++++++++Transgender-Mental illness++++++++++

How can anybody say trans ppl are not mentaly ill ?
Just look at this "transgender teen". It's loud, nasty, shows incomprehansable beaviour and it even has admitted that he is on antipsycotics

Just watch the video and judge by yourself



this one is actually passable so as long as it doesn't go flaunting the fact that it transitioned irl I have no problem, just another annoying person

Have you watched the video.....I couldn't be near that for longer than 5 min....I mean it literally hurts to hear his annoying voice


>loud, nasty, shows incomprehansable beaviour

Sounds like he's passing as a woman pretty well

final bump

do you srsly would call that thing a woman ?

there is nothing wrong with being trans

well put me in a concentration camp and gas me, I would hit that

If you couldn't tell by the face alone

Already has his future porn name lel

It would be nice, if we could break his litle safe space

C'mon guys


It's a fetish. For some reason, the media has politicized it. I have a scat fetish but I don't get any attention for eating shit out of public toilets or smearing it on my body. Why the fuck am I villainized while trannies are praised? Everyone with a weird fetish should be villainized.

maybe years ago...I didn't see any raids from Sup Forums in recent times

If you hate trans women don't watch her videos. Just because her being who she is hurts your feefees doesn't mean other people will coddle you and help bully. Gtfo.

I have a feeling that real women are going to start pretending to be trannys for tips.

Thank for correcting my record

I would totally fuck this girl in the butt.



>Sup Forums wants to outlaw this

Those hands...
Once the man is seen it can't be unseen

she is not transgender...you just implemented the text


Your time will come maybe? Tranny is a few steps away from that. Tranny have been pushed in Hollywood for decades. The glorification and proliferation of the tranny is a huge milestone for (((them))).. Dont rain on their parade of subversion!!!

Looks like a girl from behind. Has a soft, feminized ass due to hormones

That's all I need. Well that and some anal lube

>watching videos of trannies where they never show their dicks
what is wrong with you?

That voice...

Of COURSE boys didn't want to dress up as her, that would make them trannies. Egotistical fucking bitch.


I bet you also thing that this is a real girl too

Blood of my blood, that is one good looking trap


Acting like the rise of trans rights is a conspiracy is retarded. Trans people have been the butt of the joke in hollywood for the past 50 years, it was never to "glorify" trans people, just hitting them around for cheap laughs. Because recently trans people have fought for their rights and acceptance that we're where we are today, and we still have a long way to go before trans people are accepted. Fuck off with your schizo bullshit. But everyone who disagrees with you is a shill so you don't have to listen.

do your best Sup Forums

then provide proof


My friend who is mtf admits he's mentally ill. For some reason medically psychologist's think that the treatment for their mental illness is to give in to it and start taking the wrong hormones which make you permanently sterile.

Seems pretty fucking retarded to me.

let's hope so. We need to attack their safe spaces

>that voice
is it even trying to pass?

>My friend
end the friendship or you are enabling that behaviour

i cant wait till sharia is here, i wont have to tolerate this anymore

my fucking dick





Why not ?

Clinical psychologists realize trannies are mentally ill. Problem is that psychology is a meme degree so instead of helping trannies, they push them over to surgeons in exchange for a pay check.

you'll have transgender muslims kek

He's a teenager and he's on estrogen. He's a fucking mess.
Exogenous estrogen is carcinogenic. He'll be lucky to live to 50.

>incomprehansable beaviour

It's cultural Marxism 101 it's not a conspiracy. It's not the transsexual that is the issue, it is the mainstream acceptance and encouragement of transsexuals. So you have little boys and girls undergoing hormone therapy to change sexes before they are aware of the consequences and life long impact. You have a movement for rights for a astronomically small group of people that should receive mental help not acknowledgement and validation of their choice to behave as something they are not. It tears down cultural norms and tradition, ultimately making us more confused and vulnerable as a culture. It's not the tranny it's the idea that tranny are oppressed and deserve special treatment in their favor. Just do it behind closed doors or in public but don't expect us to give you rights.

Hrt is the only treatment that actually works.

Trannies are all over Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran and pretty much every other muslim country.

Any proof on your statement ?

Just because you assumed someone is mentally ill withoul even having degree as psychiatrist/neurologist
Just because you judged by watching one single person on internet.

The destruction of gender norms and the traditional family structure is the end goal. Destroy the family structure through degeneracy and you destroy a nation.

The successful treatment of a gender dysphoric patient with pimozide.
Puri BK, et al. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1996.


OBJECTIVE: The case is reported of a gender dysphoric patient who responded successfully to pharmacotherapy with pimozide.

CLINICAL PICTURE: An adult male patient with a borderline learning disability presented with cross-dressing and a strong wish to undergo a sex change.

TREATMENT: Supportive psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with pimozide was tried.

OUTCOME: There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. When, after 1 year, the dose was reduced to 1 mg daily, there was a rapid return of the cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment. An increase in the dose again led to a remission which has been maintained since then.

CONCLUSION: Pharmacotherapy with pimozide should be considered in cases of doubtful gender dysphoria.

I learned a lot from this video, but only after I put aside my awful prejudices and intolerance that is inherent being a straight white male. Shame on us! All of us!

Then why do post-op trannies have a higher suicide rate than pre-ops? Even trannies that pass as the opposite sex kill themselves in greater numbers than ones who don't.

