Is Asia even a Christian?

I am Asian christian.

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I don't understand your shitty Engrish.


I heard that Christianity gained some popularity in China, since the American lifestyle spilled over.

China is coming around, Idk about Korea or Mongolians. Japan will never be Christian.

Most Koreans are.

Also Chinese are increasingly becoming Christian but nobody knows why

whats it like brining shame to your forefathers by accepting the most cucked religion in the world?

Christianity is the fastest growing in asia i believe.
Probably due to aggressive marketing and wealth. Christians tend to be converted from an upper socio economic class in asia, bot sure why

>nobody knows why
Because Christianity spreads best under persecution.

This isn't true, Christianity isn't advertised anywhere in China, It's actively repressed and Christians are harassed.

Go bomb a mosque, Ahmed.

The most powerful race is Christian.

Just like how you bring shame to yours by following a foreign arab religion instead of a traditional South Asian religion.
Stay cucked Iqbal.

OK. Cool story, bro.

If it isn't it soon will be. China will soon have the highest Christian population, plus anecdotally I've been seeing more and more Christians here (my housing society is about 15% Christian now), they seem to be wealthier and have a higher birth rate than the Hindus

They aren't. 50% of them are non-religious and 25% of them are Buddhists.

Even then it does not matter, they all follow Korean Shamanism in some ways.

Japan could convert to true Christianity aka traditional Catholicdom.


The Orient (for I assume this is what you mean when zou saz Asian) is essentially sects of Tao. Tao is the philosophy that states balance is essential for a healthy body and mind.

Christianty is part of a Philosophy that states there are two counterposed forces of Good and Evil, These two forces are eternally at war and thats whz the people in the West are so stark staring mad and periodically slaughter each other.

Theres a fare siyed Church in Beijing. it was at teh end of the road that my hotel was on.

>I am Asian christian.
race traitor. worshiping your ancestors and following the teachings of ancient sages are enough

◆Korean missionary ... "The Kim Jong-un was aimed at the assassination"

Looks like RSS needs to start burning churches.

who the fuck is that vacant looking bimbo who is wandering around like shes lost. Does some cunt give her a big fucking sword. what for

To be fair, most Buddhists in Asia are like Catholics in Europe; completely non-practising and doctrine illiterate.

>Christianty is part of a Philosophy that states there are two counterposed forces of Good and Evil
One has to add that was an element of Zoroastrianism, adapted later into it.
The God of Judaism (= early Christianity) was a rather destructive, vengeful being that knew no moral restricts.

Fuck chirstianity it is stupid just like jowdissem ore Islam ....what the fucking fuck is ....and I am really asking what the fuck is reasonable about it fuck Korea in a particular.

>be touted as Mexinigger of Asia
>get called by Trump an Islamic terror land

So that makes France, Germany and Sweden Islamic territories as well?

whats the point; you dont have a soul anyway?

Dualism is pretty universal, Zoroastrianism didn't invent it.

Korean Catholics are allowed by the Church to follow their ancestral rites tho

When and if the West falls, God's people will remain, until the end of time.

>added into it
I love hearing from armchair LARPagan historians. They always amuse.

As far as I know in Japan if you are a Christian, you are probably the 1% and jew-tier.

Your religion is so cucked that even fucking India kicked you out.

The Crusaders' massacre in Jerusalem created a dramatic change in the composition of the population. Muslims and Jews were murdered or deported and banned from the city.

>yfw pope could launch ww3 with around 500 million soldiers

what is a soul you benefits scrounger?

>tfw no Catholic Empire of Japan

Praise you, brother.

suck a fucking dick American scum. You're through the fucking looking glass in that jam rag of a country. Someone wants to exercise a little knowledge and instead of maybe engaging him with your knowledge you try to fucking belittle him. I so want to fucking stab you.

Related, posted this week

Ignorance is not knowledge, friend. Simmer down.

are you a member of the Unification Church ??

I'm not your fucking friend you twisted product of a profane society and TV advertisements.

The Greatest country in the world and American exceptionalism my leaking arse. You're a fucking pariah and the source of EVERYTHING bad, a destructive power like nothing that been known but he worst of it is that you think your GOOD!!!!

You need to be PUT DOWN.

Many daimyos converted to Christianity in order to gain more favorable access to saltpeter, used to make gunpowder. Between 1553 and 1620, eighty-six daimyos were officially baptized, and many more were sympathetic to the Christians.

