Cern mock ritual caught on video
notice anything odd in this picture Sup Forums?
>sacrificing to Shiva
>not sacrificing to Kali
Fucking white wannabe retards didn't do any of their god damn research.
I've never heard of anyone sacrificing to Shiva.
fake as fuck
not the issue here, mock or not, prank or real. This really took place at cern grounds and the camera man had access to a secure building (building 40 where scientist offices are held) late at night.
pic related is the security just to get anywhere near inside.
Shut it down
old, fake, and gay as fuck
Video came out yesterday
They're at cern
It's more than obvious that the leaders of the world are highly occult.
If it's real, where's the fucking news that someone died, or someone went missing?
Where's the bloodstain?
Hiding a fucking corpse isn't so easy.
Someone destroy this shit-skin garbage. Why the fuck would you raise Shiva in a fucking aryan nation?!
True, but it was still a prank. We didn't see anyone get sacrificed because the cameraman, deliberately, started acting like a little girl.
>"It's not fake guise!!!!!"
>the second a criminal act happens the guy goes "OH SHIT" and films himself running down a flight of stairs
>instead of filming the rest of the ritual because they literally wouldn't ever be able to see you.
Shiva is the "destroyer". Apollyon is also "the destroyer". Cern is placed over Apolliacum, which was where an alter to Apollo once was.
Alright someone please fucking reply to me.
What's with all the sacrificing/ mock shit for Mulloch and these other fucks? I just don't understand why they risk being caught to do this crap.
>leaders of the world
>can't hide a body or suppress media
how cute you are
>guys with black robs at Cern next to a Shiva statue
Are you this fucking retarded I mean fuck there is a SHIVA statue there if that doesn't seem weird or out of place enough to you then please kill yourself you fucking faggot
>The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (高エネルギー加速器研究機構 Kō Enerugī Kasokuki Kenkyū Kikō?), known as KEK, is a Japanese organization whose purpose is to operate the largest particle physics laboratory in Japan, situated in Tsukuba, Ibaraki prefecture. It was established in 1997.[1] The term "KEK" is also used to refer to the laboratory itself, which employs approximately 695 employees.[2] KEK's main function is to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics, material science, structural biology, radiation science, computing science, nuclear transmutation and so on. Numerous experiments have been constructed at KEK by the internal and international collaborations that have made use of them. Makoto Kobayashi, emeritus professor at KEK, is known globally for his work on CP-violation, and was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Normally I can't stand the theories about what goes on at CERN because there's little to no evidence (if there is please feel obligated to prove me wrong). But WHAT THE FUCK there is no way this can be fake. How could a bunch of pranksters get access to CERN in the middle of the night to pull this shit off?
Because they were allowed?
That's why Shillary leaves a trail of corpses, right?
Fucking idiot.
Look at Why would CERN allow them to be there if this is a hoax? I don't get why they would want a staged human sacrifice considering the secrecy that already surrounds the facility
He's saying the people that work there were allowed to pull a prank possibly.
There's a huge difference...those DNC people she kills are KNOWN to the public. They can't just disappear without a trace
here some random person was killed.
That makes more sense, but still why would they willingly cast themselves in a negative light
meant for
The CERN people know all about your maymay theories. They're fucking with you.
-t physicist
Perhaps it was some high-school artsy project.
Report for spamming.
that is the kick, they do it in plain sight and still dont get caught because people are too ignorant to interpret their doings
the clues they leave in culture & media is for the afterworld, their offspring, who will know what to look for and will be in constant awe as to how their ancestors could pull off such a ruse on the world
It's illegal to kill people
after some research there is no evidence of being real, my guess some college group pro hillary sjw staged this to distract us from her moloch worship
Styx already debunked it famalam. Probably is viral marketing.
>it's an art project!
>it's just a prank bro!
Wow those particle physicists sure do have a whacky sense of humor! Such deep art!
Even if nobody actually died, and it was a "mock" ritual, isn't that still completely fucking insane?
There's no logical reason to explain it, coming from a group of people supposedely dedicating their lives to logic.
Dude, you're just angry you're not part of some occult secret society that does sick shit to make you feel like you're one of them -- an aristocrat.
Besides, they're fucking with us, like the physicist said. It's a prank.
Probably. I just did a little reading, building 39 (where it was filmed from if I'm correct) is the hotel at CERN. It's still strange as fuck, but it could just be tourists.
Did and internship at Fermilab and Argonne can confirm.
Who knows. I think they're art school students who asked kindly to shoot a project there.
They don't give a fuck. Taxes from many different nations fund this shit. These people see us as cattle and the "gods" obviously do also.
Fake how?
Fake as in they didn't kill her or fake as in its short in front of a green screen in Hollywood.
Do these people even have to hide it anymore?
They could LITERALLY do human sacrifice at CERN on camera, post it to Youtube, and people would just call it fake and dismiss it as conspiritard bullshit.
