Good Reads

I want to read more in my spare time. What are some good political/philosophy reads?

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Friedrich Bastiat
The Law




Yea. Reading, you mental defective!
Unfucking believable

George Carlin, namely:
>When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?
>Last Words

t. Christian

The stoic philosophies of Seneca are dope. I also would suggest Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. Tu red-pilled


Lord Jim, Joseph Conrad.

Young sailor shames himself in a cowardly incident, spends the rest of his life making up for it. Becomes ruler of a bunch of savages along with many other adventures.

Anything particular from him or just a good author all around?

>he gets this triggered
>he thinks reading books makes him smart

enjoying your state of perpetual delusion?

>Friedrich Bastiat

His book "America"

communist manifesto
anarchists cookbook
50 shades of gray
6 gorillion reasons why the holocaust happened
argentina is white

The art of the deal
-Donald Trump

48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
Industrial Society and its Future by Ted Kazynski!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg
here's the Sup Forums lit archive user

Revolt against the modern world
-Julius Evola
want to read it myself but broke as fuck atm.


Mo Willems, Are You Ready to Play Outside?

The Bible.
Believe it or not; it doesn't get much more philosophical than The Bible.

The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Green. 48 Laws of Power. The Art of the Deal. 1984. Mein Kampf. Atlas Shrugged. Guns, Germs, and Steel. A Wealth of Nations. Das Kapital. do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Politics. The Prince. Leviathan. On the Social Contract(Rousseau). Democracy in America.

>wasting your time actually reading when summaries and best-ofs exist
Crash Course Philosophy

The road to serfdom by Hayek

Are these all PDFs? I'm downloading now. 4 gigs is a fuckton of books



If you're gonna read all those books, you seriously mind as well read Crash Course philosophy, as well. All the videos total ~4 hours altogether, and are ~10 minutes each.

just the original, followup is good for fun but they gradually get harder to read IMO
by the time of Chapterhouse Dune the author's wife dies like midway through the book and you can tell he lost the will to live somewhere in there and just wrote whatever the fuck he didn't give a damn

If you don't mind a bunch of jargon posing as prose posing as jargon, yeah

>thinks the cliff notes is as good as the real thing
>thinks porn and an unenthusiastic joystick yanking are basically sex

Kys faggot

Would rather have an in depth understanding than just the cliff notes if it's something I really want to understand and use as a basis for my own thought. I'd use that stuff more for other literature which I want to be familiar with but not necessarily study in depth.

The only political novel I cared for was camp of the saints. Thumbing through Mein Kampf when I feel like picking up a book.
Non political novels like I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and anything by H.P. Lovecraft are also pretty fun reads.

Bonus points - get as comfy as possible, maybe in a pool or hot tub, and listen to an audiobook with a great narrator like Wayne June

bumping for exposure