
Redpill me on Monsanto. Are they really that terrible?

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>Are they really that terrible?
No, they are not.

They seem more like a demonized good guy to me. Like Shkreli

No. It's just a meme for greens and commies.

I keep hearing that Middle America hates them most. And then you have that whole Agent Orange and White Phosphorus scandal.

>Be Monsanto
>Make ultra effective corn plant
>Sell seeds to filthy farmers.
>Farmers take seeds from previous crop and use them to grow next season's crops.
>Lose 80 million dollars.
>Make new crop that is sterile so we don't lose shit tons of money.
>Liberal cucks scream "No Monsanto! You are evil!"

yes they are, anyone who says otherwise is either a shill or cucked

>Inventing crops that are overfeeding Africa

finally a truthful post

monsanto is the happy merchant of harvest moon

its not the gmo that make them bad in my opinion. what I think is shitty is that they patented a certain kind of gmo and those genes show up in another farmer's field, even on accident, they sue the farmers.

I just wanna know what their goal is.

The same goal than any business: monopoly.


im going to go on a limb here and guess that they're trying to make money

They are our future overlords. I remain neutral.

let me just spell it out for you, monsanto essentially controls most of the food you eat today.

how they are doing this is by controlling corn and soy, and the way they control these two essential foods is by controlling the seeds that grow these two, making them sterile so farmers cant make a profit and hoard profits because they're also a pesticide company so they accompany their crops with chemicals they spray on them.

the FDA is basically ex monsanto executives, and their lobby is strong in Congress, look at the DARK act.

world domination through control of the food supply i dont know, what i do know is that they're a bunch of greedy cunts.


Argentina food is already doom thanks to them, eggs are not even yellow anymore. Thankfully we already ruin one of their factories or whatever here... Can't wait for them to return to America and never come back

they patent life. they wish to own YOU, eventually.

protip: avoid GMO and drink your own piss.

>"redpilled" people of Sup Forums happily scarf down 'modified', poisoned food


I'm sure Obama makes deals with them and the Jews push their products down our throats because, y'know, it's good for us. RIGHT LOL???

No they aren't all animals are shit and apart of the food chain, either you become a full blown vegan or you eat whatever is mass produced in your nation

No animal deserves to put on the pedestal, I'll brutally murder and eat anything just like Gordon ramsay

>Be Monsanto
>want to monopolize the agricultural business
>send previously employed ceos and representatives to serve in government


>obama places monsanto head of FDA and exempt from having legal action taken towards them


>this organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property

GMO plants are sterile tho. They couldn't 'contaminate' others crops if they wanted.

damn near impossible to get seeds that aren't made by monsanto

There are no commercial GMO crops in Denmark, our Main exports are agricultural.

a truck bed that isn't fully covered has seed blown off onto crops the truck passes, seeding a farmer's field.

Monsanto sues that farmer.

the EU are pretty much anti-GMO, the US is completely different

The World According to Monsanto (FULL LENGTH)

Sounds like a meme to me

(((Monsanto))) was a slave owner family

>Monsanto are Round-Up peddlers
>Monsanto are fertilizer peddlers
>Monsanto purchased the private security firm Blackwater
>Monsanto's bacteria resistant corn fertilizes neighboring crops, then they seize said crops with high priced lawyers and supreme court advantages
>They want to control the worlds food supply

This is all I really know. They pay like shit and sound like merchant to me. Oh and they have alot of influence in Michigan


>Shill GM food as the solution to world hunger
>Try to make westerners eat it instead of handing seeds to Africans at knockdown prices.

Unless... They weren't concerned about world hunger at all... and just wanted to guilt-trip us into handing agricultural power over to them.

No. That's impossible. Corporations are at the forefront of social compassion for the third world.

don't forget they are responsible for the mass die off of bees due to pesticide crops, they also created agent orange the chemical that was sprayed on the Vietnamese and has been proven to create genitic defects. don't mind me I just have a state chemical and pesticide permit

They're horrible. They stop plants from naturally regrowing to re-sell them next year. The have copyright on strains of DNA in their crops. The poisons they sell and use and extremely destructive to what isn't created by them.
They have scandal after scandal of fucking American farmers and land owners over and waking away free.

True but im sure the EU would sell you guys some heirloom seeds. Oh wait..forgot about TTIP heirloom seeds will be illegal by 2030.

It is called fucking Bayer, m8.

