Hillary Clinton hospitalized in New York while speaking to aides around midnight August 13th

>Hillary Clinton hospitalized in New York while speaking to aides around midnight August 13th
>Early reports that blood clot has caused Clinton to reach 'critical medical state'
>Clinton may have been resuscitated.

It''s happening guys. Get in here!!

Other urls found in this thread:


Give proof or Gtfo.

Wow guys its legit!! Get in here

o/u how many seconds before this one gets deleted - 35.5

May it be so.

OP is a man of the homosexual persuasion


Not this shit again.
I'm getting tired of this thread.

Holy shit. It's actually real

not real.


the last one got deleted but I think it's because the meme magick was recognized and the misspelling of aids had been witnessed

>hilldog has to drop out cause of her health
>dnc is too blindly stupid to get bernie to come back
>try to run a kaine/warren ticket
>fail abysmally


Kaine/Warren would destroy Trump

Kaine especially, he would attract so many moderate Republicans because he is against abortions

Clinton keeping Kaine out of the spotlight is pretty stupid imo

>Shills on suicide watch

Okay Wtf


Got my hopes up you asshole.

>Kaine comes out against abortion
>lose half the Democrats

I don't think you understand American politics. Democrats care much more about abortion than Republicans, hence why the Republicans nominated someone who's been pro choice until he started seeking office

I don't think you understand minorities & women will vote Democrat for gibsmedats no matter what

But they'll lose all their cucked males

>old white man tries to oppress women and revoke their reproductive rights

From 2013 but you get one blood clot you could easily get more.

Not that OP isn't full of shit.

>Super predators

What did she mean by this?


