Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!

Konichiwa user-kun, I'm here to worship your howaito penisu!

*unzips dick*

RandomYoko owns. It's obvious she is fishing for white american male.

Why are rice niggers obsessed with Trump

Convert to Catholicism.

I'd smash that rice paddy to be honest senpai

i've made it to the other side





Whenever a white american starts talking about nukes they either get submissive or defensive.

She already has a white boyfriend though, hence why she speaks english. Hell thats probably the one responsible for redpilling her.

It was in the fireworks video.


Ching Chongs love the wall user.

I remember that one video where she got a shitload of stuff with a huge collective dollar value from somebody in America that she's probably never even met in person.

I wonder how many times per day he masturbates to her?

i always bring up 731 whenever a jap brings up nukes

>I wonder how many times per day he masturbates to her?

Well probably 3 just like everyone else asshole. geez.


thanks you gave ae a chuckle

>those crazy eyes

Does anyone have sauce of that Asian theory about people's eyes being an indicator of their psych?

same. sauce on Asian eyes psych

Closest I've got to what you're looking for.



I feel like that's the only training I need to be shipped out to Korea in the 1950s.

Why do roof top Koreans open fire on thugs?

They do love the wall, they came in legally.

Get all As in class get denied from top tier college cuz fuck you Asian you supposed to have shit background to get into college.