What is your biggest regrets of your early 20's, Sup Forums
What is your biggest regrets of your early 20's, Sup Forums
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Fucking up my studies because of a girl, who I never saw and only talked online (but I did know her from high school). Now I feel nothing.
not transition into qt trap earlier.
Post boipucci
Trusting women like a naive beta.
Getting engaged.
not fucking enough tranny hookers and forgetting to vote libertarian
Discovering Sup Forums
Not killing her when I had the chance
That I breath automatically.
>Pair of sisters met at friends house, fun night.
>2 Days later, dick on fire.
>Doc's Office visit, q tip up dick
>What the clap!?!
>Doc Respons, NP user, just take these.
>But Doc, the wife!!! Oh I did before the Flame! /facepalm
>Long ride home, Doc mentioned dirty toilet seats. Ahh genius.
>Wife, Need to talk, i think I sat on dirty toilet.
>Wife, Really? I just got off phone with girl she just found out she and her sister had clap, and you should know, to get checked.
>/double facepalm
>double facepalm
Consider suicide
Not offing myself
Falling for the STEM meme
I'm 22 years old and am having trouble meeting women. I just came back from the clubs and whatnot, saw some cute girls, but that's it. I mean, I would definitely fuck one, but I'm looking for a gf, not a one night stand. My biggest regret is not knowing where to meet women who I can date.
Doing a shit ton of drugs and ruining my brain.
Lose some weight fatso
Taking marketing even though im an anti social wreck. Id join the military ifmi didnt habena recorded history of anxiety and depression. I hate life noe. Everyone of my so called friends are assholes who take advantage of people who are nice to them. I am lost and,feel like i dont have a single passsion. Everyone says do what makes you happy but idk whwt makes me happy. I am Lost
Falling for the stem meme.
Starting my job after graduation too late in the year so I couldn't max out my 401k this year.
I'm not fat.
Breaking up with a really sweet and cute 16 year old Danish Au Pair...
not founding facebook/google/ebaumsworld
Letting fear control my life.
then stop being ugly
Not ugly, either
Being born.
Stop being a faggot and moaning about your past and do something positive you fucking weak cunt.
still being on Sup Forums
Lmao what's wrong buddy
now you're talking bullshit
>not leaving this shithole the THREE times I had the chance
>falling for the university meme
>falling for the religion meme
>wasting time watching anime and browsing Sup Forums
Allowing myself to get to my early 20's
(I'm 21 right now)
i just turned 24 two weeks ago. i've spent the last 11 years of my life on Sup Forums. i go outside maybe 20 days out of the entire year. I have zero friends and havent had an actual friend since junior high school. I haven't had an actual verbal conversation with someone in a long time. The only good part is that i'll be getting about 1.1 million dollars since my grandparents died recently and i'm selling their house. That and at least im not fat
Why are younger and newer generation brits so salty? Is it the weather? You guys never get sunlight so you're always unhappy, and the generations before you are way better at being clever/funny
t. American with brit father and swede mom
I wuz born and shiieeeeet.
fick disch
finding Sup Forums
Keeping dumb secrets from my mother, now she will never hear what I have to say.
Having two kids with a woman who hates me almost as much as I hate her. I have no one to blame but myself, really.
Tfw can never go back. The kids are good, but this isn't the life I wanted.
is she kill
rarely exercising. I'm 25 now I haven't qualified as "physically fit" since middle school.
Now I'm getting fat and not like a muscly fat guy just a fat guy. 6'2" 220lbs but all fat basically.
Other than that I've had a ball, maybe I could've studied something better in college but I have a good job now.
Basically everything for me is okay except women, exercise, and general health.
Discovering the internet
Man your life is so much better than mine.
Taking drugs instead of dealing with my issues. Leading to my current situation as a 22 y/o virgin NEET with no prospects.
It's the worst. No matter what job you pursue, you will ultimately have to try to sell your skills to customers.
What with stemfags in other countries besides USA not being able to find jobs? Every jobless stemfags is usually always outside of USA.
No, Life goes on. Just feels for wife.
Sure, year of punishment, but it was nice n tight when finally let off leash.
Decades later all is still good, shit even better.
Just a stupid time in the 20's
moving away from all my friends i used to live with
Not getting a gf
How do I get a gf
He's just a sperg with anxiety.
not killing myself
I have no regrets even though my life is pretty shitty.
