Tfw to intelligent for reddit

>tfw to intelligent for reddit




>Punchable face
>Stick it in a hijab target
Holy fuck I'm triggered

Reddit is probably the worst place on the entire internet. Its very format promotes the most inoffensive, substanceless material to rise up, and encourages gradual brainwashing by groupthink. It silences dissent, and allows an extra layer of control to any fuckhead who gets a hold of a moderator spot without any legitimate checks on their power and what they do with it.

Reddit is fucking disgusting.

What's that fucking star?



I can't tell if this is bait or not


>tfw to intelligent for reddit
>to intelligent


That shows his gold karma

Why does OP get a fucking star beside his ID. I want answers dammit.


should be red star


hallo reddit

enjoy your stay but make sure to gtfo in time

Guys, he just used a ⭐ as the post title. It shows up on my screen as a normal, green text star. He's not special in the way you're all thinking.

What is this sorcery?

> to

. . ‼‼‼

when mummy and daddy love each other very much..

wew lad

Rly maekin me think

Holy fuck I'm a retard...thanks.

Go back to hell with your Jewry!

>tfw just too fucking old to post on either leddit or even this site and relate with the content/users

all you little twerps don't know shit about shit

Wow so epic

>twf to intelligent for /pol


makes me ◀⏪⏩▶⏫⏬

>I am sodium metal and water, and there is no problem

>>to intelligent
>that feel when you see this on pol and you have to wait for 10 posts before you see some one actually noticing it
feel like pol's actually dumb and what the media tells me it's real

You got a goldstar tho :3 I'm proud

Well this thread is gay.


>Fugue :DDD

>tfw my intellect is so great that my mind bends the fabric of space time

Apparently not intelligent enough to instinctively proofread before posting
kys OP

How you make star?
This question you must answer.

plz post.
in my thrrad.
