I have decided to finally read Mein Kampf. Unfortunately, I do not speak German...

I have decided to finally read Mein Kampf. Unfortunately, I do not speak German. Which English translation should I read?

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>I do not speak German

You're American, you barely speak English :^)

We are ranked between 25 and 28 in math. I wouldn't be surprised if we are in a similar spot regarding our language skills.

Du musst Deutsch lernst

Tl:Dr version, zeeee joooos did it, Aryans dindu nuffin

>german "humor"

Shoo shoo filthy jew

I'm partial to the Jane's Murphy translation. It's the "official Nazi version". He was hired by the Nazis to translate it, and it was copies of his translation that stocked libraries in German POW camps.

Pic related

It was a decent read, way more tame on the racial front that it's cracked up to be. I read worse stuff on pol. His critique of public school is on point

That should be James Murphy. Not Jane.

From an era of totalitarianism and expansionism in the name of the germanic nation to an era of willfully self cucking by brownskinned sandniggers and black afrikans.

my my my how irony unfolds.

Its been 70 years, quit being salty.

The brave ones died. Almost only cucks passed on their genes. Sad, really.

From a region under German control to an economic slave of Germany.

my my my how the times haven't changed


>The eternally butthurt pole

The one by Karl Marx, it's usually under the translated title 'Capital, Vol. I'

>slave of gtermany

youre a fucking idiot

much like most of your "countrymen"
, bob

YouTube audio book.

>le angry Slavshit

"gaise i'm reading mein kampf what translation should i read?"
"how about da official nazi translation?????????? approved by the fuhrer himself"

How can such concentrated autism be contained in one thread?

There is an official English version for Anglo POWs and a Jewish translation.

Back to Mexico

ficki ficki ficki

dont pull no jewish tricky


>that pic
Everyone here hates the Bush family. You do know that?

>all these butthurt people
OP just wants to know which translation.
Go with the Stalag edition, it's officially translated by the Nazis.

below average, like in every category, according to PISa studies

>Stalag edition
Is that the same as the James Murphy translation or a different one?

It worked at the time.

A different one, yes.
It was translated by an unknown Nazi member for, as another user said, Anglo POWs.

Germans can be funny sometimes


Drop this meme, you know it's not true.

Are there any notable differences between the Murphy and Stalag editions?

No, it didn't. It got our citizens killed and destroyed our economy.

thanks to WW2 you faggots pulled out from the 20ies recession and managed to pull the wool that it's some sort of a "nation"up till today.

but like all lies, they eventually die and fade away, and the truth surfaces.

But hey, at least it got rid of the evil anti-semite dictator, Saddam Hussein. Just think, if he were still around, his regime might be organizing terrorist attacks against the west!

Nigger the ploy to get you into Iraq worked. What happened after failed.

Never read Mein Kampf until now, just starting on the Stalag edition, so I don't know about that.

Sorry but this seems better than starting a new thread.

Is reading Mein Kampf the best way to find out what the hell national socialists actually believe, or is there some other thing I should read instead?

I don't think I want to convert at this time. But in many ways they seem to superficially have a lot of ideas in common with things I believe, which is jarring and I want to understand that.

Ignore this Jew or Turk. Not all in Germany are Germany.

Who do you hate more German "Nazis" or Soviets?

It's his autobiography. Vol. 2 is what deals more with Nazi ideology. Vol. 1 is his birth and life.

How do you know the Allies or Jews did not in some way alter it for what ever reason?

both were comprised of dirty poor white murderous savages who were hell bent on global conquest

You sound like a fucking kike. Go read your Mishnah and suck nigger cock kike boy.

i'd rather have Bush come back for another 4 years than either Trump or Hilldog

Being polish and calling poeple dirty and poor. The irony.

Kek. How are the grand children Mehmet?

Yeah. I'm sure you do.

Hello Shlomo.

All of yurope is poor and dirty, its a consequence of wasting all your resources on endless imperialism.

Im just sorry yuropean trash colonialism somewhat created ämerica. A continent whos indigenous people were murdered off and driven into extinction and who's land and resources were stollen

and used for endless imperialism to the point yous are poor and dirty as well.

fuck off and get killed by an Arab

filthy ""american"" pirate

>All of yurope is poor and dirty
No, just your country, Romania and Bulgaria.
Too bad you didn't learn to be a plumber or you could work in the West.