I'm curious, what do you call yourself? Surely not Christian, seeing as you would defend someone promoting falsehoods about God and attack me for my place of birth.

fuck off

America is the Greatest hypocrit to have existed since the Anglo Saxon dogs

Father Petitjean discovered that the hidden Catholics of Japan pulled off one of the greatest feats in salvation history. Enduring 250 years of a campaign of annihilation, with no clergy, the Japanese managed to pass down the Faith through a dozen generations in total isolation. The Roman rite of baptism, along with the liturgical calendar, was kept intact. When the ban on Catholicism was lifted in 1867, more than 30,000 Catholics emerged from hiding. Today there are half a million Catholics in Japan.

We live in very dark times, and the future does not bode well. But the martyrs and hidden Catholics of Japan show us that even when we are outnumbered, surrounded and hunted like animals, with our spiritual fathers ripped away, the Faith can endure.

One must recall Christ's promise:

Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. (Matthew 5:11–12)

Literally impossible to kill Catholicdom, you can try from the inside, from the ouside, from around, the true faith will survive.

Every Korean is a fucking Christian for some reason. I don't know how it got so big in your shitty country.

>The Moors tried
>they failed
>The Soviets tried
>they failed
>The Protestants tried
>they failed
>The Liberals tried
>they failed
>The Romans tried
>they failed
>The Turks tried
>they failed
2,000 years and counting, unbeaten.

Asia did have Christianity, they were called Nestorians. Then you lot came along and fucking killed them all.

Lots of Asians are Christian but they literally have no fucking idea anything about Christianity.

I've talked to multiple Korean girls at work who all thought Christianity and Catholicism were two completely different religions. They didn't even realize there were different sects of Christianity, they just thought there's "Christianity" and that's it.

She was right, Protestantism is a different religion.

anyone else find it weird to see christian east asians? seems unnatural for some reason

That's besides the point. She didn't know about "Protestantism" or eastern orthodoxy or any of that shit. She didn't know any of these things fall under the umbrella of "Christianity"

She knew there was Christianity, and that's it.

I'm pretty sure that's just how it is in Korea. They don't have Orthodox churches, or Methodist churches, or Baptist churches or whatever. There's only just "Christian" churches, and there's also a few "Catholic" churches and that's it.

>there's "Christianity" and that's it
That's true. Catholic supremacism is grating. I prayed with a Catholic bro once and it was nice. Dunno why they have to always act so high and mighty on the internet.

nah, catholicism and protestantism are just different sects of christianity, they arent separate religions

Calling the true order "supremacy" is grating.

Just like Islam is a different sect of Christianity?

Now you've gone full retard, user.

>Implying the differences are that vast.

Protestantism and Catholicism worship the same (classic) saints, the same apostles, the same god, the same prophet. They follow most of the same original tenets, have the same holy book.

They're different sects, not different religions.

The main difference is that catholics believe in salvation through the church and the sacraments (aka being in communion with the church), and protestants believe in a personal salvation experience (aka asking Jesus to be your Savior)

Everything else is just different tradition and church government/leadership.

Majority if east india is christian

>land was colonized by Christians
>had to learn language of the invaders

Lmaoing at this cuck


What better way to hold egrigous power than to stand inbetween man and his creator.

Hey just tell us everything you did bad mmkay we will help you. don't worry you can trust us we are the good guys.

>implying Japan wasn't the most Christian before 2 bombs

To be fair it made sense before when mostly everyone was unwashed dirty mud farmers and slaves.

Like, it made perfect sense back then to say "without our church you're gonna go to hell" because nobody knew how to read or write so how the fuck were you going to learn anything about Jesus or the Bible. Left to their own devices people would've decided sucking their own dick is the only way to achieve true salvation.

Nagasaki was actually Christian mecca in japan. And then something happened to that city as you all know.

left to their own devices people come up with different interpretations.

lol good luck when shtf. Christians are weak sheep.

Why is Korean Jesus so ripped?

The Tokugawa Shogunate, Emperor Taiho, China's anti harassment laws, and Korean xenophobia

Make certain that bullshit won't spread to over half the world's population.

The Christians were burning down Buddhist and Shinto temples. They were the only intolerant religion at the time. They gave guns fools and let them run about.

All in your countrys they're trying to conform

It's only 20% there but they say really cool things like, Jesus was Korean. That 20% is highest.

Thank goodness.

The lies about false heaven can not reach the Sons Of True Heaven.

Keep Eurabia out of East Asia

> pic related

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo

All doing better than Washington DC and Detroit.