Yeah but how does killing trannies (which happens frequently) help stop this cancerous spread in any way?

You're showing what littlw knowlege you have on this subject. No kid that's able to get on hormones doesn't know the consiquences, it's extrmley hard to transition if you're under 18. When you have gender dysphoria you know it and what you want. This "kids not knowing what they're doing" is just a meme. And trans people do have to go to therapy before they can get on hormones, transition is medical treatment. People have tried curing gender dysphoria for 1000's of years, but there is no cure. Transition is the only way to help trans people be comfortable in their bodies, and wanting to stop that because it makes you feel uncomfortable is asinine and is letting your feelings decide instead of facts.

You don't have any friends do you?

I feel like also psychologist's have swallowed the trans acceptance movement and are just yes-men at this point.

Is it really? Why would destroying your body and inevitably regretting it be "actually working"? And compared to what other solutions?

Dont get too depressed swede user, we will restore order and bring this madness to an end soon. I believe in you guys.

>denying reality and pretending you're a different gender than you actually are

Pretty certain that's mental illness.

I actually met my first transgender ever tonight

> See transitioning MtF blonde standing in the corner.
> Being a normie fag, go up and talk
> Says their name is Jenny
> Seems to be relieved that someone is willing to talk to them
> Continuously mentions how hard it was to be trans in a small town
> Jenny felt self-conscious running into people from Jenny's church
> Jenny felt awkward seeing guys from the sports team while wearing a dress
> Jenny felt so much more relieved when they moved into the big city nearby
> mfw Jenny will never look completely feminine
> mfw Jenny will be ostracized at every job Jenny ever has
> mfw Jenny will probably kill themselves in a couple years
> mfw Jenny is a broken, broken man.

I didn't ask for these feels Sup Forums.


Nice meme. Pimozide will cure gender dysphoria just as much as a vaccine will give a kid autism.

Because being trans is still shit. Trans people still have a higher rate of suicide than cis people, but transitioning does lessen feelings of dysphoria and make people happier. There are still other external factors that push them to suicide.

I believe that trannies are all basically mentally ill or at the very minimum brainwashed by the SJW left. However, I still don't think we should do anything about it. I still want to fuck them

Are you trans ?

dude... all day. I've been playing vid games. I think to myself I'm gonna go online and jerk off--I been letting this nut build up all day...

And then go to Sup Forums just for a minute... and I see this picture.

You fucking faggot. You just fucking nigger faggot

Jokes on you
You're the one with flailing broken body that will breakdown at the age of 30

I want to say that Jenny brought this on himself. But with the way the laws are nowadays and the intense stigma against any form of therapy or medication or prayer a legitimate mentally ill tranny really only has two options

>1: don't transition and become ostracized by LGBT ect. Community, kill self

>2: transition, become ostracized (to the extent the law allows) by normal society, kill self a few years later than option 1

That's the really sick thing about these laws and the general narrative surrounding them. The people most hurt by them in the long run is the people who need serious mental help

>Because recently trans people have fought for their rights and acceptance that we're where we are today,

You don't have the right to not be made fun of. Nor do you have the right to acceptance.

Is everyone who is made fun of going to start a political group and then make it illegal to make fun of them? Then nobody will be made fun of?

He's playing a stereotype, no woman acts like this, he's adopted a role. Like any actor, he's attention hungry.

I wonder what the actual psychology behind these kinds of gay guys are? Are they compensating for the lack of masculine traits they were born with by adopting a façade to hide it? Probably just a fetish.

Crazy always fick the best
I have over 30 tranny fuck count, nothing beats your pulsating cock in tight boi pussy

>provide accurate scientific study
>hurr durrr nice meme

Fuck off, HIV Charlie

Here in America we used to throw people in mental institutions just because they were homo in the 20s and 30s

Granted I'll say some gays are tolerable as people

But trannies,sjws,etc
Throw em in

Histrionic personality disorder is four times as common in women as in men

These are men with that disorder, who characterize women as having that disorder, so they exaggerate their already obnoxious behavior because they think it makes them more feminine

Also they have more testosterone which makes them more aggressive in the ways they demanding attention

>don't transition and become ostracized by LGBT ect. Community, kill self

Sounds like the LGBT "community" is the real cancer here.

Most trannies were abused sexually or otherwise when they were children.

Were any of them passable?


Wtf...This thread has 46 posters, but the video isn't rading by anyone....I just wanted to destroy his safe space and confron him with the real world, that he is an abomination :(

Reminder: this is a slide thread, sage when you post.

Do it yourself, then, faggot. NYPA.


Grow up.

>Implying one person has the whole power of Sup Forums

>if I cover myself in 20 pounds of makeup and position my camera to certain angles while using multiple filters I can hopefully get fat chronic masturbating porn addicts to jerk off to me
How to achieve womanhood in the mind if a tranny.

Sup Forums isn't your safe space ahmed fuck off and kys


How long were you on HRT ?

All Jenny's are mentally ill either trans or female. Stay the fuck away from Jenny's.
Love of my life Jenny drug addicted multiple personality disorder.
Aunt Jenny same shit different pile
Pro tip, watch Forrest Gump
Stay the fuck away from Jennys

wtf I love LGBT now

After saying that, do you understand why you're not getting anyone to help you out? Or is the irony lost on you?