Lots of the shit about them is fabricated or taken out of context but they're far from being saints. Its important to divorce them from GMOs at large though

people have raised millions of dollars trying to just get the right to know what is gmo or not and monsantos wins every time due to owning the a huge amount of the worlds welth americans don't have the right to know if their food is gmo or not

>Old news, they are leading cancer cause in the world. Thats why banned so many places. Watch vid.

>They stop plants from naturally regrowing to re-sell them next year.
Do you even understand what biological disasters we could cause by letting some fucking modified strain of shit spread into the wild?
Bayer is cartoon villain tier evil, selling fucking AIDS infected plasma, really?

Mansanto is based af

seriously though, this cunt should off herself

>be monsanto
>have only one product since Nam
>make eveeything else dependent on it
They truly stop progress in their field.

>Be Jew controlling government.
>Hear there's some biotech companies that want hippies to stop trying to kill their business.
>They offer shekels to hire some of their old CEOs.
>Leak out to media what they are doing.
>Take shekels.
>MFW the stupid goyim are blaming Monsanto instead of corrupt Jewish government.
>MFW Monsanto has to keep spending shekels to defend themselves against the increasing goyim threat.

>They're horrible. They stop plants from naturally regrowing to re-sell them next year.

Are you retarded?

What would you do if this were a video game?

One customer buys a video game. He seeds it on piratebay. Company loses millions

One farmer buys a single seed. He uses those seeds and sells to all farmers in the country. Company loses millions.

>One customer buys a video game. He seeds it on piratebay. Company loses millions
This isn't a good example at all though.

People do seed videogames on TPB. The gaming industry is still alive and well.

And ultimately market forces mean that if piracy does become a problem, that's something they'll have to adapt their business model to. You can't use the law to hold back market forces forever.

You could if you had a legitimate government that actually enforces the law (with emphasis on force).

It would almost certainly need to be a worldwide government to have the remotest chance of success.

Otherwise, there are a litany of failed historical examples.

No it wouldn't, if they move their illegal activites to jew run shitholes you can ban imports.
>inb4 but millions of people die
Not mentioning the millions of people had great lives before company x even showed up.


>you can ban imports.
Yes, you too can end up like such astounding historical success-stories as:
THE SOVIET UNION [1922-1991]
EAST GERMANY [1949-1990]

>millions of people had great lives before company x even showed up.
Surely this is an anti-monsanto argument? (That plenty of people had fine lives before they showed up, and aren't willing to tolerate import restrictions just to placate one company.)

>I just wanna know what their goal is.
control of the food.. its not wise to place control of the food into one entity.

Non-poisoned food is becoming a rarity.
You could buy non GMO products but a good chunk of those is pumped full of chemicals because it's impossible for them to compete on the open market with augmented GMO products without growth hormones and bug sprays.

Most of what people say about Monsanto
Is pseudo science, out of context statements, out right lies or conspiracy theories. Every company is crooked in some way, they have a bottom line. Putting a patent on plant genes is questionable but but without repeat customers no business can survive or produce more and better producs. All in all they do more for the world (memes aside) than most especially "big organic". World needs crops that can withstand any environmental factors more than 6$ loaves of non-gmo organic artisanal bread. We need cheap food and alot of it.

There is a difference between banning bananas because they are evil capitalist products and banning your food source being sprayed with cancerogenic poison and importing food that has been sprayed with it.

>banning your food source being sprayed with cancerogenic poison and importing food that has been sprayed with it.
How did you even come to this from a discussion about genetically modified seeds?

> and banning your food source being sprayed with cancerogenic poison and importing food that has been sprayed with it.

When I said you can't legislate away market forces, I was applying it to Monsanto's detriment. i.e. preventing them abusing the patent system to sue farmers (similar to how the law is ineffectual at stopping piracy.)

Which would leave GMOs competing with non-GMO foods in a free market situation. Legislation mandating labelling could be reasonably effective, and then it's just a public relations game (which could easily be won by anti-GMO types.)

And even if GMO won, no Monsanto monopoly.

>We need cheap food and alot of it.
If by 'we' you mean the first world, we're doing just fine. If you meant the third world, then what they need is birth control, not food.

They are not genetically modified as a end in itself.

I see. But it this case it could be easily solved politically by making organismns not patentable.

>One farmer buys a single seed. He uses those seeds and sells to all farmers in the country. Company loses millions.
so you admit they couldn't compete on a competitive level? they have to make it impossible for everyone else to succeed.

They are because they abuse the shit out of copyrights and purchase politicians, but GMOs aren't harmful or anything. That's an example of liberal anti-science.

