ITT: Say something nice about the country above your post

ITT: Say something nice about the country above your post.

Few Muslims and chinks.

lots of muslims and chinks


best country to ever exist


will be made great again

Fucking capcha

We're supposed to say nice things.

At least 60% white.



winning the olympics




Fuck all you faggots.

Fucking kill yourselves. No one will miss you.

Fucking queers.


Maple syrup is nice.

likes to suck dog dicks

NO. 1!!!

sex god

Bed Bath and Beyond

Is literally the greatest country ever in existence after the Republic of Texas of course.


free speech

Syrup is pretty dope.

South will rise again

Good with money



Founded by Britain

tasty burgers

two towers that fall


We'll see in november

>tfw when voting for a new yorker to save southern culture


norm macdonald is from here

Best punching bag on this website.


Here mate.

Hillary Clinton.

best shitposters per volume

They're considerate cucks.

Fezzes and Turkish Delights.

lubes dildos with maple syrup

The Africans are still in Africa.

genocidal fun for all

full of niggers

We have trump

gay and proud

Your women are sluts and I appreciate that a lot.

There are a few gems among the trash cartoons you guys crank out en-masse.

DESU I love you guys.

the whitest part of africa

You have a great progressive Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.

whiter than italy


now thats a throwback

You have holocaust museums in nearly all of your cities. If only my country had memorials for the biggest crime in the history of mankind.

Didn't COMPLETELY starve my ancestors.
Also made Doctor Who,

You gave us Rush and the Harts.

Destroyed nazism and fascism the most evil ideology.

failed completely at invading the austrian empire throughout the 16th and 17th century so europe was able to remain pure and white and christian for another few hundred years

spreading progresiveness, sexual liberation, lgbtq rights to all over world by holywood

New brunswick and nova scotia Took in all the cucks who wanted to stay cucked to George III after we won the revolution. thanks for reducing the cucks in our genepool

won't last forever

you have proved that islam is religion of peace to all bigots by electing Sadiq Khan.

Raised us better than Canada

Free speech.


lots of bunda

Nice Renaissance

Maple syrup.

Bastion of hope against the degeneracy and decay of western society.

I actually like Russians

also the best poster on Sup Forums who almost never shitposts, like an anti-canada.

You are so cute when you being partited. This is why Russians and Germans partite several times.

Good coffee

Nice mountains and multi tools

prolonged lives in 90's video games
I can just wait in one place now though

For some reason, Ottoman Empire was our most friendly rival and treated Poles with respect.

Lefkoşa is a great city desu.

Country of origin for my Polish coworker and supervisor who is a botanist and an all around great guy.

good food, nice beaches, thanks for all the art (architecture, music, painting, sculpture, Italy really pwned the Renaissance gg)

based vikings

my ancestors immigrated from puglia so thanks for that

Has made great scientific discoveries and has pushed space exploration more than anyone else.

Lots of sexy women.

Some good musicians

truco is fun

You're pretty good at the Winter Olympics.

Not bad with a potato.

Doesn't believe in shitty god.

Belgian french fries are best french fries.
Oh and Japan = my favorite beverage

10/10 cuisine

I love your dirt cheap Mexican sodas.

Your cartels are top shelf


Great at revolutions. Most likely to execute globalists in Western Europe.