How safe is Russia?

How safe is Russia?

As an America, whatever middle class area I go to, I feel safe.

Does the mafia still control everything?

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>as an America

You will never feel safe in Russia, America-bro. Even if you are perfectly, 100% safe.

About as safe as a country of dimwitted, inferior, mongoloid subhumans can be.

Yeah, it's terrible, do not visit. You will get kidnapped and forced to act in cheap gomosex porn films, get aids and end up being hooked on krokodil that you will inevitably take to forget your life.

something like this

>As an America, whatever middle class area I go to, I feel safe.

You must not get out much.

Unless you live in buttfuck nowhere, American cities are sketchy all over the place.

you need to have bear maze with you ALL THE TIME

Some Finnish celebrities/businessmen who live in Russia told in recent interview that they do not even know the Russian emergency number let alone ever call the cops.

This guy said that if he has some problems/burglars/anything he calls to some local Moscow Judo-center and they send like 20 guys for dealing with any "security issues", yeah, sounds like a Mafia state to me


I wasn't accusing the local Judo center for being mafia

It just sounds a bit funny to you call some local lynching mob for your aid rather than the police

Damn right.

So every large city you go to, you feel unsafe? Few large cities in the USA are middle-class suburbias...

>is it safe?
Yes. If you travel just use common sense and be weary like you would anywhere. You dont want to get swindled by some taxi driver or a shady guy selling fake tickets. If you're in the outskirts of a big town like Moscow you might want to be careful. Otherwise it's fine.
>does mafia still control everything?
Not sure what you mean. No it doesnt. Besides I think they have important shit to worry about like high level corruption and sophisticated economic crimes to worry about you.

they all look like Chechen sandniggers

Yeah I guess so. But I think a normal person that has nothing to hide would just call the police. Unless you dont want to settle things the easy way, or you're in some very serious doodoo with some unsavoury individuals.

>2AM, going back to your home after a lengthy vodka party with your new friend, Sashka Ogneslav
>it's cold and dark
>going through the dimly illuminated streets, your fat reserves barely keep you warm
>depressing commie blocks looms around you
>take a turn into courtyard, your home is close
>suddenly see 10 of these guys
>they all look at you

What will amerifat do?

I went to saint petersburg and it was pretty nice.

It was really fucking cold though.

Also there is a TV show of nothing but dashcams.

Ask if i can get into their penguin huddle, as I am probably suffering from hypothermia

This sounds better than this bullshit in California. The police department in my town, including the two neighboring ones, are privately-owned. They're fucking useless and take forever just to go down the block. I'd rather have wise guys smack a fucker around to teach him/her a lesson not to cause trouble.

>Local farmer on the edge of town is being robbed and witnessing the guy breaking into his barn
>Calls police
>"Sorry. We have no units to send."
>Hangs up
>Calls again within a couple minutes
>"Hey, no need to send anyone down here. I handled the problem. I shot him."
>Within a minute his property is full of squad cars
>He never shot the guy
>"Hey, officer. I thought you had nobody to send down to me?"

This is why I wish I had some kind of mafia to back me up, much like a union for a job.

>How safe is Russia?
This guy hitchhiked from Poland, Ukraine, Moscow to far east of Russia AND BACK with less than 50% and no food. Took him two months of adventure. Oh, and he recorded everything.
Russia is pretty safe.