Tell me about it.

>How are the grand children Mehmet?

How are yours? :^)

Like it fucking matters you edgelord just download it ez why do you have to announce to everyone that you're going to read it? kys

I got relatives that work in the west

they steal your cars and break into your homes then send the loot east which go to Romania, Bulgaria and Poland

we like to call it reparations

ackchyuahully, when you're using an auxiliary verb, the other verb stays in infinitive

All of Europe isn't dirty. Only the nations inhabited by Slavshit untermenschen. Real Aryans were able to harness that land two millennia ago.

>I got relatives that work in the west

Thank you for your service :^)

Don't you have some faggot that should be taking a shit on your chest right now?

>Only the nations inhabited by Slavshit untermenschen

Italy and Spain are dirty too, as is Greece.

Jew fucking scum.

>Don't you have some faggot that should be taking a shit on your chest right now?

That's for Sundays :^)

I'm not announcing to the world I'm asking a forum dedicated to political discussion. Not sure how that is being an edgelord. Also, if you actually think translation doesn't matter you are uninformed.

P.S. How are the rape protection bracelets working out?

They were good under Mussolini and Franco. They weren't filled with degenerate, liberal scum.

The mongrel nations are usually more poor because they are not industrious, because they're stupid primitive and backwards.


this thread is virtue signaling at its worst
>hey guys! look, Im reading mein kampf!! Im one of you guys, right? You are my friends, yes?

unironically reading a book that a failed austrian post-card painter wrote in prison is... well, actually I dont have a word strong enough to convey the full force of my disgust, but it certainly isnt what I would call "bright".
there you have it



you're not asking anything.
as if anyone here who speaks german and english has done a comparison of different translation.

seriously, fucking kill yourself

Germany is filled with liberal scum and it's mostly clean except for areas with a high migrant rate.

The ability of the forum to answer my question does not change the fact that it is a question.

How does it feel that jews literally occupy your whole failed empire and you have to work 40+ hours a weak to get it all taxed the fuck out of, and that's still not mentioning the various goy tithes like insurances and other lobbyist stuff.
But Dont Israel doesnt appreciate this gesture.

Mozel Tov :^)

Hahaha, I don't work you Jewish pleb fuck slut, btw you're not intelligent, most if not all Jewish inventions were revealed from Satanic occult spirit channel, Jews invented fucking nothing. Also I'm a psychonaut master, so go suck your heimy mom's fat black fucking cock you disgusting demonic Jewish degenerate.

Ok but how do REALLY feel about Jews? :^)

Go get the candy. :)

>it is a question.
no, it is an announcement. an announcement to your internet friends (the only friends you have) that you are about to read LE MANIFESTO of LE FÜHRER.

why dont you read robbispierre, or kant, or schopenhauer, I think he was also antisemitic, in fact, reading harry potter would be a better use of your time.

Mein Kampf is shit. it's shit, shit. literaly. shit.
it's the incoherent ramblings of a whiny fucktard who blames LE JOOS for all his failings

I don't see how there could be any ambiguity translating german to english. they're almost mutually intelligible just from shared vocabulary.

Why is Dolph Lundgren threatening Denny DeVito?


Dunno, I don't keep up with Hollyweird Jew garbage nonsense.


Shitskins drag averages down, as you will soon learn Hans ;)

I wouldn't call Sup Forums my friends I am rarely here. Robespierre was a power hungry hypocrite. I have read some of Kant's work and he is probably my favorite philosopher. Schopenhauer was a dude who's entire philosophy is about getting off on not having shit. Mein Kampf is not incoherent (I finished the first chapter) and Hitler has so far said very little about the Jews.


Go here, go to the Individual Books folder, find it there. The only English version without any censorship.

Have fun!

You're a fucking idiot if you think most versions of the book aren't censored and edited to all hell. Call to prayer soon, cattle.

>Not using torrents

the fug man.

With that being said, I'd rather personally own the most glorious and gracious book that is Hitler's Mein Kampf.
