Holy shit, Leto is awful

Holy shit, Leto is awful.

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What an I supposed to be seeing?

Bad acting.

joker is a cuck
harley is a whore
they are in loooove

How are we supposed to tell that it's bad? There's no context or sound.


Fuck off, shill. Who do you think you're standing up for?

The lead singer of my favorite band, 30 Minutes to Mercury.


Yeah it looks like he's overacting there.

But then again, it reminds me of the kind of over-the-top acting in that scene of Christopher Reeve changing between Clark and Superman while talking to Lois, and Sup Forums seems to love the shit out of that clip.

So yeah, it looks cartoony, but that's the kind of thing that some people here desperately want in their cape movies.

>DCEU isn't too dark and toned down!
>Leto's Joker is sooo over the top, they're are trying too hard!

Can't we just all agree that people only want Marvel shit and are completely not opened to anything else.

>this scene is called cucking
>he's just fucking with this guy using harley
Hello Sup Forums

Is there a cam out?

This reminds me of Depp's facial ticks when acting

can we agree throwing Marvel under the bus to make your point red flags you as a shitposter?

The way he moves around makes me think of Jim Carrey. They should have just let him be Joker.

Jared Leto's Joker is numales personified.

I dont know why, but I thought of Willie Dynamite when I saw Leto act

I agree. Real DC fans hate this shit, its only non-comic readers and autists who see DC as an untouchable waifu to be defended that like it.

I'm just here waiting for this to happen.

Shouldn't you be looking after your wife's son?

>There's nothing in-between standing in the rain with gritted teeth and a bad vaudeville act

and water is wet.
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