>Europeans, Americans and Canadians all say New Zealand is their backup when their countries turn into shitholes thanks to immigration and socialism
>They don't realise we're just as bad, if not worse.
australia for me m8
ive spent my life on an island...not spending the rest of it on one lol
I've lived in Auckland for the past few years, originally from Palmy.
People have no idea how bad it's getting.
I moved out of Auckland two years ago you have no idea how good it was.
What's wrong with Poo Peeland?
Are the Jews flooding your nation with niggers?
Are the cuck politicians caving to radical Maori demands?
Auckland is getting terrible
Yup they are turning it into a Dystopia. NZF should campaign hard in West and South Auckland.
>Are the Jews flooding your nation with niggers?
>Are the cuck politicians caving to radical Maori demands?
but we're just an oversized island
I know this feel
Russia is my backup faggot.
>British education
I'm teaching primary in Palmy. Not only do we have to put up with constant 'bicultural' Maori bullshit like saying a Karakia every morning, but Palmy is a designated refugee city so the schools even less white than normal
Look at that smug fucking incompetent maid.
They are, there's a giant Winston Rally planned sat 21st Manuwera Netball Courts 1:30pm
>he fell for the PALMY meme
No faggot. You don't understand how good we have it.
Anyway new Zealand doesn't even exist.
Literally yes, our Prime Minister is LITERALLY a jew and refuses to do anything about migration despite it continuing to break records each time we get some stats. Houses have literally become unaffordable for an entire generation thanks to his inaction.
Chinese and Indians are better than Muslims and nigs.
Who >YNZF here?
Sure are a lot of KIWIS in this thread...
i'm not going to get mugged just so i can see winston
Holy fucking shit, I just learned that the New Zealand flag is that similar to the Australian flag. I had just assumed that you guys and Australians were all Australians any time that I saw your posts.
Not that I give a shit, but wow. I wonder how much context I've missed out on?