Thats a naive way of thinking, just saying they should having kids is ridiculous vast majority of people want and will have kids the poor and destitute will have kids so the parents can be taken care of in old age and earn a living to support the whole family. Thats why third world have 5+ kids, so more children can can bring money therefore food and shelter to their parents and siblings.

Monsanto investor here, we are pure fucking evil, but you don't know why.

All the leftie reasons are bullshit muh feels, but fun fact, Monsanto subsidiaries have been up to some very very dubious ethical things. If you get my drift.

Anyway who cares.

Nice use of sources.

There are alarmingly common cases of people eating monsanto products and becoming allergic the non-modified plant.

>We need cheap food and alot of it.
wouldn't it be cheaper if farmers didn't need to buy new seeds every time they plant?

Imagine of a company sterilized all women and said 'don't worry, if you want a kid we will sell you an egg'. That if they decide to stop selling eggs for a while?

Evidence? Just curious.

Thats the biggest gap the non gmo people have, the only study they can site has been proven faulty in many ways, the doctor who conducted the study had his license to practice revoked. And then they there hasnt been enough time to determine if gmo is bad, like 50years isnt enough.

Only bluepilled cuckservatives like monsanto and gmo because of a insecure feeling of having to defend things they percieve as "progressive".
Ironically leftists also defend gmo for the same reasons.

But liberals love monsanto.

I think its mostly mouthbreathing retards and shills defending monsanto.

Very unscrupulous business ethics, they have been fucking over farmers for a while now.

But it is ten times better than the liberal crowd with their "organic" bullshit. If it was up to them we would literally starve. Not just poor blacks, middle-class whites too.

>german education
It's a common theme among you Euro retards, especially slavaboos. Big Ol' Corporate Evil USA making GMOs! OMG! They are trying to control us again! Uncle Sam is evil incarnate for making me eat genetically modified food!

All I used to hear about them was that they were ebil capitalist scum who played God and stuff.
They're a business, this guy: is probably right

I believe that is called a false premise, people need food immediately to survive. I doubt that food would be cheaper if plants where not sterile, farmers are largely poor either way because of their over head and production costs. I have farmers in mynfamiy never have they complained about the seed costs, only that people want their food for cheap as possible and dont take into account the ocer all costs of the produce. E.i water, labour, land and property taxes, and cost of harvest equipment.

>muh think of world Hunger, gots ta feed the niglets
Go ahead and tell me why we should need sterile crops we need to drown in cancer inducing roundup every season and then accidentally kill all the bees.
Gmo have no use of convenience are more expensive and id rather see africans starve and get their population back to a sustainable Level again

Yes, they are so fucking good guy that they sued everyone that had their crop, because it reproduced itself through air

Monsanto is behaving like a drug dealer and want to get every farmer dependent on them and then suck them dry out of money

They're filled with business and agricultural geniuses, and they've successfully monopolized most of the world's corn and soybean production. They've been able to create seeds that can last in extreme conditions (even deserts), and their high-yield seeds allow a handful of farmers in the US to grow a bulk of the world's corn and soybean.

That being said, Monsanto has rigged the entire world's agricultural production to fit their needs. Farmers in poor countries can't afford the high prices for their seeds, yet can't compete with their yields either. GMO cured famine in India, but also created unsustainable population growth that threatens to decimate the capacity of the landmass (and gives huge profits to Monsanto).

You can successfully argue that Monsanto is both a great asset to humanity and a poison to global agriculture. Regardless, the liberal scaremongering is only showing you one side of what they do.

Largely this, Monsanto has done wonders for humanity but also created some issues. A farmer in poor country can either use seed from local sources that may or may not survive the season and a lesser yeild or they can pay extra to have a seed that resilient to many blights and have larger yeild.

Look at it from our perspective.
We see America as the number 1 obesity exporter. You gave us McDonald's, high fructose corn syrup, modified cornstarch, candy bars, silicone coated fries, milkshakes... Anything food related that you have sold us smells like diabetes. Can't really blame Europeans for having those associations.

Because it's not just Africa starving? We're going to run out of cultivatable land eventually, and it's best to put that off for as long as possible.

I forgot your greatest gastronomical success: soda. Or liquified sugar.

In St. Louis, where they're based, you can't buy watermellons with seeds. Only seedless. I'm sure monsanto has a deal with the grocery stores.

Definitely not because no one wants eat a something while worry about chomping down on something that is hard as a rock

Yeah, Europeans do most of their thinking in easy cliches, so it's no surprise tbqh

Simply put: Copy-writing a life form is kinda bad if you ask me.

my nigga. They're perverting us in every way possible, food's a big one.