All you had to do was nominate literally anybody else, and you would have won. Nobody likes Hillary Clinton. Literally anybody who isn't a spray tanned billionaire would have beat her, but you fucked it up
All you had to do was nominate literally anybody else, and you would have won. Nobody likes Hillary Clinton...
Globalism will claim your children's lives. Sad that you boast about it.
thanks for the Hillary
I don't think anyone believes you
sage goes in all fields
>i dont think anyone believes you
you mean everybody right? do you talk to anyone outside your parents basement? trump is getting his ass kicked
i dont contribute to overpopulation
Even ted cruz would have beaten her. Im just happy that we are going to go full liberal in the next 8 years
>Ted Cruz
>more socially conservative
>less friends in the rnc than trump
>doing better
This delusion.
The delegates dahnald
If Trump lost I wonder what youd do in the ensuing civil war. Would you still have anything to say? Probably would want to keep quiet, as roving gangs of welfare parasites hunt for food in your neighborhood haha
I would've voted Republican if they picked someone economically conservative and socially liberal. They can never do that because they won't tell the Evangelical nutjob tea partiers to fuck off.
>Punchable face
>Muh Jesus
>in the berenstein universe bush/Cruz have a sizeable lead over Clinton/Keane and are projected to win
>Trumplets caused a dimensional shift by worshipping a chaos frog god and were stuck with trump on the GOP ticket and berenstain
Thanks a lot TRUMPLETS
No where you fucked up was not backing Kasich
>All you had to do was nominate literally anybody else, and you would have won. Nobody likes Donald Trump. Literally anybody who isn't a geriatric corrupt cunt would have beat him, but you fucked it up
Everybody I talk to is saying hillary is corrupt, even the old ladies up here. But they are all canadian so I guess it doesn't matter.
>i dont contribute to overpopulation
There is no overpopulation.
>all you had to do was elect another neocon like Romney and McCain!
It's laughable, really.
Trump is the American's American, he is everything that is great about our country, and if he loses it will simply be proof that America is no longer American. Once Americans see this proof, America will turn to Jesis and take itself back in the bloodiest of fashions.
Based Little Marco
Naive as fuck. Cruz's likeability ratings were at times lower than Trump's and FAR higher than Clinton's. Trying to parse out the political climate is fruitless. It's no coincidence that political polarization is at absurd highs the same time that candidates are reaching "record likability lows". Gee, you'd think people who are politically extremest dislike their opponent (and even their candidate) more. Anyone who they placed on the chopping block would get their arms cut off by a confused and frankly ignorant general electorate.
And if you want to get into a chicken or the egg contest just look at Hillary's bipartisan approval ratings BEFORE she started running for president.
>Trump is the American's American, he is everything that is great about our country, and if he loses it will simply be proof that America is no longer American. Once Americans see this proof, America will turn to Jesis and take itself back in the bloodiest of fashions.
He's a fucking New York dandy billionaire whose about to lose an election by a massive margin because he's running one of the worst campaigns in modern US electoral history.
He was planted to ensure her victory.
Is this the lie they are piping into your tiny brain?
anyone else would've been the same as hillary
>he fell for the right vs left meme
also sage, shit thread
Do you really think that the media wouldn't have smeared the Republican candidate, OP? Do you really think Ted Cruz could have done it? The social issues of the Republican platform are not very popular. Most, if not all, would have lost.
>lower taxes and more freedom aren't popular
Did I say Cruz, you dumb shit?
Wow you actually believe Trump is losing. The media is terrified of Trump, of course they're going to lie about his poll numbers. What you need to do is realize that Sup Forums numbers are more accurate than poll numbers.
She rigged the selection process with super delegates and the head of the DNC had to resign because of their smear campaign. Bernie should have won.
Leave us alone Crowder. Everyone here thinks you're effeminate. Stop this meme. Stop it with the "socialism sucks" shit too, we know it, its not fucking relevant.
Do you know what is relevant? Not being demographically annihilated. That's just one of the many things at steak in this election.
>muh not about race
>muh constitooshun
>muh values
Oh fuck off Steven Crowder, only an idiot would center an argument around fucking likeability. Just declare your undying need for cuckoldry and move on if you're going to sit on the fence.
Your comedy has been improving btw.
it would have been so sweet to see Al Gore kick trumpolini's ass
In the only observable universe a bunch of weak-minded faggots considered it more likely that they shifted universes than misremembered something
Like anyone will vote for this
It's because the kikes have gotten extremely bold in their agenda. They know if Hillary wins its the final nail in the coffin and if Trump wins we're only slightly delaying that nail.
fresh pasta?
Trump is socially liberal. His conservative outbursts are to appease the large base of evangelicals within the GOP
Evangelicals are mostly cucked. He does well in the Bible Belt and rural America mostly because of trade policy and not being unironically, hatefully anti-union.
Cruz was by far the preferred Evangelical candidate, if that tells you anything about Evangelicals. (It should).
I don't think the OP is. Just a shitty argument I've heard time and time again in various forms.
If you mean my poast, y-you can make it one, dubs.
Anytime you see this shitty argument you can, I mean.
>all you had to do was X
No, all you had to do was litteraly use the second. You do not deserve the guns you so much desire, since you are obviously not going to use them on anything but yourself in the future.
>But I need it for muh governm-
The fuck do you think is happening right now?
When hillary wins, not if, you will not do anything for you are too scared. If you were not, you would've done something.
>He thinks voting is real and the polls show you real opinions.
Why would he have done something?
You don't live here and clearly don't understand it. We are on a political precipice, this is not bullshit. Political violence of the worst sort hasn't been really a thing here in a long time, not like it used to be anyway. All signs point to it if we fail.