Did you enjoy Green Lantern: The Sexy Robot?
Did you enjoy Green Lantern: The Sexy Robot?
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Wish they'd bring her back in the comics. Her and Indigo.
Indeed I did.
>"Can a robot feel?"
>"lol no, of course not, she's not an AI at all"
Heres a hint. It's Lobo's and starts with a c
Aya is for
So did she ever show up in the comics?
I think she showed up once
Pic plz!
oh nvm, it was just the animated series the comics
The series failed hard, and it deserved to fail, it focused too much on light war bullshit.
the ship showed up but it never turned into a girl.
Pic plz x2.
>it focused too much on light war bullshit
Confirmed for not watching a single episode.
>shit taste: the post
Thank you
There's something really lewd about how the ship looks in this pic, but I can't figure out what it is.
J'onn is getting too old for this shit.
Her loading ramp is located roughly where the genitalia would be on a living creature with that body plan.
That's a hot idea, but I don't think that's it, the loading ramp is too far near the front to be equated with genitalia, even if it's on the underside of the ship.
I thought the lewdness was more because we're looking up at the back of the ship from below, so it looks like the ship is splayed out above us.
She was my least favorite character but I still loved this show. Just binged it, I see now what you guys were all talking about. It was really something. Perfect pacing.
fair enough though that's why it failed. people like me didn't give it a shot because everything, literally everything you could tell from previews looked godawful. looked like a bunch of mindless popcorn bullshit focusing on everything EXCEPT hal and the DC universe
>that feel when your ship's ai gets the brilliant idea to build a body and mind based on your dead girlfriend
i have to wonder what his relationship with her was like considering how completely clueless he was at every state of interacting with aya. He made every possible wrong decision, and considering what a calm and rational person he was, even at the beginning, that's kinda weird
aroused, confused, aroused, hurt, angry
>makes up shit even though you didn't watch it
>get called out
>"w...well it failed because I didn't watch it!"
e p i n
uhh obviously i'm not that first guy
but basically yeah. it failed because we didn't watch it. and because of toy sales i suppose. i dont remember seeing any on the shelves but i'm sure the ones that existed were of shit quality
and now it sucks because i've actually watched it and it was great
Ana was not a robot.
And LANO fucking pwned everything she did with a single sentence.
I've forgotten all about this show. It should've gotten another season to make it last.
They had to get some special drug that Lobo injected into his balls. He's saying "Thanks. Now get out."
Glad to see you watched the show.
I really, really like Aya.
Both it and YJ had very high ratings. They were cancelled because of toy sales. There were, of course, no toys made, which means they never could have sold.
i believe they both had toys but they were shite
sym-bionic titan is the one that had no toys, because genndy's designs don't make sense in 3d and because nobody wants to sell toys of a girl.
The underside of certain plane are pretty erotic to begin with. Just look at this. It's literally "Waah, what are we going to do in the sky?" *pomf
Leave it to Aya's and the Interceptor's sexiness for me to finally start seeing the appeal of all that plane porn.
Nope, GL:TAS never had ANY toys (beyond McD Happy Meal ones, which are more of promotion than profit type of thing), because GL Movie toys proved to be such a huge flop that no retailers would order any GL:TAS toys. The only thing that GL:TAS got were 3 nice, but expensive, collector statues.
could have sworn there was a kilowog toy with his trademark gatling guns. oh well.
*looks uncomfortably over at my leader class starscream figure*
>planes gone wild
But that's softcore, no penetration. Look at the freaky shit they were doing in the '60s. Free love and all that jazz.
green lantern animated series was REALLY good.
a shame its content kinda fell into obscurity
>shake ya tailfeather
>Free love and all that jazz.
That's not always safe.
Hey it happens, he was probably drunk. At least he could get it up. Or down in this case. And then she just up and leaves, how about being a little understanding.
>That's not always safe.