Specifically because they're not Christian. Only logical correlation. Nothing to do with Toyota.

Of course you are, since that's how Jews told you to be when you aren't best Korea.

>mfw America, Asia and Russia will team up to remove kebab
>mfw we will liberate Europe from muslim occupation
>mfw I will probably get to remove kebab personally
>mfw all my built up anger against muslims will one day finally be let loose
>mfw I'll fight alongside german resistance fighters
>mfw I'll be part of a defacto crusader army
>mfw the kingdom of christ expands

>korean xenophobia makes that """""bullshit"""""" doesn't spread there
Korea is about 70% christian
>china's anti harassment laws
China has about 200 million christians now and will soon be the nation with the most christians

>german resistance
They're too cucked for that

They're already running away from Germany instead of fighting

You can't trust Protestants to fight tbqh

You should be a Buddhist or Confucian. Stop cucking yourself with Middle Eastern desert superstitions.

Wrong. Protestant sects are no closer to true christianity than satanism is.

heresy is a heresy no matter how you try to sugercoat it

are they okay now?

Heard that Japan is 0.5 percent Christian so I don't think so

Buddhism is complete shit, that's why it didn't last very long here. Only the most degenerate races, like Abos and Slavs, should embrace that shitstain of a religion; it goes well with their pea brains. Confucianism is alright though.

Sorry Abdul, East Asians are way too intelligent for your barbaric, desert religion.

christians in japan are like jews elsewhere
I mean out of 58 japanese PMs, 8 were christians.

That is some serious overrepresentation. At times they even infiltrated the imperial house.

I wonder if 2chan's Sup Forums has threads about the christian conspiracy to control everything kek

>he doesn't know Vietnamese Jesus

Kek. Buddhism is literally the best religion. It's a shame your people were too retarded to fully understand that, but then again what can you expect.
Your 'religion' is really just a pagan shit-cult. Quiet yourself, inferior shitskin manlet. Also you Poo in looo!!!!

Because inside every gook, is an American, trying to get out.
Also this.

That guy is a total Chad

You are fucking retarded, Christianity is a fucking dead religion Jews and other totalitarian governments and institutions use to control the masses. Fueling their head with feel good emotionally impulsive decisions rather than logical and empirical decisions and thought. Aside from maybe Christian Identity, Christianity is a dead, damned, and disgraceful abominable religion.

I was thinking about this the other day.

Christendom is the 1st World.
All pagans and heretics have been scorned.
Don't cut yourself on that edge, Dylan. Next time you see a Catholic, thank him for establishing Christian America, and thank hid ancestors for removing Sharia Law from Europe.

>muh Buddhism is da best!! your jus so dumb :(
Sure you're right, Svyatopolk

>pagan shit
Like that's supposed to be a bad thing. But yeah, forget the splendid pagan world of old because of the better civilizations that were crafted by greats like Buddha and Muhammad and their well known followers.

Also we gotta give credit for that innovative nihilistic spiritualism that totally didn't also exist within Hinduism as a path for spiritual inferiors

Buddhism is the best thing India has produced... that's why it couldn't last in the land of the poo and designated streets... it was too good for you, being born in the Northern Aryan Indian part, so the superior East Asian races took it from you : the Chinese, the Japanese, the Koreans.

Look where they are now, and look where YOU are now with your pagan superstitions! You're shitting in the streets while the Chinese are going to go to Mars soon.

>that's why it couldn't last
It didn't last because it was slowly overcome by a more virile pagan culture. Unfortunately this lead to 'New Hinduism', the shit that most Indians follow today. That's why Buddhism was so cancerous, even after it was abandoned it left little presents that seeped into common thought like some kind of slithering snake. India can only truly advance once we totally clense ourselves of these little presents

>being born in the Northern Aryan Indian part
Who cares? It lasted longest in the South anyway. The East Asian races never fully became Buddist either, almost no one follows it right now, even nominally, thank God

I said asia, not (just) china

Poo in the loo.


Philippines are bretty christian

>Christianty is part of a Philosophy that states there are two counterposed forces of Good and Evil, These two forces are eternally at war and thats whz the people in the West are so stark staring mad and periodically slaughter each other.

kek you're a subhuman retard. People slaughter each other because we're aspecies of territorial predator. The scale of the slaughter depends on population density. Look at the casualties in mongol invasion of China, chinese civil wars, taiping rebellion or sino-japanese wars.


>keks cucks*
>trush trust*