you are assuming that immigration will be cut down or stopped anytime soon. I'm sure some of those 2 billion Africans will end up migrating here as "refugees".
Wait for economic and govt faiilure.
States will then withdraw from the union and self regulate.
Whites will migrate to certain states and removes non-whites.
Just make sure you don't move to one of the jew controlled white states.
>more whites dying than being born
You can thank feminism, numales and marxism for that. Dumb cunts think it's a good idea to whore around until they're 30 then scramble for a husband to take care of her bastard child from an ex-boyfriend.
Also, "ohh I don't want kids right now, I wanna travel and see the world XD". Fuck you, you can travel with kids.
Your only hope is to start calling Mexicans white. There is literally no other way.
Whites will flee large nations like the US, France and Germany to smaller, whiter adjacent states like Canada and Austria.
The previous super powers will become ghetto hubs of manufacturing and their neighbors will become the suburbs but on a national scale.
Then war.
Do you know what the full version of that (if there is one) is called.
They already do that.
>What can we do realistically about this?
Take a time machine back to 1965 and kill every treasonous fucking scumbag that voted for the 1965 Immigration reform bill.
I live in California and this is what I think of when people talk about Hispanics.
This is what they look like.
They look like fucking tribesmen. Savages. Primitives. Subhumans. People who naturally live in the jungle, but were for some reason allowed to come here.
And then I see whites everywhere defending them and wanting to blur the line between Hispanic and White by breeding with them.
That's what frightens me the most, honestly. White and Hispanic becoming indistinguishable. Europeans have always been a minority in this world, and yet we've accomplished so much. We've achieved so much. I don't know what it is about us, but we ruled the world.
Now we're throwing that all away. We're diluting out everything that made us great by mixing with fucking primitive jungle savages who have never accomplished anything.
I don't want to think about the genetic trash that is the "White" race of the future.
Dark. Fat. Greasy. Whiny. Lazy. Stupid.
What will people think of White people in the future? Will they think of the conquerors? Of the pinnacle of mankind who achieved everything? Who invented everything? Who ruled everything? Who created the modern world?
No. They'll think of these primitive subhumans.
That will be our legacy.
This shit makes me depressed. I'm gonna impregnate my white neighbor tomorrow. She'll probably take me for child support in 3 years, but at least I helped.
The US was a White nation. The US was roughly 80-90% White until the year 1990.
The US is also the most plagued by immigration from non-Whites. No other white nation in the world has fallen as far as the US in terms of demographics. Within literally a few decades Whites will be a minority, and a few decades after that Hispanics will outnumber us.
And yet if you look at what people here say about that, it never goes beyond "Haha, mexicans are just our cleaners and janitors!" and is often accompanied with claims that they're "good, honest, hardworking people."
No one cares.
Only the FBI. Pretty much every state and federal census doesn't.
Remove illegals and stop anchor baby laws. That'll give you some time at the very least.
Other than that, enforce laws harder and end the welfare state, they'll hopefully remove themselves.