Which is probably why Dr. Strangelove has what might be the first mention of condoms in a Hollywood movie.
the only sexy Green Lantern robot is Boodika
Alpha Lanterns can come arrest me any day
anybody wanna talk about the show? I found it neat how it played with a lot of DC canon, with a surprising amount of things "not having happened yet" but also an unexpected amount already-have. and earth going through green lanterns like crazy is a fantastic meta joke, but they also gave it a legit reason to occur.
They did a way better job with the despised 'other colors of lanterns' thing than I thought anyone could, though they also highlighted why the concept is so stupid. Willpower isn't an emotion. Hope isn't exactly either, it's more of an opinion. At least as depicted here, it just means blind optimism. Especially at the end.
The other stupid aspect of the concept is how similar all the corps are in their looks and tools despite having such very disparate origins, and they didn't really solve that. nor should they have, not their place.
I can only assume had the show gone on, season 3 would have involved the sinestro corps and the indigo tribe, then season 4 would have brought in a bunch more DC characters and probably tried doing blackest night
>anybody wanna talk about the show?
Why is starfire a tranny?
It was cancelled because it came out at the same time as the movie so, when the movie was shit and no one wanted the toys, toy retailers said "Why would we want more green lantern stuff that no one wants to buy?" so it sold nothing. It literally had nothing to do with the series and everything to do with shitty timing.
Hell fucking yes. Aya and Razer were the best parts.
Sorry, thanks for the correction.
Nonetheless, I was kind of butthurt over all of that. She wasn't even really an AI. She was made of ION. But LANOS was! And he made her point better than she could have.
f-18's are sexy as hell.
I want to hug Aya.
Would she be cold or warm?
stfu nerd this thread is about sexy machines now
post machines
Just kidding, GL:TAS was a great show and we should talk about it more. While also posting sexy machines, both 2D and 3D.
God damnit Sup Forums...
I miss the Saturday morning threads with you guys when it was still airing.
And Smallville Season 11 comic
It was made in the FIRST PLACE because of the movie though
that movie had zero excuse for not being a masterpiece
I mean she was kind of both. almost the reverse of a normal cyborg, she was an artificial mind and soul with a bit of real physical body just to contribute chemical emotions, or whatever the equivalent is in an energy being like ion
How did you guys feel about Anti Monitor in this show?
I think they did a pretty god job with him overall.
not bad really. pretty good
i think it's amazing they got bruce timm's flat angular designs to work so well in 3d. the only guy that looked bad was Guy, and also the news reporter in Guy's first episode.
soundtrack: youtube.com
>ugh, the power from our ring that we're using to fly isn't enough to push this ship out of this black hole
>oh but if we aim it downwards and spray energy out in a different way, it is!
the one flaw this show had.. its scifi made no goddamn sense.
He was a complete faggot.
And somehow still better than the Nu52 version.
I did, a lot. I thought it was one of the best superhero shows ever made and definitely one of my favorites. If I could bring back one recently canceled show, it would be GL:TAS. My second choice would be Motorcity.
And yes, Aya was the best part.
I mostly want to see Razer in the comics, because a partly-sentient and rebelling Red Lantern on the Green Lanterns's side would actually be vaguely interesting.
Razer was obviously not the same man from before his waifu died. Of course he was going to act to a near exact copy of her with a mess of emotions.
so now that i've found out i shouldnt judge shows right away, can you tell me why motorcity was good? i watched part of an episode and it didnt't really wow me
what ever happened to stickymon?
It failed because CN gave it dead time slots and marketing towards his series
saturday morning before YJ isn't exactly a dead time slot
>Tfw no Steam Lantern Corps
I was kind of dissapointed with the Larfleeze portrayal though, they didnt really give him the depth and tragedy that makes him interesting
they kinda just showed how he's a dud and a waste
It's nice to see that, regardless of the direction they take, whether it's slutty jets or something else, GL:TAS threads are still the best threads on Sup Forums.
Also Aya.