During your life you make choices, if you're now regretting those choices why did you make those in the first place?
falling for the meme degree meme
If you are not passionate about your job, you will suffer your whole life
Failing college
because you couldn't overlook all the of your decision consequences?
welp that was my attempt at a coherent sentence
doing an arts degree
Not having a good work ethic.
Doing drugs and having sex with basically random people. I was a degenerate faggot and pretty far-left/blue pilled. Listened to the wrong people and surrounded myself with communists. Believed it was ideal. Hell my whole mind was honking of idealistic philosophies which are the devil philosophies. Even voted for Obama in 2012 (and I live in Florida so it really mattered) I really regret voting for him don't know what the fuck I was possibly thinking.
Got back on track by rediscovering my faith, started reading a lot of CS Lewis, Seneca, Aristotle, etc. but yeah when I was making poor decisions I was a pretty shitty person, makes me cringe to think back on it though I try not to ever.
The 8 years I spent as a NEET playing WoW. Fuck that game.
Not being a normie
im 24 and getting engaged, share some thoughts bro
Not having a good work ethic. Not pursuing internships.
Drinking. Caring too much for a girl who didn't care whether I got help or not and more so about her own image.
Shot myself in the foot the first time around with college, sucks. Life goes on I guess.
>not religious
>not studying
>watching anime and browsing 'chan
>it's your fault guys fuck everyone
Heavy fentanyl addiction
The last my dad hearing of me before he died was police knocking on the door about prescription fraud
Thinking that I had a part in my Dads death. He drank himself to death while I was getting kicked out of rehab
Wasting years when I could have finished my degree already. I'm only just getting back on track
Wasting them on Sup Forums.
Thinking that she cared about me.
I wasted seven fucking years, dammit. I want it all back.
>8 years
Wew lad, I'm a recovering NEET (about 4 years)
Any advice?
Were there any clues that she didn't care early on?
I don't want to fuck up a long term relationship if I get stuck in delusions.
Fucking up college
Dropped out of prestigious college because fucking vidya
Fucking degenerate scum.
Being born 22 years ago
My genes were too bad to qualify for combat in the army
Me too...
being too old to fight in the race war when it wills start in another decade.
maybe I'll be able to help in a hospital or something.
i'm your age and trust me no girls these days just want to get into the gf/bf phase right away you have to fuck them first. thats the sad truth
Would've made it easier. During the first four years I was trying to angle more time to myself, for christs sake. She couldn't get enough of me.
Then fifth year became awkward, old flames came back into the picture.
Sixth year was quiet and keeping to ourselves mostly, her moving back into her own place.
Seventh, well. "It's just not working," "I don't think I'm ready," "I need to be young again," "I'm doing this to protect you from me," all that shit.
also, not havin the courage to make a move on my best friend
looking back she really was the love of my life
Not joining a frat
Not learning a saving habit instead of a spending one
not getting into a brawl
I've been in fights before but every single one was really lame and ended after one or two punches, no KO's, just pussies
It's a tie between not saving my money for traveling sooner or not fucking enough girls
>Born in your early 20s
RIP your mum
taking the redpill. i lost my friends, my family and my country. there is really no way back.
thread theme:
> biggest regrets of your early 20's
Not killing myself yet.
Still early 20s.
Fuck my life.
23 now. Ive made all mistakes, when I was between 16 and 19. Women fucked me, I gave a fuck about school/job and had no gutts. I repaired all of that in im 20s, because I wanted to change. Feels good man.
>that book
Fuck I hate modern "germans".
Joining the ATF.
>Tfw missed the class on how to flashbang babies
>Tfw I can't even shoot a dog properly.
I honestly don't know what I expected.
>not being able to get into the military
>botching my first year at community college because fooling around with a girl
>said girl was online relationship and underage and her parents hate me
>being a neet
And I'm only 21. Sheesh. But life goes on I guess.
is this real?
I can't even...
like, okay, I get it, you print books to teach them to have sex with women in german and arabic
okay, now you're introducing race mixing propaganda into their german lnaguage classes
but it's in ENGLISH
why are you convincing ENGLISH black men to have sex with german women?
is this part of the german mindset to make it prim and proper and cmplete?
like, what?