That's what's really scary about all this. I don't give a shit if this is real or not, but I'm starting to notice that the government can do whatever the fuck they want, literally get filmed doing it, and get away with it.
fake and gay
What school did you go to?
Blood of my blood
a literal fucking moron that did ZERO research.
The "Collider" seen at the end of the video is pic related which can be found in building 40 which is where the video was shot from.
>low quality
there's a much higher resolution version out there up for download if you go looking for it
Japanese partner is KEK
no shit.
This is extremely important.
They may not be doing crazy shit now, but if they were, nobody would believe it. And if they know this, it's only a matter of time before crazy shit really starts happening.
Good ol meme magic
Make a b horror movie film quality film, actualy sacrifice someone, it was merely a prank
What kind of crazy shit?
holy shit everything this guy said on video is wrong , shill?
also more evidence he was inside of the building.
See the offices in between the massive Collider mural?
Obviously fake. Camera moves away right before the sacrifice.
And then you have 1/3 of the people involved being aggressive when confronted, 1/3 of the people ignoring you all together and 1/3 claiming they where never even there.
But its just a conspiracy theory that never happened and in the case it did happened its all faked.
And then there is the tunnel opening
>Nothing to see here we're just a band of jolly do-nothing scientists. Have a nice day!
atheist are literally blind for everything
And then some retarded idiot puts a soundtrack over it.
it's shivas dance of creation and destruction friend, meant to symbolise destruction and creation, just like how CERN smashes subatomic particles together to find new ones, and as I said tin the last thread:
as someone who knows a thing or two about a proper human sacrifice, this isn't one,
it's fake as hell,
you see you need a circle for one, and those sneakers aint gonna fly, you go barefoot to feel the earth, the whole point is to build energy inside the circle through chanting leading up to the sacrifice, it is so much more than...that.
basically a sacrifice is useless if you did what he did, you'd need a real circle that has wards for protection, sacred geometry, and you'd need some kind of structure or architecture to collect the blood and therefore the energy of the person sacrificed, because believe it or not just killing someone in front of a statue won't offer them to being, you need to corral their very being through sacred shapes and architecture into it's clutches, while guiding it with yourself and others, usually using a zen like trance and rhythmic chanting.
I mean this is all theoretical magic, but what I'm saying is what we're seeing ain't a sacrifice, or at the least, not a good one.
it doesn't resemble a real ritual pagan, satanic, or cabalistic, so it's fake, or super half assed, in which case no worries because they suck
Yeah you didn't prove it's not gay tho so there
the jews are alright in my book
fuck off with this
David? Is that you?
Isn't the actual collider far underground?
That opening ceremony sure is creepy as fuck.
Satan is featured in it too.
hmm how convenient that he moves away after a single snail paced stab to the chest which will absolutley certainly kill a man as we have all seen in call of duty.
it really makes you think huh
there's stills of the red off the knife..
destroyer bump
Maybe Cern is doing it the correct way and the others were faggot pretenders. Maybe Shiva digs sneakers and your ass just didn't know it.
So an institution full of geeks and nerds, D&Ders and LARPers, hear a conspiracy theory about their institution and decide to have some fun with it?
Hopefully it is real. Life would be much more interesting with demons running around amok being mischievous and shit.
firstly no one sacrifices to shiva, it's not a thing, and no, literally hundreds of thousands of years of peer reviewed magic isn't thrown away because of one youtube video, that's extremely stupid.
If they are D&Ders and LARPers it might give them incentive to do the real thing. What nerd would really turn down a world of magic and mysticism?
literally anyone who plays d&d, the demons are the bad guys.
Bullshit! I always make a pact and sell my party out.
Interesting that this document is on the CERN webserver:
>New perspectives on human sacrifice and ritual body treatment in ancient maya society - Tiesler, Vera et al
bruh, you're the problem
>Work at CERN as a scientist.
>Entire life devoted to science and trying to learn more about the universe with people who are similar.
>Decide to buy some Indian religious statue to put near the office to scare normies
>Peer reviewed magic.
Meet us at Stonehenge this Tuesday 22:00 PM GMT.
Just to assure you, there is more like me out there.
The fuck are you talking about?
peer reviewed magic, shit works so it gets used in every. single. culture. think things like sacred geometry, chanting, magic circles. these things work, we know they work because people try them over and over.
That's a secret user
You make so kind of deal with the bullshitting deities?
he's a dick in d&d, he sells out his entire party for power, like hillary
Just like if I had any power in the world I would sell half the world's population for even more power.
well you're projecting pretty fucking hard there bud, and implying that it's easy to do
So at what time does the world end on the 14th? Give me the time zone too so I know exactly when I'm going to be purged.
Kek is Moloch, Shiva, Mithris, Isis, Lucifer and whatnot, you mongs.
They're all "sun gods"
No, I really meant that if I had any power and, yes, implying that it would be easy to do I would do it, or at least contemplate it.
>not knowing about CERN's research into the Xen border world.
totally unrelated but man is the hindu/buddha/whatever-religion so much cooler than abrahamic ones.